Thursday, April 7, 2016

A New CONTENDER For The Office Of Prime Minister Of USA

A New CONTENDER For The Office Of Prime Minister of USA

Ok folks, it appears that we Americans are suffering from an extreme dearth of 'qualified' contenders for Commander In Chief of our Country. So, in light of that I have done some diligent research into the matter, and wouldn't you Know, I think I have found just the guy to fit the bill.
It's obvious that all of the wanna-be's that are running for the 'Office' are absolutely lacking in the qualities for this position because we know Nothing about them, or we Now know Too much about them, and the only way to tell if they are telling a Lie, is if their Mouth is moving. They either hold too many potential Surprises, and not all of them Good, or they promise us the world when we Know they cannot Ever hope to deliver even an iota of it, or they simply are clueless Rich wonders playing on the frailties of their even More frail, clueless, hopeful voters. Either way, it appears that we are doomed no matter who gets the Vote.
So, in order for us to skip all those empty promises, and purchased votes, and sleepless nights, I have found the 'right' man for the 'right' position. A man who is without question as open about his 'affairs', and that's putting it lightly, his life, his goals, as long as he can avoid a 'vacation' in the Bollate in Milan, Italy, a self made man who not unlike Mr.Trump, has Zillions of dollars of his own, and that of some Other people as well. That man is none other than Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, former Prime Minister of all of Italy! He is currently between jobs right now and looking for another sweet job running a country, some say 'into the ground', where there's no big surprises, and lots of beautiful women for his 'staff'. Sure, I Know, he Is a 'bit' of a rascal, a certified womanizer, and not a Little sketchy at times, but at Least he's a 'known' entity, which is way more than can be said for the bunch contending for the job right now, And he's comes with Lots of 'connections'. I have spoken with his eminence at great length about the possibility of his candidacy for the White House. Lucky for Us, he is More than available, promises Nothing, and brings Nothing to the round table, so Anything we get will be a Plus, And, there'll be no broken hearts due to broken promises, as Will happen with those Other guys running. He 'said' that no matter what he does, no one will be surprised by it. He will even refrain from Coming to America until he has been officialy voted in as our new President, but he Does ask that we call him 'Prime Minister', which afterall is not Too much to ask for.
This is One lucky stroke for America, and I herefore, in his absence, caste his three cornered hat into the political ring of fire, or Doom as the case may be! Now get out there Americans, and cast your votes for the guy who is as open as a well read big print book, which is a lot more than can be said of our homebred contenders. Remember, a wasted Vote is one that no one else gets. :/  ;) ;)

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