Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Trump is 'Colour' Blind

'Hey, I'm not a 'racyist'! Look, I can't even Spell that word! So, I ask you confidentially, how can I be something that I can't even Spell? That's crazy! Crazy! That's just Not me! Not! Me! I like EVERYONE! Red, yellow, black n white, they are precious in my sight, Trump loves the little children of the world. I bet'cha didn't know I was a 'song' writer! I have one for every occasion folks. I have a lot of 'Black' friends...yeah, I Know, I know, why don't you ever ...see me in a photo with them, you know like at lunch, at home sitting around the teli, playing golf, swimming in my gigantic pool, riding in one of my huge, fabulous jet planes, stuff like That. Look, That's not important. The important thing is that I 'Said' that I have lots of those people as my friends. Lots of'em. And I have some Brown people that are my friends too. Same 'story'. Hard workers! And how about those little Mexican's? Don't ask for much, And they don't ask a lot of stupid questions like white people do. Can't get white people to work for as little wages as They will. And you know what? I have a lot of Red people as friends too. I just love Indians! Can't understand a Thing they say, but boy do I ever love'em. Great people! They make some real pretty pottery and teepees and stuff like that. And I'm pretty sure they can Vote. I think I even have some of those Yellow folks as friends. They are great cooks and manicurists. Love'em! Wonderful folks! Just look at my nails! What'd I tell ya! Love'em! White people are my most favorite kind of 'friends' though. Of course I don't hire many of them at my mansions, and golf courses. Can't afford them! Greedy! I have a lot of Women friends! Tons of'em! Lots and lots! Women love to love me, and you know what? They're all gonna come out and vote for me. They can't help themselves! Can't do it! I love women who can't think for themselves! Weak women are like little puppies. Love'em! Cute! As long as they're not a Reporter! Vulgar reporters! So Anyway, I hope I've cleared up any 'misunderstandings' that anyone may have had about whether I'm one of those haters of coloured sorts of people. I see people as a 'rainbow', well, not That kind of 'rainbow', you know, those 'homo rainbow' people. So, just for the 'record', I love Everyone, especially everyone that will vote for me. And you have my 'word' on That one folks, I'm not a 'flipflop' kinda wannabe politician. When I Say something, you can take it to the bank! So, all you people of different colours, get off your lazy duffs, find a ride to the polls, and vote for me as your next Presidente', and chip in to help me build that big ol' wall!'   :/ :/   
Kushner calls father-in-law 'an incredibly loving and tolerant person'

One day after a New York Observer entertainment reporter wrote a column admonishing the paper’s publisher, Jared Kushner, for remaining silent on the anti-Semitic imagery shared by his father-in-law Donald Trump, the media and real estate mogul has published a 1,300-word response to his paper's website.
“My father-in-law is not an anti-Semite,” Kushner wrote in the column, which was published in the Observer’s opinion section Wednesday. “… I read that Dana Schwartz piece that appeared on As always, there are thoughtful points but journalists, even those who work for me at the Observer, are not always right.”
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“The fact is that my father in law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife,” Kushner, who is married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka, continued. “His support has been unwavering and from the heart.”
The column echoes statements Kushner made late Tuesday night asserting that Trump is not racist or anti-Semitic. That statement was issued in response to a column written by Schwartz, an entertainment reporter for the Observer, who asked Kushner not to “condescend to me and pretend you don’t understand the imagery of a six-sided star when juxtaposed with money and accusations of financial dishonesty.”
In the column, Kushner blamed the media for holding Trump accountable for the sentiments of some of his supporters and accused the media of holding Trump to higher standards than other politicians. He also accused Schwartz, his employee, of taking the easy route by accusing Trump of anti-Semitic sentiment, and blamed Trump’s campaign staffers for being “careless in choosing an image to retweet.”
“The worst that his detractors can fairly say about him is that he has been careless in retweeting imagery that can be interpreted as offensive,” Kushner wrote.
Kushner also publicly shared details about his family's history surviving the Holocaust for the first time, arguing that it made him better suited to "know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points."
"The fact it's up for debate, in July of an election year, whether or not a candidate is anti-Semitic is heartbreaking,” Schwartz, who appeared on MSNBC to discuss the matter Wednesday afternoon, told POLITICO in a text message responding to Kushner's essay. “He deflected my point entirely: racist people are drawn to Donald Trump. That’s a fact."
Over the weekend, Trump tweeted, and then deleted, a meme critical of Hillary Clinton that pasted her photo on top of a black-and-white image of money, with text appearing in a six-pointed star. Several news organizations traced the origin of the photoshopped image to a white Supremacist Twitter account, and former Ku Klux Klan leader and Trump supporter David Duke tweeted an image of Trump’s original post with additional anti-Semitic sentiment.
Trump has claimed the star was meant to be a “sheriff’s star,” not the Star of David.
Kushner, whose publication endorsed Trump in April, has reportedly become one of Trump's top campaign advisers throughout Trump's campaign for president. Kushner also reportedly wrote a speech for Trump to deliver at AIPAC with help from Observer editor in chief Ken Kushner.
On Tuesday, POLITICO reported that Kushner did not review Schwartz's post before it appeared on the Observer’s website.
Peter Sterne contributed reporting to this article.

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