Monday, December 4, 2017

Not Now, Not Ever, Not Ever Again!

Nope! Never! Not now. Not ever. This human ' material' was taken from Stolen Souls. The former Owners, also known as illegal prisoners of the Nazi regime, did not volunteer their body parts, prior to their murders, to be used, Then or Ever, for Any sort of 'medical' purposes. If these body parts are used for medical research then we are in effect condoning their former owners murder at the hands of these scumbags. Shall we justify the murder of six million souls in order to save or cure one soul 75 years later, simply because they are not here to cast their vote. No, not now, not ever!

Nope! Never! Not now. Not ever. This material was taken from Stolen Souls. The former Owners, also known as illegal prisoners of the Nazi regime, did not volunteer their body parts, prior to their murders, to be used, Then or Ever, for Any sort of 'medical' purposes. If these body parts are used for medical research then we are in effect condoning their former owners murder at the hands of these scumbags. Shall we justify the murder of six million souls in order to save or cure one soul 75 years later, simply because they are not here to cast their vote. No, not now, not ever!

by Buddy Black, 2007
Ashes were falling
Like winter snow,
Yet people who saw it
Claimed not to know,
That what they were seeing
Was  Human Snow.
And the boxcars came,
And the boxcars went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent,
To  stoke his evil fires of hell.
Then thousands,
Then millions to come,
God only knows
The horrible sum.
And the bands played on
As the plan played out,
How could any one person
Now have a doubt,
What this killing machine was all about.
Women, and children,
And babies all,
Young men, old men
Big and small.
Their screams, and pleas
Fell on the devils mute ears.
And no one cared
To see their tears,
As The SS came in the middle of the night
To complete their deed
Before the break of light.
Time was more valuable
Than these wretched souls,
Because the Final Solution
Was their driving goal.
Individual men
With a common goal.
Each man conspired,
And each man
Shared the role,
Of tormentor, of killer,
Of  human souls.
And the boxcars came,
And empty they went,
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent.
Separated by gender,
Young, and old.
In line they waited
In the freezing cold
While the SS stripped them
Of  clothing, and gold.
Dogs, and whips
Forced the soon dead foreword,
And they all knew by now
It was death they marched toward.
An SS doctor at the head of the line
Paid particular attention
To the old, the sick,
And the dying.
And with the flick of a wrist
He sealed their doom,
And sent them off
To the killing room.
Auschwitz, Belzec, Dachau, Majdanek,
And Treblinka, death camps,
Work camps,
It mattered not which,
For their fate was sealed
As they faced their doom,
And were herded like sheep
Into the 'shower' rooms.
But, by gas, or by lead,
It mattered not now,
For at the point of a gun
They had no choice
As To when or to how,
It was simply a matter of time
They all would be dead.
This conspiracy of death
Passed down from the top,
Like a snowball to hell
Near impossible to stop.
It soaked up the Jews,
And the gypsies all,
The sick, and the well,
The young and the old,
The big and the small.
Through the heat of the summer,
And winters biting stark cold,
Mothers now knew
That their babes
Would never grow old.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went,
And soon the population
Was nearly all spent.
One million, Two million, Three million,
Four, Five million, Six million,
How many more!
The devil himself and all of his men
Could never put the world
Back together again.
His bookkeepers, and ledger men,
His SS, and police,
Engineer's and oiler's,
And all who stood by,
Then tried to think of a suitable lie,
Like ‘following orders was all that I did,
How was I to know,
What the devil had bid’.
But the world, and they all
Share this terrible guilt
For they each are a stitch
In this patch-work quilt,
Woven with millions of human Souls.
And while ashes were
Like winter snow,
The devil’s men
Were stoking the fires of  hell
With ordinary people,
Hoping the world would never know,
That what they were seeing
Was human snow.

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