Friday, January 17, 2020

Remember The Lies

Remember when Trump, 'The Serial Liar' claimed that "all is well" after this missile attack, and that there were no US casualties? Remember that one? Is there anyone on this planet that actually believed him? Remember how we were told that Iran missed our troops 'on purpose' and were simply flexing their egos, and had no intention of harming our troops? Remember that? Remember how every word that slithers from the mouth of our 'Commander-In-Distraction', is immediately found to be a lie or very soon afterwards is found to be such? And now he has forced our military chiefs to actually back-up his serial lying by lying at his orders.
So 'now' some of the truth of this incident is crawling out of the debris of the missile aftermath, and we are now told that 'some' troops were 'slightly' injured due to concussions suffered as a result of the missile blasts, but that no US Troops were killed. Remember the last 'six' words of that last sentence, 'that no US Troops were killed'. This is just the latest version of this hair ball of lies from our 'White House In Crisis' with this incompetent 'man-baby' in charge of the 'lie machine'.
As time crawls by, more will come to the light of day about this missile attack, and we will see that once again, and continuously so, the Trump Administration rules by lies, threats, confusion, distraction, division, and subversion, not unlike a 'good' dictatorship would do.
If this 'Moron-In-Chief', is not evicted from our White House, and is re-elected, America as we still know it, will be nothing but a shambles of it's former self, and the chance of recovery and healing from the damage done by Trump, will never take place.
For every vote cast in Trumps favor simply means that another sheeple will have enabled this fool to continue with the dismantling and destruction of our Nation, and we all shall share the guilt of his presence as our self anointed 'king' of America.

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