Monday, April 11, 2016

Women Just Love to Love Me

'Your ears do Not decieve you folks. That's right, I'm gonna get the female vote! They'll vote for me! Eveyone of'em! They're gonna make Me Your next President, Commander In Chief, Leader of the 'free' world in Charge of America!
Now, you All know that I 'love' women, if I've said it once, I've said it a million times! I love Women! Love'em! And of course, They all love me right back! Right back! Respect! Love! Hey, to Me a Vote is a vote! I don't care Where it ...comes from! But really, women love to love me. Here's how ya get women to 'love' you. First ya gotta be a whole lot like Me. That won't be easy for almost everyone because there's only One Me. And That's Me! Look deeep into my caring eyes...deeep...deeeeeperrrr...reeeead my minnnnd...deeeeper stillll...Ok, enough of that stupid stuff! Seriously folks, all you gotta do is treat them like crap. Yep, crap! Like so much poo! Speak At Them like they are Such low lifes, call them names reserved for the devil himself, show them they are Nothing but a speck of dust in the cosmos, belittle them, mis-pronounce their names, yell at them, fire them when you get a chance, take away their self respect, show them that You are in control of their brains and their decision makeing abilities, they just Love being treated like that. Love it! Pretty soon they will see You as their only viable alternative, even to life itsself. They will fall head over heels for you and vote for you even though you treat them like trash. Trash! Garbage! They'll Love you! Women 'love' me! Millions of'em will line up all night long just to vote for Me! My own wife is gonna vote for me. I'm It folks! It! That's Me! It! When you go to the polls be sure to bring your woman along with you, tell her who she's gonna vote for, you won't regret it one bit. Ever! No future regrets folks! Just look at this frowny face. Maybe I'll actually Smile when I'm elected. I don't know. Maybe. We'll see. But for Now, I want all the Men out there to start right Now teaching your women how, and Who to vote for. And you 'Know' Who! Women love me. They do. You'll see. I got'em in my pocket! Vote. For me. Remember about that 'wasted' vote thing'.  :/ :/

Donald Trump Shares How He Intends To Get The Female Vote

During a Fox News interview in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump shared one of the ways he would improve his standing with women.
He said, “I have so many women that really want to have protection. [Women] are saying, ‘We like Donald Trump because we feel he’s going to be the strongest for the country in terms of protection, in terms of [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria], in terms of the border.'"
He added, "They like me for that reason. That’s protecting women, but it’s also protecting everybody.”
Trump also blamed the media for distorting some of his remarks. He argued, “I’m getting very bad press with women. I don’t get fair press with women. Nobody respects women more than me. I think we’re going to change it around. The press treats me horribly with almost every aspect of life.”
Last week, Trump angered abortion rights supporters by suggesting that women should receive some form of punishment of abortions were outlawed. He has since clarified that statement saying that he would only support penalties for abortion providers if the procedure were outlawed.

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