Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Trump is 'Colour' Blind

'Hey, I'm not a 'racyist'! Look, I can't even Spell that word! So, I ask you confidentially, how can I be something that I can't even Spell? That's crazy! Crazy! That's just Not me! Not! Me! I like EVERYONE! Red, yellow, black n white, they are precious in my sight, Trump loves the little children of the world. I bet'cha didn't know I was a 'song' writer! I have one for every occasion folks. I have a lot of 'Black' friends...yeah, I Know, I know, why don't you ever ...see me in a photo with them, you know like at lunch, at home sitting around the teli, playing golf, swimming in my gigantic pool, riding in one of my huge, fabulous jet planes, stuff like That. Look, That's not important. The important thing is that I 'Said' that I have lots of those people as my friends. Lots of'em. And I have some Brown people that are my friends too. Same 'story'. Hard workers! And how about those little Mexican's? Don't ask for much, And they don't ask a lot of stupid questions like white people do. Can't get white people to work for as little wages as They will. And you know what? I have a lot of Red people as friends too. I just love Indians! Can't understand a Thing they say, but boy do I ever love'em. Great people! They make some real pretty pottery and teepees and stuff like that. And I'm pretty sure they can Vote. I think I even have some of those Yellow folks as friends. They are great cooks and manicurists. Love'em! Wonderful folks! Just look at my nails! What'd I tell ya! Love'em! White people are my most favorite kind of 'friends' though. Of course I don't hire many of them at my mansions, and golf courses. Can't afford them! Greedy! I have a lot of Women friends! Tons of'em! Lots and lots! Women love to love me, and you know what? They're all gonna come out and vote for me. They can't help themselves! Can't do it! I love women who can't think for themselves! Weak women are like little puppies. Love'em! Cute! As long as they're not a Reporter! Vulgar reporters! So Anyway, I hope I've cleared up any 'misunderstandings' that anyone may have had about whether I'm one of those haters of coloured sorts of people. I see people as a 'rainbow', well, not That kind of 'rainbow', you know, those 'homo rainbow' people. So, just for the 'record', I love Everyone, especially everyone that will vote for me. And you have my 'word' on That one folks, I'm not a 'flipflop' kinda wannabe politician. When I Say something, you can take it to the bank! So, all you people of different colours, get off your lazy duffs, find a ride to the polls, and vote for me as your next Presidente', and chip in to help me build that big ol' wall!'   :/ :/   
Kushner calls father-in-law 'an incredibly loving and tolerant person'

One day after a New York Observer entertainment reporter wrote a column admonishing the paper’s publisher, Jared Kushner, for remaining silent on the anti-Semitic imagery shared by his father-in-law Donald Trump, the media and real estate mogul has published a 1,300-word response to his paper's website.
“My father-in-law is not an anti-Semite,” Kushner wrote in the column, which was published in the Observer’s opinion section Wednesday. “… I read that Dana Schwartz piece that appeared on As always, there are thoughtful points but journalists, even those who work for me at the Observer, are not always right.”
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“The fact is that my father in law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife,” Kushner, who is married to Trump's daughter, Ivanka, continued. “His support has been unwavering and from the heart.”
The column echoes statements Kushner made late Tuesday night asserting that Trump is not racist or anti-Semitic. That statement was issued in response to a column written by Schwartz, an entertainment reporter for the Observer, who asked Kushner not to “condescend to me and pretend you don’t understand the imagery of a six-sided star when juxtaposed with money and accusations of financial dishonesty.”
In the column, Kushner blamed the media for holding Trump accountable for the sentiments of some of his supporters and accused the media of holding Trump to higher standards than other politicians. He also accused Schwartz, his employee, of taking the easy route by accusing Trump of anti-Semitic sentiment, and blamed Trump’s campaign staffers for being “careless in choosing an image to retweet.”
“The worst that his detractors can fairly say about him is that he has been careless in retweeting imagery that can be interpreted as offensive,” Kushner wrote.
Kushner also publicly shared details about his family's history surviving the Holocaust for the first time, arguing that it made him better suited to "know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points."
"The fact it's up for debate, in July of an election year, whether or not a candidate is anti-Semitic is heartbreaking,” Schwartz, who appeared on MSNBC to discuss the matter Wednesday afternoon, told POLITICO in a text message responding to Kushner's essay. “He deflected my point entirely: racist people are drawn to Donald Trump. That’s a fact."
Over the weekend, Trump tweeted, and then deleted, a meme critical of Hillary Clinton that pasted her photo on top of a black-and-white image of money, with text appearing in a six-pointed star. Several news organizations traced the origin of the photoshopped image to a white Supremacist Twitter account, and former Ku Klux Klan leader and Trump supporter David Duke tweeted an image of Trump’s original post with additional anti-Semitic sentiment.
Trump has claimed the star was meant to be a “sheriff’s star,” not the Star of David.
Kushner, whose publication endorsed Trump in April, has reportedly become one of Trump's top campaign advisers throughout Trump's campaign for president. Kushner also reportedly wrote a speech for Trump to deliver at AIPAC with help from Observer editor in chief Ken Kushner.
On Tuesday, POLITICO reported that Kushner did not review Schwartz's post before it appeared on the Observer’s website.
Peter Sterne contributed reporting to this article.

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

The 'New' American 'Politics'

'You, you, Bigot You! You're bigger than the biggest Bigot I've Ever seen! You're Soooo big, 'GoodYear' wants to use you as a Blimp, you, you, Woman, you!

'Oh Yeah, Mr.Funny Face Trump, you're a Racist! You don't like people who don't have orange skin like You have!'

'Well, Miss Namecaller, you are a big fat liar! Liar, liar, your pants are on fire! Na, na,nana,naaaa,na,na!'

'Ha! If I'm a liar, then You are a double liar! Your '..campaign is built “on prejudice and paranoia”. What do you think of That, Mr. Bigmouth?

I think you're a 'disgusting person", and you are “pandering to the worst instincts in our society”, Miss "crooked Hillary".

Oh yeah?! Well, your mama wars combat boots, Mr.Orange hair!

Ha! Your mama is so fat she rents out as a Billboard! Your husband was the worst pretend President Ever!

Sticks, and stones, may break my Bones, but Names will never hurt me. Besides, you are a spoiled rich-boy brat!

And you're a disgusting lying Woman!

Oh yeah?! Well, call me what you Will, I Know what I Am. At Least my Hair is real!

You are Such a liar! I'm gonna be a better President than you will ever Dream of being. Besides, Women can't be President. Only Men can do that job! That's why I'm more qualified than You are, smartie!

Name caller, name caller, You are a Meanie!

You started it, you crazy woman!

I did not, You started it rich boy!

Oh yeah?! Well guess What Miss Liar! You're Fired!

Can't fire me, can't fire me, NaaaNa NaaaaNaaaaa!'

Welcome to 'Civil Discourse class-101', and the 'new' American political, verbal jousting arena. And while America 'burned', the only Two people who didn't 'notice', were the last two Presidential candidates left standing.  :/ :/ :/ 

A comprehensive guide to all the insults Trump, Clinton exchanged this week

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The last full week of August featured a series of insults traded between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Here are some of the highlights. USA TODAY
Over the past couple of days, Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a bigot and she responded by delivering an entire speech blasting him for his ties to white nationalists and racists — to which Trump responded that she was insulting all the Americans who supported him.
This week was even nastier than the one during the primary campaign when Trump and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio argued over Trump’s hand size — and that week got pretty messy.
There were so many insults tossed around this week we thought you could use a guide:

Trump: Clinton is a “bigot”

In Jackson, Miss., Trump announced mid-rally that “Hillary Clinton is a bigot." He had previously said Americans would "reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton," according to the Associated Press.
And Thursday, he reiterated the comments in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, saying Clinton was a bigot and her policies backed up the assertion (he did not provide specifics).

Clinton: Ku Klux Klan and white nationalists believe in Trump

On Thursday morning, Clinton released a scalding ad that had video footage of members of the KKK and white nationalists praising Trump.
The ad Clinton tweeted began with a quote from a KKK Imperial Wizard: “The reason a lot of Klan members like Donald Trump is because a lot of what he believes, we believe in.”

Trump: Clinton is shameful

Trump responded to the ad and Clinton’s impending attack speech (she gave a speech focused on Trump’s ties to the alt-right shortly after Trump finished his speech Thursday) by saying “shame on you."
Trump tried to flip the narrative from just being an attack on him to an attack on all Americans.
"What does she do when she can’t defend her record?" Trump asked the crowd during a rally in Manchester, N.H., on Thursday afternoon. "She lies, and she smears, and she paints decent Americans — you — as racists."

Clinton: Trump’s campaign is built “on prejudice and paranoia”

Then it was Clinton’s turn. The former secretary of State took the stage in Reno for a speech that had originally been focused on small business, but instead was a scathing review of Trump and the extremists the Democratic nominee said support him.
"From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. He is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party,” Clinton said.
“A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far, dark reaches of the Internet, should never run our government or command our military,” she continued.

Trump: Clinton is “pandering to the worst instincts in our society”

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hey! I Don't Need No Stinkin' U.N.!

'Hey, I don't need no stinkin' 'UN'! What'd it ever do for Me..errr..I mean my Country? We can defend ourselves, you know, just like we did back in the 40's, no thanks to that meddling United States! Just give us some sticks and blowguns and we'll teach these drug users a lesson they won't forget anytime soon! "Maybe we'll just have to decide to separate from the United Nations," that is if you're gonna keep picking on us.
"If you are that insulting, son of a bitch, we should just leave, Take us out of your organization. You have done nothing anyway." We know how to deal with drug dealers, drug users, annnnd..oh, and people who are even Suspected of 'thinking' about drugs. You know, we never had a drug 'problem' here before Americans infiltrated our little banana republic. Oh sure, we had Drugs, sure, but we didn't have a 'problem' with it. But Then the Americans came, and then the U.N. came, and then 'democracy', and Then Me, and then all of a sudden we had a 'drug' problem. Actually, I think it's more of a 'people' problem. Get rid of the 'people', and the drug 'problem' will take care of itself! You see, it's like This; I want to be the best, or perhaps Worst 'dictator' this country has ever had the misfortune of having, no matter What it takes, no matter How many 'guilty', and/or 'innocent' people have to die. I know I can do it but First I must make my country believe that I can walk on water, you Know, do Miracles . Just like my friend, Donald Trump does. And of course, the very best way to take care of this little 'people' problem is to get rid of them! And when I say 'get rid of them', you better believe that I mean Just That! A 'good' dictator will always float to the top after a good flush, and as you can see, I am 'flush' with great ideas as to how to deal with evil social issues that plague our great banana republic. I have instructed our wonderfully obediant,'follow your last order First' police department, and our 'I was just following Orders' military, to shoot First, and ask no questions later, when it comes to those even remotely, Or even not at all for That matter, 'suspected' of being involved in the illegal drug trade. Our new national Motto will be, 'Kill'em All, Let Jesus Sort'em Out'. As you can see by the incredibly high, un-questioned death toll carried out by my 'Officially sanctioned Drug Killers', this policy is working like a charm. The Side benefit of this little scheme is that I can also Eliminate without questions my opponents, and officials, and politicians, and anyone with even Half a logical brain, simply by accusing Them of being involved in the drug trade. A good dictator must always have an Ace up his sleeve. "My orders are for the police to go out and hunt for 'criminals' ". 'I tell them to arrest these 'criminals' if they surrender peacefully, but kill them if they put up a violent struggle. I assume full responsibility for what happens." Yes, yes, I Know, I Know, the U.N has has made potty mouth about the way I run my little fifedom, but it Is Mine, all Mine, and I'll do as I wish. Hey, who pays attention to 'Crimes against humanity' anymore? Every one of my 'serfs' who are wise enough to fear me will tell you that that they 'all' stand behind me 100% because they are fed up with drugs and the crimes it brings to their very doorsteps. Of course, Now, not only do they have drugs And crime at their doorstep, but they Also have hundreds of very dead and bloody corpeses laying there as well, but that's the price of a good drug eradication program. Sometimes a few unlucky Innocent people must perish to ensure that the 'guilty' get whacked too. Just recently the meddling U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines said some very meddling things about how I run my kingdom. I called him a "gay son of a bitch." Stupid Americans! I am a brave dictator! See how brave and bold I am? See how I fear absolutly No one? See how full of 'common sense' I most surely am? You can see that I have the situation well in hand, and that it will end 'well' for me and my fearless followers who blindly follow my Orders to kill and cause mayhem through-out my kingdom, my drug crazed country? Nobody ever said that being a great dictator would be an easy job, but I have studied the best dictators, such as my BFF 'Vlad the great' Putin, that 'wanna be dictator' 'Foot in mouth' Trump, that chubby little Korean doughboy, Kim Jong-un, Syria's Bashar 'the barrel bomb butcher' al-Assad, oh, and many more 'great' minds too numerous to mention. So keep your eyes on me world, I assure you there's more to come from my great egotistical, sightless mind as I single-handedly, and of course with the unwaivering help of my mindless hired assasins, strive to destroy a country that perhaps otherwise Still has the chance to survive, well, that is until they wound up with Me, 'kill'em all, let God sort'em out' Duterte The Great.' :/ :/ :/


Philippine president threatens to leave the UN

25 Agosto 2016
Philippine president threatens to leave the UN

A PALACE official clarified Monday that the Philippines is "not decoupling" with the United Nations (UN), despite President Rodrigo Duterte's stern warning that the country may separate from it if the global organization continues to "intervene" in his drug war.
[T] he president has championed the rise in death toll - up from the 68 suspects killed by police from January 1 through June 15 of this year - as proof of the "success" of his anti-drug campaign, saying in mid-July that "while the campaign against drugs is far from ideal, a generation of Filipinos have been saved from this scourge of society and destroyer of lives", according to AFP.
At a news conference on Sunday, Duterte took his support for these vigilantes to a new level, threatening to leave the United Nations over criticism that his directives for the public to kill drug dealers amounted to "incitement to violence and killing, a crime under worldwide law". Duterte and his aides have given conflicting positions on whether they would allow United Nations experts to come to the Philippines to investigate allegations government security forces are carrying out extrajudicial killings.
At a press conference on Monday, Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Junior reiterated the Philippines' commitment to the United Nations and pleaded for sympathy. He also accused the United Nations of failing on terrorism, hunger and ending conflicts.
"Should you be that ill-mannered, we might just as well leave", he said.
Earlier, presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said the government did not extend any invitation to any third-party observer, adding that the drug situation is being responsibly addressed by Philippine authorities. Duterte frequently peppers his public comments with swear words-he has also called Pope Francis and the U.S. ambassador to Manila sons of whores-and days after his election win used typical language to criticize the UN.
Estimates for the number of drug-related extrajudicial killings under Duterte vary, but there's no disputing the fact that the body count is high.
As recently as Sunday, the number of suspected drug traffickers killed in Duterte's seven-week war on drugs had been put at about 900 by Philippine officials.
Duterte's drug crackdown has left more than 500 suspected dealers dead and more than 4,400 arrested since he took office on June 30. Duterte criticized the United Nations for its failure to stamp out terrorism, world hunger and other conflicts.
The police's "stand against extrajudicial killings is uncompromising", a police official said in a statement.
"If you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killings?" said Mr Duterte in a rambling, two-hour news conference that began at 1am on Sunday. "I would invite maybe China, the African (nations)", he said.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Planning To Have A 'Plan'

'OK, Ok, I Know I've said some pretty stupid and disgusting and brain damaged things since I started this little 'I wanna be your President' gambet. And Yes, my mouth Does tend to have the 'runs' most of the time. I 'might' be 'sorry', but probably Not, that I said one or two things that may have irratated one or two people along the way. Weak people! I might even, according to my new spokesperson, 'regret' some of the few things I have muttered. But Remember, a 'regret' is Not an apology by Any stretch of the imagination! Someone mentioned to me that I 'might' have said something about sending all illegal, or undocumented border jumpers, back to where ever the heck they came from. Maybe I said it, maybe not. I don't know. I don't write down Everything I might say. Can't do it! I'm a nice guy. Wonderful! Sure, I'm my biggest fan, but I just realized that I could have a whole lot of Other fans out there if I just sucked up a little bit. Ouch!! You know, 'eat some crow', that sorta thing. Actually, I hate crows! Loud, disgusting things. Reminds me of Women reporters! But hey! I Love women! So here's my 'new' plan. Actually it's Another plan. Oh..., Welllllll, actually I don't Have anything down on paper yet, you know, like an actual 'plan', you Know, like you'd do if you were going shopping or something.. Well, actually, I've never even been in a grocery store, and I Have Never been 'shopping'. How crazy is That!? I hire 'green card' mean, documented foreign workers to do my shopping For me. Anyhow, just stay tuned for more, or less, information about my 'turnaround' immigration 'plan'. I have hired the best 'planners' that money can buy. They will be doing all my thinking and planning from now own. No matter What I personally Think, They will think the 'correct' thoughts, and make the correct 'plans' from those thoughts just as if they were my Own, which of course I will take every bit of credit for, so that people will 'think' I thought it, and then, well, you know the rest. Even when I'm your brand new President their job is to make sure that I say the 'correct' thing just about all the time. Money! They love my money! So the bottom line is This; I 'plan' to Have a 'plan', and I plan to have one Soon, but right Now I have no Clue as to What if Anything, I plan to do about Anything. But you just wait, I'll plan great things, and Do great and wonderful things all over the place. There'll be no more of those nasty floods down in that pitiful state..Louesa...or whatEver that place is called. I'm pretty sure that I'll end this Global Warming hoax thing. End it! Knock it Off Liars! And those 'wildfires' as they call them, out west, will be banned. No more! Finished! Well, Those are some things I'm thinking about doing. Thinking! Planning! So, remember to vote for the guy who has The 'plan', well, the plan to 'plan' a 'plan''. I'll bet that liar Hillary can't even Spell 'plan', let alone Have one!' :/ :/

Trump now says he plans to legalize some undocumented immigrants

Sources tell Univision that Trump plans to announce a major shift on immigration policy next week. The Republican candidate met Saturday with Hispanic leaders who said he told them he regrets prior comments about Mexicans.
Mario Rodríguez, head of the Hispanic 100 group in California, an...
Mario Rodríguez, head of the Hispanic 100 group in California, and Jovita Carranza, who worked in George W. Bush's administration, with Donald Trump.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump plans to present an immigration plan in Colorado Thursday that will include finding a way to legalize millions of undocumented immigrants, according to three people who attended a meeting between the candidate and Hispanic leaders on Saturday at Trump Tower in New York.
"I really liked that Trump acknowledged that there is a big problem with the 11 million [undocumented] people who are here, and that deporting them is neither possible nor humane,” said Jacob Monty, a Texas immigration lawyer who attended the meeting.

If true, Trump's plan would stand in sharp contrast to his previous statements about immigrants during the campaign. During the primaries, the New York property tycoon promised to build a wall along the border with Mexico and to deport all undocumented immigrants.
The possible reversal over immigration policy by the Republican candidate would not be without precedent after Trump has shifted his position on a variety of issues during his campaign, from banning Muslims to taxes, minimum wages and and abortion.
Polls show Trump has alienated many minority voters and Republican party strategists have urged him to tone down his rhetoric about immigrants, especially Hispanics who make up a growing share of registered voters - about 10% in November.
Republican National Committee spokesperson Helen Aguirre was also present at the meeting and confirmed that the candidate is working on unveiling a plan. "Trump was very categorical in saying that he's seeking a fair immigration reform," Aguirre said. "He wants to listen to everyone and announce his conclusions in the coming days."
Trump told the group of conservative Hispanic leaders he would announce a plan to grant legal status "that wouldn't be citizenship but would allow them to be here without fear of deportation," Monty said.
The campaign has so far not provided details of the plan, and Trump spokesman Steven Cheung, said in a statement that Trump's posiiton remains unchanged on immigration.
"Mr. Trump said nothing today that he hasn't said many times before ... enforce our immigration laws, uphold the Constitution and be fair and humane while putting American workers first,” Cheung said.
When he launched his presidential campaign in June last year, Trump linked immigration and crime. "When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people," he said at the time.
According to one of the meeting's attendees, Trump said Saturday that he regretted having made those comments, though it was not clear if he had issued an apology.
In a statement on Saturday responding to Trump's meeting with Hispanics, Hillary Clinton’s campaign political director, Amanda Rentería, recalled the billionaire's prior disparaging comments. "If true, this is a cynical attempt from Donald Trump to distract from his dangerous policies that he doubled down on just this week in a new ad. Donald Trump will be Donald Trump and what's clear is that he's dangerous for the Latino community," she said.

The meeting lasted an hour and a half and among those also present were his two top campaign staff, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, who joined Trump this week following a shake-up of his team.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus described three meeting as part of "our expansive effort to engage the Hispanic community."
Present were members of a National Hispanic Advisory Council For Trump, a group that includes state representatives, evangelical pastors and executives such as Javier Polit, chief information officer at the Coca-Cola Company.
According to sources who were present at the meeting, Trump spoke in a conciliatory tone. He began by welcoming everyone, then asked attendees what they thought he should do for the Hispanic community. He took notes during the whole meeting.
The Republican candidate said that his main priority was how to handle the 11 million undocumented immigrants who are now in the country, the sources said.
“Trump is aware that he cannot deport 11 million people,” says Lola Zinke, wife of Ryan Zinke, a Republican congressman from Montana, who is a former Navy Seal.
Zinke, the daughter of a Peruvian, is a San Diego lawyer familiar with illegal immigration issues, who says she believes deportation is not the solution. “It doesn’t make sense to force undocumented [immigrants] to go back to their countries to regularize their situation. Trump himself mentioned a possible solution: let them do it at the embassies or consulates of their countries,” she said.
Other people present at the meeting backed that idea, explaining that the candidate said he did not like the idea of forcing undocumented immigrants to go back to their countries to regularize their immigration status, and that it would make sense to allow them to do so without leaving the United States.
“No one wants criminals or rapists here,” Zinke said. “But it’s impossible to deport 11 million people. Trump realizes the contributions the Hispanic community has made to our military. He understands Hispanic values and the contributions of our community,” she added.
Official details of the Trump plan remain unknown. But those who were present at the meeting said it would include some form of legalizing the status of some undocumented immigrants.
“Being eligible will require that people haven’t committed serious crimes or aren’t recently arrived,” Monty said.
The plan would need the support of Congress, but Monty said he had faith in Trump as “someone who has made deals.”
He added: “Trump is capable of sitting down with his party to negotiate and his opponent isn’t. Congress is controlled by Republicans. How will Hillary Clinton move forward with reform?”
Upon exiting the meeting, evangelical pastor Mario Bramnick said he had spoken with Trump about immigration on three occasions and that he always believed that Trump wanted to come up with a detailed plan to address undocumented immigrants in a humane way.
“He’s always understood the problems of the 11 million people that are here and are good people,” Bramnick said. “The first thing is to establish the safety of this country and make it clear that criminals cannot stay. But there are good people and we have to propose reform to discuss what to do with these people,” he said.

Several Hispanic leaders told Trump that Hispanics weren't happy about his more aggressive comments. "He told us that what he'd said was one thing and what he'd meant to say was another," said Jovita Carranza, a Hispanic businesswoman and deputy administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration under President George W. Bush.
"What he meant to say is that there's a lot of crime involved in these difficult situations that Hispanics go through on the border,” said Carranza, who attended Saturday’s meeting in New York.
“They pay money to cross [the border] and along the way women are raped and they let others die in trucks. Trump said he was referring to that type of crime and to people who are criminals who shouldn't be part of our society," she added.
Carranza said Trump knows the Hispanic community because many of his employees are of Mexican origin, and that he values their contribution to the economy and how much they care about education.
María Ramírez and David Adams contributed to this article.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump Said, Whaaaat?

'Hey, you know what? You probably haven't even 'noticed', but Sometimes i say "the wrong thing". I know, I'm as surprised as You are! Surprised! Flabergasted! My brain is going like, Whaaaaat?! But Really, it's probably not even 'true'. But I do! Wrong things. Boy! Imagine That! Me! Hey, how about that time I muttered, “One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government.” Whoa! Talking 'bout Me here! Crazy lips! How 'bout This one, “That’s one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That’s a huge advantage. I must tell you, that’s a huge advantage over the other candidates.” I know, I know..but you know What? I wasn't kidding about having all that money, money talks, losers walk. Hey, remember this one? “I’m a bit of a P. T. Barnum. I make stars out of everyone.” Shoot! Wish I could make it work on Me! Oh, I Know you'll remember This little loose lips dandy, “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Well, it Is! I mean, who in their right mind could resist me? Who? Women Love to love me! They can't help themselves! I love weak women! Oh remember This one, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” I sorta meant That one. Come on folks! Admit it, you Know it's probably 'true'! Well, except for all those Mexicans that I get 'green cards' for that come to work at my clubs and golf courses, you know, good people. Great folks. Some of'em. Speaking of 'border jumpers', and we all know a few of'em don't we? Anyway, one time everyone was trying to figure out how to solve that problem. I just up and spouted out, “I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” I bet Nobody remembers That one. Didn't get much 'press' with it. Hardly a ripple. But I do know how to build 'walls' I've built great 'walls' my whole rich life. Of course Most of'em I built around Myself to keep people from getting too close to me, well, except for hot babes, they're very a point. But no real 'smart' ones, and especially no stupid, loud mouthed, lying Reporters! I hate disgusting reporters in the first place, but especially Women reporters! Useless! Who Hires them?! I'd Fire all of them! You're fired! Outta here! I remember, you might also, when millions of American children were dying left and right, catching all sorts of horrible diseases because they were being given vaccines that were supposed to prevent bad things, but instead was just murdering them pratically. Remember that? And I said, “No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses — one vaccine at a time, over time.” And I was 'right'! Children are Not horses, they only have two legs, they're just little People folks! People! I don't like them in the audiance at my events, but otherwise I can nearly tolerate'em. Almost. Hey, I have kids of my own! Somehow they lived through childhood and became rich adults. I might appoint one of'em to be on my cabinet.
Hmmm... speaking of Obama, remember when someone started that birth certificate stink? And I said, “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.” Hey, who knows, I could be right about That one to. Hawaii! My foot! I have a P.I. in kenya right now doing a little 'research' and he tells me that I'll be surprised at what he discovers. Can't wait! But anyway, I could go on, and on, and on, and on with all the crazy things I've blurted out before I could close my flapping lips. But I think you get the idea here. I get Most of my great 'thoughts' while in the bathroom. I swear I'm a great, that is. Sometimes I surprise even mySelf at some of the big 'thoughts' that I produce while just sitting there clearing my head. Sometimes there's Little 'thoughts', or maybe some medium sized 'thoughts', one time I had a 'thought' that, I kid you not, I thought my head was gonna explode! Wow! It was like having a 'brain baby'! I can't wait until I'm President of America. I'm saving some of my very 'best' 'thoughts' for Then! Just wait until my subordinate American serfs hear what gushes from my mouth Then! Until then be sure to tell all your friends about me so they can go out and vote for the Right person for President. Not that Other person, you know, that lying Woman person. I know more about government stuff than she'll ever Dream about knowing. I can't wait until they tell us some more State Secrets at the next Security meeting. Don't worry, all that bullcrap is 'safe' with Me. Who would care anyhow? My BFF Vlad Putin said that he knows Most all that stuff already, but he said he's a really good listener. Swell guy! Honest fellow! Well, get out there and Vote for me! Remember, a wasted vote is one you'll have to live with for the next Four miserable Years.' :/ :/ :/


At Charlotte rally, Trump admits he's said 'the wrong things'

Posted 2:23 p.m. yesterday
Updated 10:30 p.m. yesterday


— A week after two appearances in North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump returned to the state Thursday and publicly expressed regret for some of his past mistakes.
Speaking to a Charlotte crowd, Trump apologized for occasions when he said the wrong thing in public.
“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words, or you say the wrong thing,” Trump said. “I have done that, and I regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain.”
Trump said that, despite regret for some things he has said, he has never lied to supporters while Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton “is one of the greatest liars of all time.”
“I will never lie to you, I will never tell you something I do not believe, I will never put anybody’s interests above yours, and I will never ever stop fighting for you,” he said.
Trump blamed Clinton and President Barack Obama for the rise of ISIS and said that the Democratic Party has ignored the African-American community and taken its votes for granted.
Trump said that he plans to work closely with the African-American community to deliver new opportunities.
“This means a lot to me, and it’s going to be a top priority in a Trump administration,” he said. “In my administration, every American will be treated equally, protected equally and honored equally. We will reject bigotry.”
A majority of the nearly one-hour speech focused on providing new opportunities to all Americans, and Trump said he chose to run for president to speak for Americans who don’t have a voice of their own.
Trump said he particularly hopes to provide more opportunities for those living in the inner cities, support charter schools, give all students a greater chance at an education and make it easier for young Americans to get the credit they need to start a business.
“Young people are destroyed before they even start,” he said. “I refuse to let another generation of American children be excluded from the American dream,” Trump said.
With the audience chanting their familiar refrain of “build the wall,” Trump turned the conversation to immigration and asserted that those who believe in suppressing others of different ethnic backgrounds and faiths would not be welcome to join the country.
He said that, under his administration, immigration would be suspended from any place where adequate screening and extreme vetting could not be performed.
“We are going to end the era of nation building and instead focus on destroying ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism,” he said, noting military, financial and cyber warfare could be used.
Speaking about trade, Trump said the city of Charlotte has lost one-quarter of manufacturing jobs to China during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. He said that, if he is elected, he will renegotiate NAFTA and withdraw if other countries don’t agree with this plans.
“Hillary Clinton has supported all of the major trade deals that have stripped this country of its jobs and its wealth,” he said.
During the speech, Trump also took a few moments to speak about the recent devastating floods in Louisiana and encouraged supporters to band together to help.
“We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt, and we must all work together to lift each other up," he said.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It's Official, The Earth Is Flat

Meet the People Who Believe the Earth Is Flat
Image Credit: Getty Images

Meet the People Who Believe the Earth Is Flat

9/11 was an inside job

Many of the flat Earthers believe 9/11 was perpetrated by the government.
"If you follow the money, it's pretty easy to figure out what's going on," said Johnson, a longtime 9/11 conspiracy theorist. "When a guy who owns the World Trade Center just so happens to increase his insurance coverage and not be there the day all this happens, that was enough for me."
Johnson is referring to Larry Silverstein, a developer who controlled the Twin Towers when they were hit on 9/11.
"I think it was perpetrated by the government," Patrice said. "There was a lot of computer-generated imaging. It was a controlled interior demolition. It was a large-scale deception. I'm not sure how many people died."

What they want you to know

I asked the flat Earthers what they want readers to know, above all else.
"I want them to know that NASA and all the astronauts and all of NASA are liars," Patrice said. "There's a picture of all the Challenger crew still alive today, 30 years later. Three of them are teaching in universities." (The astronauts' bodies were found a few months after the explosion.)
"I just want people to look into it," Long said. "I don't try to proselytize anymore, I don't try to change minds and convince masses. I just try to present information I have found that shakes my old belief system."
"Most of what we've been told, in a vastly major scale, is a lie," Johnson said. "If they can lie to you about the most basic aspect of your life, where you live, then they can lie to you about everything else. It's the biggest lie that keeps all the other lies going."