Friday, August 26, 2016

Hey! I Don't Need No Stinkin' U.N.!

'Hey, I don't need no stinkin' 'UN'! What'd it ever do for Me..errr..I mean my Country? We can defend ourselves, you know, just like we did back in the 40's, no thanks to that meddling United States! Just give us some sticks and blowguns and we'll teach these drug users a lesson they won't forget anytime soon! "Maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations," that is if you're gonna keep picking on us.
"If you are that insulting, son of a bitch, we should just leave, Take us out of your organization. You have done nothing anyway." We know how to deal with drug dealers, drug users, annnnd..oh, and people who are even Suspected of 'thinking' about drugs. You know, we never had a drug 'problem' here before Americans infiltrated our little banana republic. Oh sure, we had Drugs, sure, but we didn't have a 'problem' with it. But Then the Americans came, and then the U.N. came, and then 'democracy', and Then Me, and then all of a sudden we had a 'drug' problem. Actually, I think it's more of a 'people' problem. Get rid of the 'people', and the drug 'problem' will take care of itself! You see, it's like This; I want to be the best, or perhaps Worst 'dictator' this country has ever had the misfortune of having, no matter What it takes, no matter How many 'guilty', and/or 'innocent' people have to die. I know I can do it but First I must make my country believe that I can walk on water, you Know, do Miracles . Just like my friend, Donald Trump does. And of course, the very best way to take care of this little 'people' problem is to get rid of them! And when I say 'get rid of them', you better believe that I mean Just That! A 'good' dictator will always float to the top after a good flush, and as you can see, I am 'flush' with great ideas as to how to deal with evil social issues that plague our great banana republic. I have instructed our wonderfully obediant,'follow your last order First' police department, and our 'I was just following Orders' military, to shoot First, and ask no questions later, when it comes to those even remotely, Or even not at all for That matter, 'suspected' of being involved in the illegal drug trade. Our new national Motto will be, 'Kill'em All, Let Jesus Sort'em Out'. As you can see by the incredibly high, un-questioned death toll carried out by my 'Officially sanctioned Drug Killers', this policy is working like a charm. The Side benefit of this little scheme is that I can also Eliminate without questions my opponents, and officials, and politicians, and anyone with even Half a logical brain, simply by accusing Them of being involved in the drug trade. A good dictator must always have an Ace up his sleeve. "My orders are for the police to go out and hunt for 'criminals' ". 'I tell them to arrest these 'criminals' if they surrender peacefully, but kill them if they put up a violent struggle. I assume full responsibility for what happens." Yes, yes, I Know, I Know, the U.N has has made potty mouth about the way I run my little fifedom, but it Is Mine, all Mine, and I'll do as I wish. Hey, who pays attention to 'Crimes against humanity' anymore? Every one of my 'serfs' who are wise enough to fear me will tell you that that they 'all' stand behind me 100% because they are fed up with drugs and the crimes it brings to their very doorsteps. Of course, Now, not only do they have drugs And crime at their doorstep, but they Also have hundreds of very dead and bloody corpeses laying there as well, but that's the price of a good drug eradication program. Sometimes a few unlucky Innocent people must perish to ensure that the 'guilty' get whacked too. Just recently the meddling U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines said some very meddling things about how I run my kingdom. I called him a "gay son of a bitch." Stupid Americans! I am a brave dictator! See how brave and bold I am? See how I fear absolutly No one? See how full of 'common sense' I most surely am? You can see that I have the situation well in hand, and that it will end 'well' for me and my fearless followers who blindly follow my Orders to kill and cause mayhem through-out my kingdom, my drug crazed country? Nobody ever said that being a great dictator would be an easy job, but I have studied the best dictators, such as my BFF 'Vlad the great' Putin, that 'wanna be dictator' 'Foot in mouth' Trump, that chubby little Korean doughboy, Kim Jong-un, Syria's Bashar 'the barrel bomb butcher' al-Assad, oh, and many more 'great' minds too numerous to mention. So keep your eyes on me world, I assure you there's more to come from my great egotistical, sightless mind as I single-handedly, and of course with the unwaivering help of my mindless hired assasins, strive to destroy a country that perhaps otherwise Still has the chance to survive, well, that is until they wound up with Me, 'kill'em all, let God sort'em out' Duterte The Great.' :/ :/ :/


Philippine president threatens to leave the UN

25 Agosto 2016
Philippine president threatens to leave the UN

A PALACE official clarified Monday that the Philippines is "not decoupling" with the United Nations (UN), despite President Rodrigo Duterte's stern warning that the country may separate from it if the global organization continues to "intervene" in his drug war.
[T] he president has championed the rise in death toll - up from the 68 suspects killed by police from January 1 through June 15 of this year - as proof of the "success" of his anti-drug campaign, saying in mid-July that "while the campaign against drugs is far from ideal, a generation of Filipinos have been saved from this scourge of society and destroyer of lives", according to AFP.
At a news conference on Sunday, Duterte took his support for these vigilantes to a new level, threatening to leave the United Nations over criticism that his directives for the public to kill drug dealers amounted to "incitement to violence and killing, a crime under worldwide law". Duterte and his aides have given conflicting positions on whether they would allow United Nations experts to come to the Philippines to investigate allegations government security forces are carrying out extrajudicial killings.
At a press conference on Monday, Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Junior reiterated the Philippines' commitment to the United Nations and pleaded for sympathy. He also accused the United Nations of failing on terrorism, hunger and ending conflicts.
"Should you be that ill-mannered, we might just as well leave", he said.
Earlier, presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said the government did not extend any invitation to any third-party observer, adding that the drug situation is being responsibly addressed by Philippine authorities. Duterte frequently peppers his public comments with swear words-he has also called Pope Francis and the U.S. ambassador to Manila sons of whores-and days after his election win used typical language to criticize the UN.
Estimates for the number of drug-related extrajudicial killings under Duterte vary, but there's no disputing the fact that the body count is high.
As recently as Sunday, the number of suspected drug traffickers killed in Duterte's seven-week war on drugs had been put at about 900 by Philippine officials.
Duterte's drug crackdown has left more than 500 suspected dealers dead and more than 4,400 arrested since he took office on June 30. Duterte criticized the United Nations for its failure to stamp out terrorism, world hunger and other conflicts.
The police's "stand against extrajudicial killings is uncompromising", a police official said in a statement.
"If you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killings?" said Mr Duterte in a rambling, two-hour news conference that began at 1am on Sunday. "I would invite maybe China, the African (nations)", he said.

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