Friday, April 22, 2016

Trump And The Twenty Dollar Bill

'Look folks, if I wasn't running for the Big 'office' you wouldn't even care if I existed or not. But seeing as how I Am, I know that the best way to get 'press', good or bad, and believe you me, even Bad press can be good press, I just gotta throw my voice into this 'political correctness' money issue thingie.
Now we all know that this lady... what's her name...oh yeah, Tubman..Harriet Tubman, didn't her father invent the bathtub or something like that.. anyway she's 'probably' a fine American, I'm sure she's a good person and all that, 'probably' born right here in America, I don't know, ain't it great, and you wouldn't find a nicer White lady than her if you tried. But What in the H E double L did She ever do to rate being on the Twenty Dollar bill? What??? I mean come ON here! And to replace our most esteemed leader of our country when it needed esteemed leaders like himself, Andrew Jackson. He was a Leader among leaders folks! Esteemed! Great! Here's a guy that every American, red and yellow, black and white, should be poud of and look up to with utmost reverance. What a man! A patriot! When we needed a 'leader' to blaze a trail to the west, to take land from those rascal heathen redskins, shoot and kill at will, burn their villages, slaughter helpless men, women, and children, burn their crops, starve them in the summer, freeze them in winter, write treaties with their blood one minute then burn it in the next so that white men, our proud forefathers could have Their land and call it America, home of the brave, land of the free, Andrew stood up and proclaimed, 'I'll be happy to kill them injuns!' Brave man! What a guy! Now I ask you, what did Ms. Tubman or whatever, Ever do that was great? What? Maybe the bathtub? I don't know. Just sayin'. Show me here folks! Did she ever kill Anyone, even a Single soul? Ever slaughter a whole tribe of redskins, a whole Race? Has she ever violated Anyones right to live in peace on land that they lived on for thousands of years just so white people could have it for themselves? Come on here people! We all 'know' what this is all about here. Our Government is trying to intrude upon our lives and trample our rights to have Men on our currency, just like it's always been and should always be so. Women! Where'd they get that stupid idea anyway!? Probably from that women trying to be President. I'm gonna make her look Soooo bad! You'll see! Folks, this is Your country! Don't just sit there and let them trample on your rights! Crazy! What are they Thinking? A 'Woman's' face on United States Currency?? No way folks! Look at This face, you Know how good I'd look on that twenty dollar bill? Great! You Know it! Now lets get out there and vote for Me and I promise America will always be a 'Mans Club'. But you know how much I adore women, and they adore me right back. I'm gonna call this Tubman lady and I bet I can get her vote too! Women love me! Remember, a wasted Vote is one that someone who actually deserves it won't get'.  :/



Donald Trump Isn’t Happy That Harriet Tubman Is Replacing Andrew Jackson On The $20

The GOP presidential hopeful called it “pure political correctness.”

04/21/2016 09:08 am ET|Updated1 day ago
  • Igor BobicAssociate Politics Editor, The Huffington Post

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump says it’s “pure political correctness” to replace former President Andrew Jackson with abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, as the U.S. Treasury Department plans to do in coming years.
The Manhattan real estate mogul defended Jackson, one of the nation’s earliest populists who is known for carrying out a bloody “Indian removal” policy as president.
“Andrew Jackson had a great history. I think it’s very rough when you take someone off the bill,” Trump said in an interview on NBC’s “Today.” “I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic, I would love to leave Andrew Jackson.”
The GOP front-runner echoed the remarks of Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump after dropping out of the presidential race earlier this year, by suggesting Tubman appear on “another denomination” such as the $2 bill.
“Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget, where we had no national debt,” Carson said in an interview Wednesday. “In honor of that, we kick him off of the money.”
“I love Harriet Tubman, I love what she did,” Carson continued. “But we can find another way to honor her. Maybe a $2 bill.”
The $2 bill, however, features Thomas Jefferson and is in much lower circulation than the widely used $20 bill.
While Tubman is not likely to assume her place on the $20 for some time, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said Wednesday that Jackson would appear on the back of the bill — perhaps in an image of his statue in Lafayette square near the White House.
Back in September, all GOP presidential candidates were asked during a debate which woman they would like to see on the $10 bill — whose fate was being debated at the time.
Trump said he did not mind replacing Alexander Hamilton, but offered similar objections over political correctness. He said he’d put his daughter, Ivanka, on the bill or civil rights hero Rosa Parks.

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