Monday, February 17, 2020

Look Ma, No Hands!

'And here I am gallantly, and of course, 'Presidentially, arriving at the Daytona car race in my favorite State of Confusion. I have no idea as to where, but as you can plainly see, 'evidence' speaks or itself. Look closely and you can see me in the pilots chair doing what I do best, 'stuff'. I sent the pilots home for the day and as you can 'see' flew my special airplane all by my self. I don't actually 'need' pilots because I know much more about airplanes than they can eve...r hope to know. But that's just me. I have a very, very, large brain. I do! Really. And would you just take gander at that crowd!! Millions, and millions of my cult followers turned out to bless the very ground I walk on! Can you 'believe' it!? Talk about 'love'! There were so many 'fans' on the runway! At first there was no place to land! And then! Thousands upon thousands of them volunteered to lay down and form a human landing strip so that I could safely land without injury to my kingly self. Talk about loyal, grateful followers! Is this crazy, or is it just me?
And how about a big shout-out to my White House photographer for getting this incredibly unbelievable shot as I touched down on the heads of my subjects! Talk about 'right plane, right place, right time'! But again, that's just me, me, me.
Thanks a lot America, how does it feel to be "great again"?'

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