Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump Said, Whaaaat?

'Hey, you know what? You probably haven't even 'noticed', but Sometimes i say "the wrong thing". I know, I'm as surprised as You are! Surprised! Flabergasted! My brain is going like, Whaaaaat?! But Really, it's probably not even 'true'. But I do! Wrong things. Boy! Imagine That! Me! Hey, how about that time I muttered, “One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government.” Whoa! Talking 'bout Me here! Crazy lips! How 'bout This one, “That’s one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That’s a huge advantage. I must tell you, that’s a huge advantage over the other candidates.” I know, I know..but you know What? I wasn't kidding about having all that money, money talks, losers walk. Hey, remember this one? “I’m a bit of a P. T. Barnum. I make stars out of everyone.” Shoot! Wish I could make it work on Me! Oh, I Know you'll remember This little loose lips dandy, “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Well, it Is! I mean, who in their right mind could resist me? Who? Women Love to love me! They can't help themselves! I love weak women! Oh remember This one, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” I sorta meant That one. Come on folks! Admit it, you Know it's probably 'true'! Well, except for all those Mexicans that I get 'green cards' for that come to work at my clubs and golf courses, you know, good people. Great folks. Some of'em. Speaking of 'border jumpers', and we all know a few of'em don't we? Anyway, one time everyone was trying to figure out how to solve that problem. I just up and spouted out, “I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” I bet Nobody remembers That one. Didn't get much 'press' with it. Hardly a ripple. But I do know how to build 'walls' I've built great 'walls' my whole rich life. Of course Most of'em I built around Myself to keep people from getting too close to me, well, except for hot babes, they're very a point. But no real 'smart' ones, and especially no stupid, loud mouthed, lying Reporters! I hate disgusting reporters in the first place, but especially Women reporters! Useless! Who Hires them?! I'd Fire all of them! You're fired! Outta here! I remember, you might also, when millions of American children were dying left and right, catching all sorts of horrible diseases because they were being given vaccines that were supposed to prevent bad things, but instead was just murdering them pratically. Remember that? And I said, “No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses — one vaccine at a time, over time.” And I was 'right'! Children are Not horses, they only have two legs, they're just little People folks! People! I don't like them in the audiance at my events, but otherwise I can nearly tolerate'em. Almost. Hey, I have kids of my own! Somehow they lived through childhood and became rich adults. I might appoint one of'em to be on my cabinet.
Hmmm... speaking of Obama, remember when someone started that birth certificate stink? And I said, “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” Hey, who knows, I could be right about That one to. Hawaii! My foot! I have a P.I. in kenya right now doing a little 'research' and he tells me that I'll be surprised at what he discovers. Can't wait! But anyway, I could go on, and on, and on, and on with all the crazy things I've blurted out before I could close my flapping lips. But I think you get the idea here. I get Most of my great 'thoughts' while in the bathroom. I swear I'm a great, that is. Sometimes I surprise even mySelf at some of the big 'thoughts' that I produce while just sitting there clearing my head. Sometimes there's Little 'thoughts', or maybe some medium sized 'thoughts', one time I had a 'thought' that, I kid you not, I thought my head was gonna explode! Wow! It was like having a 'brain baby'! I can't wait until I'm President of America. I'm saving some of my very 'best' 'thoughts' for Then! Just wait until my subordinate American serfs hear what gushes from my mouth Then! Until then be sure to tell all your friends about me so they can go out and vote for the Right person for President. Not that Other person, you know, that lying Woman person. I know more about government stuff than she'll ever Dream about knowing. I can't wait until they tell us some more State Secrets at the next Security meeting. Don't worry, all that bullcrap is 'safe' with Me. Who would care anyhow? My BFF Vlad Putin said that he knows Most all that stuff already, but he said he's a really good listener. Swell guy! Honest fellow! Well, get out there and Vote for me! Remember, a wasted vote is one you'll have to live with for the next Four miserable Years.' :/ :/ :/


At Charlotte rally, Trump admits he's said 'the wrong things'

Posted 2:23 p.m. yesterday
Updated 10:30 p.m. yesterday


— A week after two appearances in North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump returned to the state Thursday and publicly expressed regret for some of his past mistakes.
Speaking to a Charlotte crowd, Trump apologized for occasions when he said the wrong thing in public.
“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words, or you say the wrong thing,” Trump said. “I have done that, and I regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain.”
Trump said that, despite regret for some things he has said, he has never lied to supporters while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton “is one of the greatest liars of all time.”
“I will never lie to you, I will never tell you something I do not believe, I will never put anybody’s interests above yours, and I will never ever stop fighting for you,” he said.
Trump blamed Clinton and President Barack Obama for the rise of ISIS and said that the Democratic Party has ignored the African-American community and taken its votes for granted.
Trump said that he plans to work closely with the African-American community to deliver new opportunities.
“This means a lot to me, and it’s going to be a top priority in a Trump administration,” he said. “In my administration, every American will be treated equally, protected equally and honored equally. We will reject bigotry.”
A majority of the nearly one-hour speech focused on providing new opportunities to all Americans, and Trump said he chose to run for president to speak for Americans who don’t have a voice of their own.
Trump said he particularly hopes to provide more opportunities for those living in the inner cities, support charter schools, give all students a greater chance at an education and make it easier for young Americans to get the credit they need to start a business.
“Young people are destroyed before they even start,” he said. “I refuse to let another generation of American children be excluded from the American dream,” Trump said.
With the audience chanting their familiar refrain of “build the wall,” Trump turned the conversation to immigration and asserted that those who believe in suppressing others of different ethnic backgrounds and faiths would not be welcome to join the country.
He said that, under his administration, immigration would be suspended from any place where adequate screening and extreme vetting could not be performed.
“We are going to end the era of nation building and instead focus on destroying ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism,” he said, noting military, financial and cyber warfare could be used.
Speaking about trade, Trump said the city of Charlotte has lost one-quarter of manufacturing jobs to China during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. He said that, if he is elected, he will renegotiate NAFTA and withdraw if other countries don’t agree with this plans.
“Hillary Clinton has supported all of the major trade deals that have stripped this country of its jobs and its wealth,” he said.
During the speech, Trump also took a few moments to speak about the recent devastating floods in Louisiana and encouraged supporters to band together to help.
“We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt, and we must all work together to lift each other up," he said.


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