Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It's Official, The Earth Is Flat

Meet the People Who Believe the Earth Is Flat
Image Credit: Getty Images

Meet the People Who Believe the Earth Is Flat

9/11 was an inside job

Many of the flat Earthers believe 9/11 was perpetrated by the government.
"If you follow the money, it's pretty easy to figure out what's going on," said Johnson, a longtime 9/11 conspiracy theorist. "When a guy who owns the World Trade Center just so happens to increase his insurance coverage and not be there the day all this happens, that was enough for me."
Johnson is referring to Larry Silverstein, a developer who controlled the Twin Towers when they were hit on 9/11.
"I think it was perpetrated by the government," Patrice said. "There was a lot of computer-generated imaging. It was a controlled interior demolition. It was a large-scale deception. I'm not sure how many people died."

What they want you to know

I asked the flat Earthers what they want readers to know, above all else.
"I want them to know that NASA and all the astronauts and all of NASA are liars," Patrice said. "There's a picture of all the Challenger crew still alive today, 30 years later. Three of them are teaching in universities." (The astronauts' bodies were found a few months after the explosion.)
"I just want people to look into it," Long said. "I don't try to proselytize anymore, I don't try to change minds and convince masses. I just try to present information I have found that shakes my old belief system."
"Most of what we've been told, in a vastly major scale, is a lie," Johnson said. "If they can lie to you about the most basic aspect of your life, where you live, then they can lie to you about everything else. It's the biggest lie that keeps all the other lies going."

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