Sunday, April 10, 2016

Speaking Of "Bully Tactics"....

'Oooooo..he is Such a big Bully! See how Mean he is!? Look how he tries to 'control' Other folks lives with his Bullying tactics, and poor decisions! How dare he to cancel his concert which would have generated Millions of tourist dollars for our struggling economy. These 'radicals' have no Place in our fine learned state of Confusion..Err..North Carolina, that is. Just Who does he Think he Is? This guy is just as Bad as that stupid 'PayPal' company that decided to go ...someplace else with their business! Who Needs them anyhow!? Hey, those 400 potential employees will just find some Other 'job', anyway, I hear Burger King is looking for 'flippers'. And how about that 'comedian' Joel McHale cancelling His show! Ha! He's not even Funny! Well, I've never Actually Heard of him until Now, but I Do hear that's what people 'Say' about him. Besides, we don't even Need 'funny' people in our 'great' state. In fact, Funny has no place here, and we sure as heck will do eveything we can do to make Sure there's No laughter Here, or new jobs, or my name ain't Mark Walker, your esteemed Congressman, extraordinar. Remember, I 'speak' for all of you. “We’ve got other artists coming soon — Def Leppard, Justin Bieber,” the congressman noted. “I’ve never been a Bieber fan, but I might have to go. Maybe artists who weren’t ‘born to run’ deserve a little bit more support.”
There's Plenty of 'artists' out there who are just as homophobic as Everyone in North Carolina is, or Better be, and you know What, they'll All be 'happy' to bring their acts here so we can make lots and lots of money off of Them.
So, here's what I say to all these spoiled brats out there who are saying not very nice thing about us sticky Tar Heels; Just go away! That's right, Just Go Away, we don't want you, we don't Need you, and if you don't come here, we won't Miss you. You can't Miss something you never Had. So There, you stupid bullies you! We identify with our sister state of Mississippi where they just 'thought' they were more homophobic that us, but As you can See, Our 'law', which Every single voter in North Carolina agrees with, is much better than theirs. So, Lets hear a big shout-out for our intrepid, exceedingly homophobic, Governor Pat McCrory, who's always one step ahead of being classified as an idiot, for passing this much needed law that shows the whole world that there's 'gold' at the end of that 'Rainbow' afterall.
Now folks, my fellow Carolianian's, my think alike brethern, I'd like to stay here and praise our Gov., and his snappy new law all night long, but I gotta get going now, gotta go home and give my 'closet' a good dusting out. Remember folks, a state without a great 'leader' is just another poor, dumb, hick, homophobic state, which We ain't none of...well, sorta..kinda...well, You know. :/ :/




Congressman Slams Bruce Springsteen As ‘Bully,’ May Support Justin Bieber Instead

“I consider this a bully tactic. It’s like when a kid gets upset and says he’s going to take his ball and go home.”

04/10/2016 11:40 am ET

Bill Clark via Getty Images
Rep. Mark Walker believes Springsteen is using a “bully tactic.”

While many people are cheering Bruce Springsteen’s decision to cancel a North Carolina concert in light of the state’s new anti-LGBT legislation, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) is not one of them.
In fact, the congressman told The Hollywood Reporter that he believes the rock star is being a bully.
“Bruce is known to be on the radical left,” Walker told the publication. “He’s got every right to be so, but I consider this a bully tactic. It’s like when a kid gets upset and says he’s going to take his ball and go home.”
Springsteen recently canceled his April 10 show at the Greensboro Coliseum, writing in a press release featured on his website, “Some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry — which is happening as I write — is one of them.”
The Boss isn’t the only one upset with the state’s new HB2 legislation, which prevents cities from passing non-discrimination ordinances and prohibits transgender people from using restrooms corresponding with their gender identity.
On Friday night, comedian Joel McHale revealed he almost pulled the plug on his Durham, North Carolina, show and pledged to donate “every single dime I make tonight to the [Durham] LGBTQ Center.” Earlier this month, PayPal canceled a proposed 400-job expansion in the state.
Though it appears Walker won’t be “Dancing in the Dark” anytime soon, he might have found himself a new “Baby”: Justin Bieber.
“We’ve got other artists coming soon — Def Leppard, Justin Bieber,” the congressman noted. “I’ve never been a Bieber fan, but I might have to go. Maybe artists who weren’t ‘born to run’ deserve a little bit more support.”

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