Friday, January 10, 2020

That medal Is Mine, says Trump

', no, no, no! Waaaaa! What the hell happened here!??? They've given 'my' prize to the wrong person! And that person is not 'me'! It should be me, me, me, me! Look at all I've done to...errr..., I mean 'for' the world. Just look! Lots of stuff! Many, many things. So many that I can't even remember all of'em! I have practically saved the whole world from itself! The world was in pitiful condition before I took over ruining, I mean 'running' America, and now look at it! I've practically made the world "great again". I've stopped many, many wars and rumors of wars. Everyone is afraid of me! And yet they love me at the same time. I mean, who does that? America has never been as "great" as I've made it! American's thank me every day, especially big business! Cards, letters, emails, texts, tweets, you name it, millions and millions, they do it! My cult followers love me like there's no tomorrow! I was sent here by god to do great things. But this isn't about 'me', is it? Is it? No, it's abut that 'medal' that should have been mine alone! There ought'a be a law! WaaaaWaaa!
I deserve that medal! Did I tell you how I single handedly cured cancer in America? Yeah! I did! No lie folks, but that's just me doing what every single American wants me to do. No other President could do what I've done! Really! Did I tell you how I cured penicillin? Yep, all by myself! Now, nobody gets sick from eating it. And how about my 'new' EPA ('Environmental Pollution Agency')! Rolling back all those burdensome pollution laws that hinder my good friends in big Ag to make a quick profit! They love me, and, they are great 'voters'!
In conclusion, let me make it perfectly clear as a bathroom window, that medal is mine, and I will not rest on my flatulate arse until it's hanging around my kingly neck. Ethiopia will give it to me or they will find out what an economic 'war' feels like. One way or another I will get my medal! Waaaa! Give it to me! Please, please, pretty please!? Waaaa I think I've done a bady in my presidential pull-ups! Waaaaa!'

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