Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Parnas"? Nope, Don't Know Him...Really

Hoax"! Just another "fake news" hoax! I tell you I don't know that guy! What was his name again?? 'Parnas'..Parnas...Par...nope, never heard of him, don't know him, never met him, no idea who he might be. Honest. Sounds like a Russian though. They can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut! Liars, crooks, really bad guys. Can't trust them one bit! They should be more like 'me'. Really.
Oh, and those 'alleged' photo's of me posing with that guy, Parnas or whatever, that's not me, I'm pretty sure it's my doppelganger. But it's not me for sure. I'd surely know me when I see me, and I don't see me there, so obviously, it's not me. And the photo's where that guy, who I've never even met, is posing with someone who looks like me, well, that's not even Parnas. Just someone who looks like him. Big fat hoax!
Hey, did I mention that I found the cure for cancer? How about that time I saved the Middle East from a terrible, terrible, devastating 'war'. My generals tried for decades, maybe longer, I don't know, but then I told them, "watch me, and you'll see how its done" And then I did it. I killed, among others, all of ISIS and the Taliban, all by myself. Now everyone in Iran and Syria love me. They praise my holy name. There must be some way to allow them to vote in America. We'll see.
Oh, by the way, did I mention that I don't know this Parnas guy. Yeah, never met him. I bet he's in America illegally. I tell you I don't know him, how many times do I have to say it? And this time I'm not telling a big fat lie. You gotta believe me this time. If I've ever told the truth about something, I'm practically telling it now. Really. Honest. Trust me.'

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