Monday, January 27, 2020

America's 'King', And All Of His Men

It is absolutely inconceivably, incomprehensibly, unbelievable that so many people who claim to be faithful 'American's' can collectively, at the very same moment in time, disregard all notions of logic and common sense, not to mention their own personal, individual moral, and ethical values as human beings, and as American's, and suffer from denialism as a way to avoid a phychologically uncomfortable truth by joining the pathetically immoral cult of Trumpism.
This is how America has allowed one singular man to self appoint himself as America's 'King', proclaiming that he, and he alone, is above the Law of The Land, thus un-touchable, and to shred, and render our Constitution to the point of practical uselessness, destroy the 'Rule of Law' that governs our society, serial lie, erase and re-write history as he willy-nilly see's fit to suit any occasion, hold his own party, the Republican Party, and America and the World hostage, destroy America's Environmental Protection laws in order to benefit his Big Business donors, and all this and more with the blessings of his shell shocked, and Stockholm Syndrome suffering minions.
This is what happens when a 'man-baby' loses the Popular Vote but 'wins' the antiquated, outmoded, useless Electoral College vote which can be, and has been, bought and paid for by a candidate in a losing campaign. This system of 'vote' simply renders an American's individual vote as useless.
In the end, this one incompetent, unsupervised individual has singlehandedly damaged, and shredded our Democratic Nation to the point where it will never be able to recover and heal from his egotistical excess', and placing our Nation on the chart of 3rd world countries.

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