Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Master Of Denigration

Our President, Trump, 'The Incompetent', overdosing on 'Ego-roids'. He apparently has nothing better to do in his position as our President, and Commander-In-Chief, than to publically denigrate members of his own government.
This inept man-child who masquerades as our President reached his level of incompetency way before he ever thought about running for the Oval Office. He views the Office Of The President as his own little, private made for TV reality show, where ruling by chaos, and subversion of our democratic system, is his idea of being a 'leader'.
Contrary to his 'promise' to "make America great again", he is simply making America the laughing stock of the world.
America, and the World may never fully recover from this pitiful little man-child's destructive antics.

It prompted a swift and immediate backlash.

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