Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Raging 'Fire'

The Raging 'Fire'

Trump, 'The Incompetent', and his so called "Team", are on a 'fishing expedition' hoping they will 'jerk hook' vital information out of the investigation waters about who next will be in Mueller's line of fire for questioning. Trump is sweating little frenzy pellets as the fire under his incompetent arse gets hotter, and hotter, and the only way to turn down the heat is to eliminate by 'pardon' those who could fuel the fire that burns him so. And the only way to do that, short of firing Mueller, which he'd love to do but fears the 'hell storm' that would result from it, is to determine who's next on the witness list. Mueller's office does not have to divulge their witness list or "what's next" in their investigation, and they are not about to do it now just because Trump is sizzling, and crying, in his own frying pan. If this ploy does not work out for them, Trumps "team" will actively turn up the 'discredit machine' to a loud roar in attempt at discrediting Mueller by public opinion. Trump will count on his 'base' to be vocal, and substantial in numbers, along with his Republican political minions, enough so that if he does eventually fire, or at least reduce Mueller's his authority, he, Trump, will be insulated from the Democratic fallout that will result from such action. Remember when he said that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave., and he'd be forgiven? His theory is that, 'it's easier to get forgiveness, than it is to get permission'. Trump, 'The Incompetent', fancies himself as America's little self proclaimed Dictator who is above the law of the land. He is the master of subterfuge, and slight of hand in keeping himself out of harms way letting everyone else take the blame for his own misdeeds. But there is someone out there who 'knows' what he knows, and to keep out of 'jail' will flip over like that proverbial 'fish' in order to save themselves. Trump reached his level of incompetency long before our antiquated Electoral College excreted him into the Oval Office, and now he is clawing tooth and nail to stay there, and if it takes an un-popular, un-presidential, Presidential Pardon to do it, he will, all the while busy deconstructing our America as he goes.

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The president’s lawyers are seeking assurance that he will be cleared, but people with knowledge of the investigation said it could last at least another year.

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