Monday, December 4, 2017

Re-Post of 'Internet Love'

'Internet Love'

'OK, checklist; The love of my whole Entire 'reality' based life waiting for me in 'little burg' China, Check!; Sell my wind powered car, Check!; Let my 200 sguare foot apartment go, Check!; Airline ticket paid for with my Entire lifes savings, Check!; Notify, by Email but so far with No reply, my honey bun 'waiting' for me at the airport, Check!; Sever all ties with former Life in Holland, Check!; Think of nothing Else but my soon to be China Flower virgin bride, Check!; Get window seat so I can watch my whole world fly by without me, Check!; Board plane, check, check, and Double check!
Man! Nobody Told me that this flight was gonna last This long! Wish they had a gym or a spa in this thing! Flying, flying, boring, boring. No money left to pay for a Movie, drank my last bottle of 'free' water, out of peanuts, my sixteen 'neighbors' in my row of seats refuse to share Anything, got up to go pee and lost my window seat! Standing in aisle for three hours waiting for someone to go to the toilet, waiting, waiting....
Plane finally pulling up the the gate, heart racing like a wild stallion, sweaty palms, stinky feet, bet my soon to be 'online' betrothed is just as excited as I am. I hope that the Five Carat diamond ring I sent her fits her little precious finger. I hope she liked the new sports car I had delivered to our new apartment. Oh joy, joy! Is That her waving at me from the window there? Hundreds of turtle slowwww people in front of me dragging their bawling children, slow, slow, slower. Can't wait to be in my Inter-Net lovers arms, no more silly time wasting Emails, no more Txting photos, well, actually only One from my sweetheart, but afterall, who's Counting.
Finally in the lobby, standing here with my weary eyes closed, lips in kissing mode, trembling arms outstreched, anticipating being wrapped in the exciting arms of my China doll. Waiting...waiting...waiting..waiting a little more...a little more..arms getting tired, gravity stronger than my tiring muscles, lips drying out, no more spit to slick'em up, getting more chitter-chatter of laughing, happy travelers being met by their laughing, happy friends, family, and excited lovers. Time to open my eyes, maybe she's standing right in front of me doing the same thing. Nope! Empty. Empty room. Except for Me. Oh, I Know, she's down in the baggage claim level holding my eight bags, all my worldly belongings, waiting for me to come bounding down the escalator and fall into her faithful arms., not Here Either.
Send her a Txt and Email. 'I'm Here my soon to be lover, I'll wait for you in the baggage claim my darling Internet lover, see you real Soon, be right Here, not going Anywhere, wearing the red shirt, blue pants and white shoes my mother dressed me in, right the Airport, You know, in China'. Waiting...waiting....waiting....waiting some More..txting my China darling..sending Emails..battery getting weak, 'Still here my love, it's been only five days now, hungry, no money, no speak the language, still no money...Starving, getting weak, and weary, lost eighty pounds already, someone stole my bags, more E-mails to my little lost bird of paradise, 'are you lost my darling, did our new car break down, have not heard from you since wayyyy before leaving Holland, hellooooo, are you there my little honey bug?'
Oh my, This is a nice hospital! Excuse me, how'd I wind up Here?? Did my long lost, almost internet sweetheart bring me here? What a great girl! I 'knew' she'd finally arrive. Is that you my sweets? Your hands are so gentle dear. Dear? Oh, you're a Nurse! Ten Days!?? My sweetheart is Still a No-show!? Would you Pleasssse call my mommy'. ;);)

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They say true loves waits — and one man who went looking for it online seemingly took that to heart.

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