Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ted Cruz, America's Teli-Evangelical President

Ted Cruz – proven, passionate, effective fighter for limited government, economic growth, and the Constitution.

'This is a 'political' post by your next President of America, Teddy Cruz from Texass, and if I Knew about it I probably would Not endorse it'.

'My fellow legal American Voters. I come to you tonight just loaded down with all kinds of promises and vows, enough to fill your empty heads twice over, as if just Once is not enough.
If you would only go out and vote for me, I Promise that I will be the best doggone Teli-Evangelical President you ever did see. The Oval Office will become a place where I will preach, and pray, and baptise lost souls, especially those of our lost in space Congress, and House of Representatives. I'm gonna bring Jesus back into the White House, and into our halls of Government, and Justice, just like it's supposed to be, the way Jesus Wants it to be. I'm gonna Buy the best Supreme Court Justices' that money and freebies can buy. I already have some names of folks that I'm gonna 'hire' to sit in that Godly court. Just off the top of my head there's; my good friend Pat Robertson, my fellow Texassin David Barton, my Real old friend Billy Graham, that crazy guy Benny Hinn, the original TV guy Jim Baker (but Not Tammy!), Ted Haggard...and the list goes on, and on folks! There's So many Godly folks out there that deserve to be America's spokespeople! But be assured that I will fill those seats with Men who have 'your' best interests at heart. Then they're going to rule on cases before them the way Jesus wants them to, and the way I will 'suggest' they do. I'm gonna protect the religious 'Right' so that they can't be picked on anymore.
  I'll make sure that those of strong religious faith are able to discriminate legally against sinners like gays, minorities, immigrants, women, and anyone who believes in something we 'believers' don't. I'll make sure that that dusty thing called 'Seperation of State and Church' is buried so deep it'll never be heard from, ever again! The Church belongs in the government just as Jesus commands.
  Make no doubt about it, America will once again, if it Ever was, be the Christian center of the free world. Non believers will Become believers, or they will have to pack their travel bags and find some Other place to do their sinning. Just look at North Carolina, and Mississippi, these two Godly states are on the right track in following Gods orders. I'll make sure that 'freedom' rings through-out the land of the 'free', home of the brave, where all people, especially religious people, can be free to discriminate without fear of government intervention or persecution. I'll make decisions that can affect ALL Americans based on prayer, and what's dictated by the Bible, and the holy word of God. There's only One 'law' for America, and that's Gods law, and you can count on Me, Teddy Cruz, as Gods right hand man, to insure that all Christians rights will be protected. So get on out there and cast your Christian vote for Me, the guy that's gonna bring religion, whether you want it or not, into your lives, or you're gonna have to find some other place to sin in'.  :/ :/

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