Thursday, January 23, 2020

'Headache'? Just Take An Aspirin

'As I have mentioned, to ad nauseum, many, many, many times in the recent past, my huge brain knows no boundaries. In fact, it is simply boundless. I actually need a larger head to accommodate my really, really, huge brain. But enough about me, this isn't about 'me' is it? No, although there'd be no 'me' without my huge brain's ever increasing scientific knowledge about all there is to know, about all there is to know.
Which leads me to the issue at hand. As I have also mentioned in the past, "I know more about military stuff than all my generals put together". Why I continue to allow them to draw a paycheck is crazy, or is it just me. Which means I 'know' more about "concussions", also known as a 'headache', of the head than any doctor. I've read a lot of stuff about this 'supposed' condition 'allegedly' caused by bombs and stuff like that. I even watched some 'experts' talking about it once on my 'go-to' news station, 'Fox News'. If you want the 'truth' about stuff just ask me, or watch Fox. Really.
Anyway, let me be opaquely clear about my few troops who were careless enough to expose themselves to Iran's 'errant' missile attack, you know, the one where they tried their very best to not harm our troops...yeah, that one. "I heard they had headaches and a couple of other things," "but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious." "I don't consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I've seen." And 'believe' me, I've seen some really bad stuff out there, and a 'headache' is not one of them.
Ok, so a few troops got an 'alleged' headache from the 'alleged' loud noise made by those 'errant' ballistic missiles, which by the way, I received a very heartfelt personal letter from the president of Iran telling me how deeply sorry he is about this little misunderstanding and offered to compensate our 'allegedly' injured troops for any money they may spend on aspirins for their headaches. He has also begged me to forgive him, which I might, we'll see, maybe later. Maybe he can "do us a favor" later. We'll see.
Anyway, a 'concussion' is not a very serious thing to suffer. After these three years in office all my minions are suffering brain concussions from banging their heads against my 'wall', is that so bad? Really? It's just a little headache folks. Just a headache. It'll go away. A little sleep, a little R&R, a few aspirins, and you're back to work like nothing happened. Get over it already, and stop the whining! Crybabies! I have very important phone calls to do, I don't have time for minor stuff like this. Are we raising 'man-babies', like myself, or man-warriors?
Just talking about this has given 'me' a headache, so is 'that' considered a 'concussion' folks. Of course not.
So lets move along folks, 'nothing' to see here. Honest. Really, ya gotta believe me on this one.'

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