Friday, April 22, 2016

'Saarts' Big 'Trip'

'Saart's' Big 'Trip'

'OMG! And I Mean OMG, like Big time! There I was, completly 'free' of Any 'illigal' mind expanding chemicals, just being my plain ol', plain Jane self.   But I mean, really, I'm not all That plain, and my name is Not Jane, LOL!   I think I was watching the teli, something about Space Odessey 101, or Something spacey like that. I had my moto helmut strapped on tight because when I'm riding that space probe as it shoots me across the universe I certainly don't want some errant piece of space junk konking my noggin as I'm flying around UrAnus, or Mine Either for that matter.   I was just about to ask my parakeet a question, which I was Sure he would know the answer to, when All of a Sudden, I was having this out of body experience!   It was like, you know, like I came right out of my own body!  My Own Body!  My Head felt like the GoodYear Blimp on 'roids!  When I looked back I could see my other self just sitting there, and my parakeet there with a look of astonishment on his little beak, like what the 'F' just happend to my Bff, there she goes, but here she Is, and here I Am too!   But there I was entering another world, leaving the one I had grown accustomed to, boring as it was.  I felt dizzy, yet not, and I could smell smells that I never had before.  I could like even smell colours!   Yellow smelled like mustard, red smelled like catsup, brown smelled just like mud, and get This, White smelled just like a Cloud!   I mean WTH's with That!?  Before This I couldn't even smell my own buggers!   And my Ears!   I could hear a fly breathing, you know!  Oh!  The Things I saw and heard!   My eyes were like a compound microscope and the Largest Synoptic Survey Telescope combined!  I could see so well that, like, I could actually see the future, and if I looked behind me I could even see the Past!  I could see me looking back to see if I was looking back to see if I was looking back at me!  And There, I saw the ghost of Christmas Past! What??  I said to no one in particular.   And Then, wouldn't you know, I started feeling Such pain like all over myself, and all I could think of was, Hmmm...I wonder if I'm dying or something.   Is This what Death feels like I wondered.   I just didn't know how to put it in Words to myself so that I could understand me like if somebody else was talking to me or something like that.  And Then there was this tunnel like thing, it looked just like a tunnel, and the big Sign over it that read 'Tunnel of Hardly Any Return' helped me figure That out pretty darn quick.  I'm pretty sure that by my being a super duper Communication Studies student went a long way in helping me decipher That one.  And Then I was in that tunnel of certain Doom, spinning 'round and 'round, pinging off the walls at such breakneck speed that I actually outdistanced light itself, and I got so far ahead of it that now I was in total darkness.   But dark as it was I could 'see' all the dead people in my life whizzing by, their hands grabbing at me trying to touch the living so that they could have just one more pitiful breath of life.  Then the vortex tunnel grew smaller and smaller until I felt like a mouse just swallowed by a hungry Anaconda!  And Then, I popped out the end of the tunnel like so much cow pattie, into Hell itsself!  I was burning up, my skin alive with the crazies.  My Hair standing on its other end.  All around me were shells of people I had known in the Other world, most all of them who I at one time or another had told, 'Oh, go to hell!' Geez, I never Thought that they Actually Would.  Hey guys, I was just Kidding already!  Sorry :(.   And Then I could see me being born, and then my whole life started flipping past, page after boring page, flip, flip, flip,flip, it went on for what seemed Forever.  OMG!   It was like watching a movie I had seen a Dozen Times already!   Samo-o same-o, over and over!   Was I Really That nerdy?   OMG already! And Then, I could hear a little squeeky 'voice' calling me by the nickname my mother always called me..'Saart' welcome back, why didn't you call me while you were away on your 'trip'?  I opened my eyes expecting to see the devil himself, poised with pitchfork ready to skewer me, but lo and behold there I was, laying in a puddle of sweat, half way through my VHS movie, and my sweet BFF parakeet standing on my nose pecking at space dust in my eyebrows.  Oh how happy I was to be Back!  I can tell you right now that 'tripping' to Hell is a 'trip' not well taken!  But Surely there's some sort of life lesson to be learned, Really..hmmm...maybe, just Maybe I could sell my 'trip' story to some outragious "News' venue and make like zillions of bucks, and like be famous or something like that.   From now on though, I sure wont tell anyone to go to hell, unless I Really, Really, Really mean it, and next time I go on a 'trip' I'm gonna be sure and like take my phone or my BFF or something like that.  ;);)


Science, Video, Beyond Science, Life Moments Videos, Science & Tech videos, Near-Death Experiences
By Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times | April 10, 2016
Last Updated: April 13, 2016 2:22 pm

In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
It was 2003, and Saartjie Geurts, a Dutch 23-year-old, was a first-year communication studies student.
She felt dizzy and found her coordination and ability to concentrate decrease. This lasted for a few days before she took to bed. She stayed home from school for about five days before her near-death experience (NDE), or her “hell experience” as she calls it, happened.
She was in bed, and her head became so heavy she couldn’t lift it. “I realized that I couldn’t get out of bed, and I panicked,” she said in a video by
All of her senses became overloaded; she saw bright colors, tasted many tastes, smelled many smells, heard many sounds.
She saw clearly flowers, mountains, and buildings.
Then “there was some kind of ominous threat,” she said. She saw her own body lying in the bed, she was looking at it from above, something commonly reported by NDEers.
She was scared. Then she felt herself pulled back and she saw her mother in a quarantine room in a hospital. In 2001, her mother had been quarantined to keep germs away from her as she was weakened by colon cancer. The cancer eventually killed her.
Geurts felt pain, then she was pulled through a tunnel that became increasingly narrow.
“Then I arrived at a gate. … I had to make a choice,” she said. Her mother was on the other side of the gate. “Proceeding would mean death,” Geurts said. She had to let go of her mother as the gate closed.
Her life flashed before her eyes, starting with her birth. It was “a photographic experience,” Geurts said. Images of her family members over the years appeared. Life reviews are also often reported by NDEers.
She knew something even worse was about to happen; she was exhausted and didn’t know if she could handle it. “I call it the hell experience,” she said.
There were many hands, and there was lots of screaming that I had done something wrong.
“There were many hands, and there was lots of screaming that I had done something wrong,” she said. “And then suddenly there was an image of a man, a shadow, and I couldn’t name it.”
She started screaming, and awoke to find a policeman and paramedic in her bedroom.
It was a terrifying experience, but it helped her come to terms with her mother’s death and reflect on their relationship and her own morals.
It was a terrifying experience, but it helped her come to terms with her mother’s death and reflect on their relationship.
As the hands were grabbing for her and the voices were yelling, she felt they were going to pull her “to what people call ‘hell.'” She kept apologizing and asking “Why?”
She thought about why. As a child, she often confronted her mother and called her names, ashamed and afraid of her mother’s weaknesses. Geurts thought about the period before her mother died.
“I suddenly realized that I never called her during my 10-month trip to Australia,” Geurts said. She wondered why no one had realized her mother was ill, “Why did she have to go through it alone?”
Some other lessons she took from her “hell experience” were that she should never lie nor be jealous. She felt a lot of jealousy in her relationship with her sisters.
She said: “The NDE was like a well-meaning person asking me why I had been so unfriendly to my mother, a kind of interrogation.”
Follow @TaraMacIsaac on Twitter, visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring ancient mysteries and the new frontiers of science!

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