Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Deconstruction of America

King trump, managing to destroy even our Supreme Court. There is nothing that is safe from his deplorable, egotistic, despotic excesses. Everything, and everyone he 'touches' is doomed to self destruction, in which he seems to find some sort of sad happiness, as the world watches it happen, over, and over again, time after time, to no end.
Mark my prophetic words, America will never heal from the damage he has, is, and will continue to inflict upon our nation. The republican party and all of king trumps cult followers have given him free rein to deconstruct our nation, first, because they obviously think the same as he does, and second, because they are afraid not to. Whoever coined the phrase, 'No man is above the law', had no clue that this self appointed king of America would come along and destroy even that concept. It will only get worse from here on out.

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Mike Bloomberg threw his support behind Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor following her blistering dissent of the court's decision to allow the Trump administration to enforce its "public charge" rule in the state of Illinois, limiting which non-citizens can obtain visas to enter the U.S.

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