Wednesday, January 29, 2020

America's 'King' Lies Again

Contrary to Trump, 'The Liar-In-Chief', who with his 'first', on this particular issue, lie claimed that there were no US troops injured in this 'errant' missile attack, and that Iran's missiles 'missed' the base on purpose, and then only later, his 2nd lie about it where he claimed that only a few US troops suffered minor "headaches", "No, I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious, Trump replied during a news conference", and... then even later, his 3rd lie, about concussions not being a serious brain injury, "Last week Trump said he does not consider potential brain injuries to be as serious as physical combat wounds, downplaying the severity of the injuries suffered in Iraq", we now learn that at least 50 US troops, "Fifty US military personnel have now been diagnosed with concussions and traumatic brain injuries following the Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq earlier this month, according to a statement Tuesday from the Pentagon", have suffered serious brain concussions. Trump, of all people, should be a world expert on 'brain injuries' considering that he himself obviously suffers from some sort of debilitating brain damage.
Which brings us to the latest Iranian missile attack which struck the US Embassy compound this past week. Again, we are told by Trump and his faithful reality denying minions that of course there were no US casualties as a result. That's the official 'story', or potential 'lie' as we may later learn, of the moment. We should not be surprised to, when the truth actually comes out, later learn that actual deaths resulted in either one or both of these missile attacks.
If Trump, 'The Serial Liar", continues to sit on his throne as America's self appointed, and Republican  backed, 'King' of America, we should never expect to hear a single word of 'truth' about anything that blurts out of his entitled 'man-baby', unsupervised, mouth.
The one singular person that all American's should be able to look to for the truth of any matter is our President, our 'leader', our 'Commander-In-Chief'. And yet, with 'King' Trump, 'The Serial Liar', this will never be.

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