Thursday, December 21, 2017

'MURDER'?? What's That!? (Re-Post from 2016)

' MURDER!?? Murder? I don't 'know' what that Is. Murder...what are they Talking about? Huh? What? Ohhhhh...That! Well, that's just Crazy talk. Look, can't a guy hop on his moped once in a while, and just go out and nuke a few 'suspected' drug users ?? And they call that 'murder'!? Ha! I beg to differ with these crybabies down at that 'UN' or WhatEver that place is from whence this whining comes. It's not called 'murder' where I come from! In fact I have re-written our Philippino dictionaries, and That word is no longer in there. In fact, it's against the law to even Say that word in the same sentence as my name. If you Do, you can expect a little 'tapping' at your door around midnight thirty by a friendly squad of my not so forgiving Vigilanties, informing you that you just happen to be on my drug user 'suspect' list. See Ya! By the way, just what Is this 'UN' thing, and who are They to criticise Me in public like this. Don't they realize that in My country it is Very against the law to even Think bad thoughts about me. I just happen to be the Presidente', the King, the leader, the Dictator of the Philippines and no one is allowed to be mean to me, and get away with it. I have 'friends', mostly Other 'dictators', who will stand right beside me on this stupid American instigated blasphomised charge. I tell you to your lying face, I did not 'murder' anyone. Well, 'Sure', I may have shot the hell out of them as I whizzed by on my made in China moped, but I'm pretty sure they were still alive when I left. Someone Else must have came along afterwards and did a little 'mercy' killing, you know, to put them out of their seld induced, sorry misery. I just shot them about forty times just to 'wound' them a little, kinda like a 'lesson learned' sorta shooting. Some 'suspected' drug users have to learn the hard way. But as far as it being this 'murder' thing they speak of, well nothing could be further from the 'truth'. Besides, do they have a Video of this 'incident'? Someone who is stupid enough, and tired of Living, that's willing to wittness Against me? Hardly! No one's That dumb. Hey, I could say I shot Kennedy for cryin' out loud, but that does Not prove I did it. Which I Didn't, by the way. I was in bed with someone that day. Really! It wasn't Me! And just because I 'said' I shot some 'suspected' criminals does not mean I actually Did. So, I say to the UN right to their nosey faces, Knock it Off you liers, you sons of whores! How dare you foul my spotless, and sacred reputation with these slanderous lies! I will sue you like you've never been sued before! Just you wait until I tell my BFF Presidente' Trump about this! He is a great 'fan' of mine! In 'fact', I hear he has started a 'fan club' just for Me. What a great guy! So, Mr.UN, or whatEver you are, you better leave me alone, don't make me put you on my 'suspect' list. Did you not 'know' that I, as the best dictator this country has Ever had, is above the law? Laws do Not apply to me, just like my BFF Trump, and Putin, We are Above the 'law', we Make the laws, we are untouchable royalty. So go away now, I have a job to do, I am very busy that is, my country. 'Justice' must run its deadly course, 'suspected' drug dealers, users, whores, and anyone Else 'suspected' of 'crimes' must give themselves up for 'rehabilitation, or perish in the gutters of our wonderful country. Mostly brutally murdered by these ruthless, so called Vigilanties, who I have absolutly no 'knowledge' of, nor 'control' over. Murder? Nope, it's called 'street cleaning', does That sound like "murder"? Hardly.'

President Rodrigo Duterte has gained global infamy for his hard-line war on drugs.

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