Saturday, February 29, 2020

Just Another "Hoax", Says The King of Hoaxes

The Coronavirus. I mean, what's that!? Come on folks, do you really believe this stuff? Look, I'm no scientist, I don't know squat about scientific stuff but I read a lot, and I get almost all of my 'news' that I need to know, from Fox News, so I'm pretty sure that I 'know' what I'm talking about here. Don't believe anything you see or hear unless it comes from my own two, 'truthful', Republican lips. This virus thing, whatever that is, which I'm 'told' is no worse than the common 'cold' will simply vanish into this air just as soon as Spring arrives. That's how these things work. It needs 'cold' air to live, that's why I set my castles heat temperature at 90 degrees. Kills it! Don't worry about it folks! My Assistant King pence, has this thing under control, he knows jesus first hand and between the two of them a vaccine will be on the market, if anyone can even afford it, in a very, very, very short time. Really. Some uninformed person, probably a democrat, said that it usually takes over a year to develop a vaccine but I have ordered them to do it much 'sooner'. A few weeks maybe, maybe a month or so, who knows. We'll see. Really. Really. One thing I do know for sure is that the democrats have blown this thing way out of proportion, "This Is Their New Hoax". They can't beat me any other way With all their other despicable hoaxes o they gotta try a "New Hoax". Can you believe that? Can you? I mean who does that? Come on folks, don't worry, just be happy for crying out loud! Believe me, I'm not lying this time. 'Honest' I'm not.'

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