Friday, February 14, 2020

'Mr. Kelly, Shut Up Already'!

'Yeahhhh.. Mr. Kelly, or whoever you are, you better keep that really big tattle-tail mouth of yours really shut! Blah, blah, blah, and blah! Is that all you can do is go around spouting the truth all the time. Don't you have a job to go to? 'Someone', I don't remember with my very huge brain, who it was, but they told me that this Kelly guy used to work at my castle in some minor capacity. Really? I never even met this guy! I would never on purpose even 'talk' to someone this! He must have a tiny little brain! He worked here?? Really? Must have been a floor sweeper. Who the hell was dumb enough to hire an incompetent's like him in the first place? How stupid 'are' people around here!? Just wait until I find out who hired him! Probably that illegal alien Obama! Heads will roll! Vengeance is mine! Maybe a good old fashion 'Military Tribunal' will make him 'disappear'. I can do that. I have every right as 'Commander-In-King' to do that. We'll see if a nice 'threat' works first. We'll see, we'll see. Boy, being 'King' of America is lots of fun! Thanks Republican party!
Anyway, that guy better shut the hell up, and stop talking bad about me, and, you 'know', making me look like a pos! After all, that's 'my' job!'

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