Saturday, January 11, 2020

Color The Wind

'Well, I 'think', or maybe somebody told me, or I read it somewhere, I don't know, I read a lot what with my really huge brain always wanting to learn stuff, that "wind", 'just happens'. "I never understood wind". Sometimes it comes from over there, and then all of a sudden from over in that direction. It's like, who does that?? When that stuff is blowing around, my hair just goes crazy when I pull my head out of my arse. We should be able to see the stuff! I propose that we color the wind so that we can see it coming. How can we control something that we can't even see? I don't know.
Is this wind stuff batshit crazy, or is it just 'me'?
But, let me impress you with how much I know about "windmills". You see, my very large, huge, bigger than a 'normal' persons, brain has studied windmills to no end. No one 'knows' as much about them as me, myself, and I, do. Here's how it works; you see, windmills attract the wind stuff, and makes it come right to them, wham!, and when it does, the windmill goes round and round, and round. Don't look right at it because you'll get really dizzy and fall over. Sometimes you'll bump your head on the ground. That really hurts! You never know when a windmill will start going around because you never know when that wind stuff will come along. I know lots about windmills, "I have studied it better than anybody". Like I said, "I never understood wind" but boy, as you can see, windmills are another story. That's another good reason that we should color the wind so that we can see it coming.
As your 'learned', huge brained President, and problem solver of all things, I 'promise' that soon, maybe next week, or next month, I really don't know, we'll see, we'll see, I will introduce a brand new law that orders my personal weather guesser guy to find some cool colors to color the wind with. And then no more wind surprises! But that's my job. That's why I'm president and no one else will ever be. But this isn't about 'me', is it. No, of course not. Really. 'Trust' me, I'll only lie to you when I have to, the rest of the time I'll simply 'wow' you with my unbelievable knowledge. 'Really'.'

See More
Tilting at Windmills: In a bizarre and incoherent attack on windmills President Donald Trump confesses: “I never understood wind,” while claiming he knows windmills “very much” and has “studied it better than anybody.”

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