Monday, October 5, 2015

Marco Rubio, You're a baby!

' Look, I hate to Say it, but Marco Rubio, You are a baby!  It hurts me to say anything bad about someone, but ya know I just gotta Say it again..Rubio You are a baby boy!  In fact, you are a Big baby boy!  You can't be President of America Ruby!  It takes a Big Man to do That job, and ya know what Marco, You are Not that 'Big Man'.  That's because you are just a big baby!  You got thin skin and I bet you go home to your mama and cry yourself to sleep at her bosom, and you Know what I mean Marco.  Did I mention that you're a 'lightweight'?  Yep, and I hate to say it, and it hurts me to say so, but you really should just throw in the towel and go catch a movie or something that doesn't require Thinkin'. . Go do something you're Good at, like not showing up in the Senate to Vote on important issues, you're Really good at That!  Actually, you're terrible at it!  Look Ruby, I Like you, I like women too,  but I think other than being a Lousy Politician you're a pretty nice guy.  Not crazy about your Hair, but hey, who am I to mention Hair doos, but you know, I'd feel alright to be seen in public with you.  And you know what Else Ruby boy, when I'm the President, and of course You're Not, I might think about hiring you to do some stuff around the White House, I don't know What, so don't try and pin me down on it right now, but I like you enough to do that for you because I know you're gonna Need a job after all this when you're Broke and shiftless.  So you can See how Big of a Man I am, and how Big a baby boy you still Are, and still Will be.  Hey, and I hate to say this Ruby, but maybe I'll adopt you, and you can be my baby boy!  You just call me 'Daddy', and I'll call You my Big little Baby boy.  Now you run along and play, if you can't find someone to play with just play with yourself, now you run along Ruby, I've got man things to do.'


Trump Fires Back, Calls Rubio “A Baby”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a press conference which he held before his campaign event at the Grand River Center on August 25, 2015 in Dubuque, Iowa. Trump leads most polls in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a press conference which he held before his campaign event at the Grand River Center on August 25, 2015 in Dubuque, Iowa. Trump leads most polls in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

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MIAMI (CBSMiami/AP) – A day after being called “touchy and insecure” by Marco Rubio, Donald Trump fired back calling his GOP competitor “a baby.”
The budding rivalry, between two men with South Florida ties, has been a back-and-forth battle of insults.
Trump first hurled an insincere message on Wednesday while campaigning in South Carolina. Trump called Rubio a “lightweight” and criticized his lack of foreign policy experience.
Though, Rubio flipped the script on the foreign policy issue.
“He can’t have a conversation about policy because, quite frankly, he doesn’t know anything about policy,” Rubio said Thursday during an interview on Fox News program “The O’Reilly Factor.”
Rubio asserted that Trump’s “foreign policy apparently is a secret he can’t tell us because he doesn’t want to reveal it to the enemy.”
Rubio also called the billionaire businessman “touchy and insecure,” joining the chorus of Trump critics who have intensified pressure on the GOP front-runner in recent weeks. He added that the real estate mogul relies on attacking people.
“He had a really bad debate performance last week. He’s not well informed on the issues. He really never talks about issues and can’t have more than a 10-second soundbite on any key issue,” Rubio said. “I think he’s kind of been exposed a little bit over the last seven days and he’s a touchy and insecure guy. So that’s how he reacts and people can see through it.”
Trump took to Twitter on Friday, saying Rubio “is weak on illegal immigration and will allow anyone into the country.”
He also added that Rubio “has worst attendance record in Senate- rarely there to vote on a bill!”
Trump shared the same sentiment during the GOP debate.
“You have to understand, I am not sitting in the United States Senate with, by the way, the worst voting record there is today,” Trump said, referring to Rubio’s missed votes. “Number one, I am not sitting in the United States Senate. I am a businessman doing business transactions.”
Rubio countered saying it was because he was focusing on something bigger, The White House.

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