Saturday, February 29, 2020

'Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might get It' (Or the irony of wishful thinking)

'Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might get It' (Or the irony of wishful thinking)

A short story by Buddy Black

Mary and Jim were just a typical couple, they married young with hopes of raising a family of their own, not unlike the hopes and aspirations of any couple out on their own, working jobs, Jim as a renowned high IQ mathematics professor at an esteemed Ivy League university, and Mary, also of high IQ, as a highly acclaimed computer forensics specialist, careers that paid and mended their way through life's trials and tribulations of modern day life.
Their biggest dreams were to have a child that they could conceive, and raise from birth until their child was of the age to set out on its own to make its own path through life just as its parents had done. They both wanted a boy child that of course resembled themselves, one with great intelligence, and of course healthy in all respects. A 'dream' that no doubt every hopeful parent would wish for. They dreamed of the day they could hold and cuddle their new born baby in their loving arms, the days and nights of caring for and watching their new born grow day by day into the child of their dreams, teaching him to speak and longing for his first words, 'momma..daddy', teaching him to take that first baby step, and to walk, ride a tricycle, and all the 'first baby' things parents everywhere indulge in, and of course making their own 'Baby Album' replete with photo's from birth until forever. They had even stocked up on a supply of baby clothes for just such an event. They had even named their future child as, 'William', in honor of Mary's father.
As the years crept by though, it was obvious that try as they may, procreation through the normal means was something that was just not going to happen. They were willing to try unconventional means in their quest at impregnation but all attempts failed one after the dismal other. Becoming ever more desperate, they even advertised on various social media venues of their infertile plight.
Their friends all were having children, raising families, and reveling in their child rearing successes while Mary and Jim languished in their own, it seems, futile efforts.
Then one nondescript day, Jim's telecommunication device sounded, and a soothing AI generated voice told him that they had been chosen to participate in a new Government Sponsored fertility program, the 'DNA Fertilization Program' There would be no charge to the participants, and results were guaranteed to produce a healthy, intelligent child of their liking. There was a 'return-no questions asked' policy in the event that they were not completely satisfied with the results. Jim was told that this new program involved the collection of DNA samples from both he and Mary, as well as from both of their own parents. These DNA samples would be examined for any snipes of rogue building blocks that could in the future produce illnesses such as cancer, or any other disease or ailments that currently afflicts the human body, and those rogue elements would be tweaked from the new DNA chain, thus producing a healthy for life, child. Participants could even chose the sex of their DNA tweaked child, along with other features such as eye color, skin tone, hair color and texture, mature height, and longevity.
The only other difference in this 'DNA Fertilization' process from 'natural fertilization' was that Mary would not be the 'host' body because results were only guaranteed if the process was conducted in sterile laboratory conditions where the fertilization and growth process could be closely monitored and tweaked as needed. As such the fertilization and growth process could be expected to be somewhat 'expedited', although when questioned as to the definition of "expedited" the AI voice soothingly continued, 'as opposed to that if carried by a host mother'.
Desperate as they were for a bouncing baby boy of their own, Jim and Mary both agreed to participate in this new program, and so they donated the DNA as required. They were told to be patient and to go about life as usual and they would be contacted when need be.
Four long months crawled by with no word from the government agency until at the beginning of the fifth month when Jim and Mary were told to come to the fertilization laboratory where they would be updated with news of their new babys 'development'.
Excitedly they rushed to the laboratory which was surprisingly disguised as a nondescript office building in a not well traveled section of town, they both hoping to hear news of how their new baby was developing.
In order to enter the building complex, they had to be screened and processed at three security stations before being allowed further access into the structure. They noticed that the walls were bare of pictures or any other decorations one would expect to see in any other office building. None of the government personnel, all clothed in white smocks sans name tags, they spoke with at the security stations carried on any banter among themselves or with Jim and Mary. 'Name, government identification, case number please'. The silence was practically deafening until they were ushered through a set of airtight doors where to their astonishment the noise of children was nearly as deafening as the silence was earlier. All around them scurried dozens of beautiful children, all, without exception who seemed to be of the age of about two years, some running about playing, others sitting and reading, some working at computers or other electronic devices, one even appearing to be conducting a class of some nature for other children crowded around her. Both Jim and Mary were surprised that they saw no other children younger or older than these before them at present.
Mary and Jim were then led to a conference room and told to be patient. While waiting for news of 'anything' in life minutes can seem like an eternity, and so it felt to these two 'expectant' parents. While waiting, they excitedly discussed how in just a short five more months they would be holding their cooing baby boy in their wanting arms, and they starting a new parents journey through life as they watch their newborn baby boy grow through the infant stage, the toddler stage, and every step therafter, a dream all 'expectant' parents have, and they could think of nothing that could now deprive them of that 'reality'. How very wonderful, they thought, that their government was thoughtful enough to have such a fertility program such as this for hopeful parents like themselves.
Soon though, the door was slowly pushed open and a boy child appearing to be about two years of age walked in while playing a game on a handheld electronic device. A beautiful child, lovely hair, bearing facial features that Jim and Mary found that remarkably mirrored their own. The child approached Jim and Mary, held out his hand, and said in a mature voice, 'Hello Mother, hello father, I'm William, your new son', we can go now, my job is finished here'.

Just Another "Hoax", Says The King of Hoaxes

The Coronavirus. I mean, what's that!? Come on folks, do you really believe this stuff? Look, I'm no scientist, I don't know squat about scientific stuff but I read a lot, and I get almost all of my 'news' that I need to know, from Fox News, so I'm pretty sure that I 'know' what I'm talking about here. Don't believe anything you see or hear unless it comes from my own two, 'truthful', Republican lips. This virus thing, whatever that is, which I'm 'told' is no worse than the common 'cold' will simply vanish into this air just as soon as Spring arrives. That's how these things work. It needs 'cold' air to live, that's why I set my castles heat temperature at 90 degrees. Kills it! Don't worry about it folks! My Assistant King pence, has this thing under control, he knows jesus first hand and between the two of them a vaccine will be on the market, if anyone can even afford it, in a very, very, very short time. Really. Some uninformed person, probably a democrat, said that it usually takes over a year to develop a vaccine but I have ordered them to do it much 'sooner'. A few weeks maybe, maybe a month or so, who knows. We'll see. Really. Really. One thing I do know for sure is that the democrats have blown this thing way out of proportion, "This Is Their New Hoax". They can't beat me any other way With all their other despicable hoaxes o they gotta try a "New Hoax". Can you believe that? Can you? I mean who does that? Come on folks, don't worry, just be happy for crying out loud! Believe me, I'm not lying this time. 'Honest' I'm not.'

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Monday, February 24, 2020

That Mysterious 'Wind'

'Wind turbines...wind mills...daaaa...wind mills...hmmm...wind turbines. Oh, those things, yeah right. I've just "never understood wind". I mean, who does, right?
Wind...wind...? Oh, I 'think' I thought you were talking about the noise inside my head when the wind blows. Can you hear that?? Boy, I sure can. I'm surprised you can't hear the noise in my head. But now I see you're talking about something totally different. Some sort of 'wind' thingies...right?
So yeah, wind turbines...I hear they cause cancer? Gee, I guess a wind mill 'could' get cancer. That's what rust is called, right. That's 'cancer' for sure! And I guess if you were standing under one of those things and some of that rust fell on you, then I guess you could 'say' that, 'hey, look, I've got wind turbine 'cancer'. But really, I'm not even sure what a 'Wind mill or Turbine is, 'Turbine'...., that's some sort of hat, right, a Turbine?
But look, as you can painfully see, “I don’t have an answer on that. I, I don’t, I don’t have an answer on that,” “Yeah, I don’t have an — I really don’t have information on that right now.” Hey, I don't even know how I got this job in the first place, 'communication' is not exactly my forte', and now you expect me to know all about some sort of wind thing, or hat, or cancer, I'm not exactly a doctor you know, or if either one of them can even cause cancer, or make noise, or whatever the hell they do. Really?? Really? I mean, Really!?
Anyway like I profusely, and so ignorantly proclaim, “I don’t have any information or knowledge on that subject. I've been using my huge brain on more important distractions lately. if I get a readout, I’m happy to update you on that,” and mimic anything my very huge brain tells me to say, because you know, like, I read stuff about stuff all the time, "readout" stuff is one of my favorite bathroom readers. Hey, do you like my jacket? You there! Is that a "readout" in your hand?
Uh-oh, time to go, winding down, I think there's a windstorm in my head. Must go to office for re-programming. Bye bye, that is all.'

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Tilting at Windmills: In a bizarre and incoherent attack on windmills President Donald Trump confesses: “I never understood wind,” while claiming he knows windmills “very much” and has “studied it better than anybody.”

A Dose Of That Old Fashioned Clemency

'Oh please your Highness, please look into your dark heart of hearts and find forgiveness of my very insignificantly, meaningless sins, and give me a great big dose of 'clemency'! I mean, after all Your Majesty, compared to your own sins, mine are just a tiny drop in the proverbial bucket. I was railroaded I tell you! Hoaxed to the max! Liars all! Prosecutors retaliated against me because I'm a 'trumper'! I know how you love 'trumpers', so you just 'know' I can do no wrong. Just like yourself, I should be able to shoot someone on 5th Ave. and get away with it. Speaking of 'trump', I was charged with 'trumped-up' phoney charges where everyone but myself lied. Like yourself, "I only lie when I have to". Surely, you of all Royal family, know how that feels!
Rumors have it that I have been offered a cushy position as a highly 'trusted' 'annalist' in the Secret Service just as soon as my absolvement is finalized. Just Imagine, all your personal, steamy secrets in my hot little leaky hands!
Not to worry, oh 'Great-Leader-In-Chief', I'm just as 'trustworthy' as you, yourself, claim to be.
Remember, your Majesty, 'Birds of a feather, flock together', and we both are a cut of the same cloth.'

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Deconstruction of America

King trump, managing to destroy even our Supreme Court. There is nothing that is safe from his deplorable, egotistic, despotic excesses. Everything, and everyone he 'touches' is doomed to self destruction, in which he seems to find some sort of sad happiness, as the world watches it happen, over, and over again, time after time, to no end.
Mark my prophetic words, America will never heal from the damage he has, is, and will continue to inflict upon our nation. The republican party and all of king trumps cult followers have given him free rein to deconstruct our nation, first, because they obviously think the same as he does, and second, because they are afraid not to. Whoever coined the phrase, 'No man is above the law', had no clue that this self appointed king of America would come along and destroy even that concept. It will only get worse from here on out.

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Mike Bloomberg threw his support behind Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor following her blistering dissent of the court's decision to allow the Trump administration to enforce its "public charge" rule in the state of Illinois, limiting which non-citizens can obtain visas to enter the U.S.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

America's 'Cult' Leader on A Rampage

This is the more the work of an egotistical, self centered, delusional madman, working as a Dictatorial despot King, than a person who should be acting 'presidential' in the role of America's President.
Dictators, Kings, Theocrats, Autocrats, Tyrants, Authoritarians,
and Despots, all do what trump, 'The Incompetent', is doing every day of his despicable rule.
And, it's being done, and sanctioned, by the Republican Party, right here in the supposedly democratic nation of The United States of America.
And not a whimper of protest from the American public at large. None. Nothing. It appears that the average America is simply hiding in the shadow of their King all the while quite happy that his wrath is not, at the moment, falling upon their pitifully apathetic heads.
This is what the 'Stockholm Syndrome' is made of, and it took trump only three short miserable years to infect the whole of America with a syndrome that it will never be cured of. And he still 'thinks' he's "making America great again". Except, not.

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Johnny McEntee, President Trump's former body man and current head of the presidential personnel office, gathered White House liaisons from Cabinet agencies on Thursday and asked for them to identify political appointees across the federal government who are thought to be politically at odds with th...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Look Ma, No Hands!

'And here I am gallantly, and of course, 'Presidentially, arriving at the Daytona car race in my favorite State of Confusion. I have no idea as to where, but as you can plainly see, 'evidence' speaks or itself. Look closely and you can see me in the pilots chair doing what I do best, 'stuff'. I sent the pilots home for the day and as you can 'see' flew my special airplane all by my self. I don't actually 'need' pilots because I know much more about airplanes than they can eve...r hope to know. But that's just me. I have a very, very, large brain. I do! Really. And would you just take gander at that crowd!! Millions, and millions of my cult followers turned out to bless the very ground I walk on! Can you 'believe' it!? Talk about 'love'! There were so many 'fans' on the runway! At first there was no place to land! And then! Thousands upon thousands of them volunteered to lay down and form a human landing strip so that I could safely land without injury to my kingly self. Talk about loyal, grateful followers! Is this crazy, or is it just me?
And how about a big shout-out to my White House photographer for getting this incredibly unbelievable shot as I touched down on the heads of my subjects! Talk about 'right plane, right place, right time'! But again, that's just me, me, me.
Thanks a lot America, how does it feel to be "great again"?'

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Friday, February 14, 2020

'Mr. Kelly, Shut Up Already'!

'Yeahhhh.. Mr. Kelly, or whoever you are, you better keep that really big tattle-tail mouth of yours really shut! Blah, blah, blah, and blah! Is that all you can do is go around spouting the truth all the time. Don't you have a job to go to? 'Someone', I don't remember with my very huge brain, who it was, but they told me that this Kelly guy used to work at my castle in some minor capacity. Really? I never even met this guy! I would never on purpose even 'talk' to someone this! He must have a tiny little brain! He worked here?? Really? Must have been a floor sweeper. Who the hell was dumb enough to hire an incompetent's like him in the first place? How stupid 'are' people around here!? Just wait until I find out who hired him! Probably that illegal alien Obama! Heads will roll! Vengeance is mine! Maybe a good old fashion 'Military Tribunal' will make him 'disappear'. I can do that. I have every right as 'Commander-In-King' to do that. We'll see if a nice 'threat' works first. We'll see, we'll see. Boy, being 'King' of America is lots of fun! Thanks Republican party!
Anyway, that guy better shut the hell up, and stop talking bad about me, and, you 'know', making me look like a pos! After all, that's 'my' job!'

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Allies?? What 'Allies'?

Sshhhhh….don't tell trump, 'The Accomplished Negotiator', that his pen pal, and once favored despot, Duterte, 'The 'Crime Fighter', has dissed him and America in favor of another worldly despot. China 'stepped up' where America 'stepped back' as trump, 'The Isolationist', decided that America does not need the rest of the world in order to survive. What a 'negotiator'! Yeah, I know, not 'really'.


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Americas Terrorists

Here we see, or barely so, a bunch of goddamn cowards who so 'bravely' claim to be whatever they think they are, and yet so cowardly refuse to appear in public sans their masks so as to not be identified as whatever they so 'proudly' claim to be. The fact of the matter, regardless of their 'hidden' identity, this is an "Organized Gang', and they should be dealt with as such.

Federal definition.

 The federal definition of gang as used by the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is [1]:

1.An association of three or more individuals;

2.Whose members collectively identify themselves by adopting a group identity, which they use to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation, frequently by employing one or more of the following: a common name, slogan, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign or graffiti;

3.Whose purpose in part is to engage in criminal activity and which uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives.

4.Whose members engage in criminal activity or acts of juvenile delinquency that if committed by an adult would be crimes with the intent to enhance or preserve the association's power, reputation or economic resources.

5.The association may also possess some of the following characteristics: 1.The members may employ rules for joining and operating within the association.
2.The members may meet on a recurring basis.
3.The association may provide physical protection of its members from others.
4.The association may seek to exercise control over a particular geographic location or region, or it may simply defend its perceived interests against rivals.
5.The association may have an identifiable structure.
Both the Department of Justice and ICE have distinct definitions for transnational organized crime and gangs. The federal definition of gangs excludes drug trafficking organizations, terrorist organizations, traditional organized crime groups, such as La Cosa Nostra, and groups that fall within the Department of Justice's definition of transnational organized crime.
State definition. A number of states use the following definition of gang, often with minor modifications (this definition was originally devised by the California legislature):
"criminal street gang' means any ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of one or more of the criminal acts, [1]  having a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, and whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity."[2]

So, as one can clearly see by definition, and by this gangs actions, this sorry clutch of White Nationalist are indeed a 'gang'. You can bet that if they were not allowed to 'bravely' hide behind their masks, they would slink into the darkness like the cockroaches they are. By giving them police protection they are at the same time being given 'recognition' as something important that requires protection under the law, and emboldens them to continue their anti government, racist, homophobic actions. As an anti government entity, they should not even be allowed to assemble and march, especially in hiding behind a mask!

 The Department of Homeland Security has added white supremacy to its list of domestic terrorism threats, marking the first time since the creation of the department post-9/11 that it has emphasized white nationalist domestic terrorism as a threat on par with that posed by foreign groups.

And so, as such, why are we allowing this Domestic Terrorist Gang to stage a 'parade', or 'march', on our streets with police protection in the first place? The identity of everyone of these misfits should have been absolutely identified for present and future purposes! Protecting these terrorist thugs simply helps them in their breeding process.