Monday, February 24, 2020

A Dose Of That Old Fashioned Clemency

'Oh please your Highness, please look into your dark heart of hearts and find forgiveness of my very insignificantly, meaningless sins, and give me a great big dose of 'clemency'! I mean, after all Your Majesty, compared to your own sins, mine are just a tiny drop in the proverbial bucket. I was railroaded I tell you! Hoaxed to the max! Liars all! Prosecutors retaliated against me because I'm a 'trumper'! I know how you love 'trumpers', so you just 'know' I can do no wrong. Just like yourself, I should be able to shoot someone on 5th Ave. and get away with it. Speaking of 'trump', I was charged with 'trumped-up' phoney charges where everyone but myself lied. Like yourself, "I only lie when I have to". Surely, you of all Royal family, know how that feels!
Rumors have it that I have been offered a cushy position as a highly 'trusted' 'annalist' in the Secret Service just as soon as my absolvement is finalized. Just Imagine, all your personal, steamy secrets in my hot little leaky hands!
Not to worry, oh 'Great-Leader-In-Chief', I'm just as 'trustworthy' as you, yourself, claim to be.
Remember, your Majesty, 'Birds of a feather, flock together', and we both are a cut of the same cloth.'

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