Saturday, October 24, 2015

The 'Presidency'?..Ohhhh Yeah, About That!

  'Hi boys and girls, welcome to my neighborhood, won't you be my friends.  Have you been watching me 'run' for the Office of The President? Boy, it sure has been fun! I'm so excited I can barely digest my food, but I know a lot about brains, and so I just tell my brain to tell Me to just relax, and then my food turns into Energy. Then, I'm just like a little energizer bunny with a battery up my arse, and I just run, and run, and run.  Just look at how I'm doing in that State called Iowa.  Did you know that Iowa is known as the Corn State.  Wow, how 'corney' is That!  Really though, I'm doing real well out There, in fact I'm wayyyy ahead of that reality star guy, and I can tell you that He does not stand a snowballs chance in H E double L against Me there.  I got some bad news with that good news though.  I just found out that there's a whole bunch more States that I gotta win in!  GeezWhiz, I didn't know, even as smart as I Am what with this big brain of mine, that there's Soooo many 'States' out there.  At first, I was just happy being in My own 'state' of mind.  But Now, I gotta be in Everybody else's 'state' too!  What's with That, I said to myself, and no one in particular, in my very soft, and calm voice?  You see boys and girls you should always use your soft and calm voice even when you must 'yell' at someone.  Always 'yell' in your soft and calm voice.  If you talk softly people will have to come closer to you to hear you, and Then, they can't get mad at you for yelling softly and calmly.  See how that works?  Well anyhow, now that I've had such fun pretending that I want to be your President, Annnd discovering that Wow, there's a lot more 'states' out there than I ever first imagined, I must take a soft and calm vacation so that I can promote my great, and wonderful, worlds best selling book, a book that I, Myself, wrote with my own fingers, at the direction of my superior brain, by the way. In it, I'm telling Americans how to be Americans.  Yep, that's because Americans have clean forgot how to do it.  And, if everyone will buy a copy, which would do wonders for my personal bank account, it would save Me a lot of work when I'm your President because half the work will have been done already.  See how that works boys and girls.  It doesn't take a brain surgeon to be President, but it sure helps!  So anyway, while being President would be great for my ego and all that, promoting my book sales is pretty doggone important as well. No book sales equels No money. So now I'm off to see the wizard, so to speak, and follow the money trail. I'll only be gone for a few weeks, and the way I figure it with my superior intellectual brain, is, if you love me Now, you'll still love me Then.  No, don't cry boys and girls, I still, sorta, kinda, pretty much, want to be your esteemed President, but First things First, and don't you worry because I Will Be, or my middle name isn't 'common sense'.  And Remember, always use your soft, calm voice no matter how non-sensical people around you might act.  Well, that's all for today, won't you sing along with me..Welcome to my neighborhood, and won't you be my neighbor?'  :/ ;)

Ben Carson Temporarily Stops Campaign Events to Do Book Tour


ben carsonBen Carson will be putting a temporary hold on campaign events while he goes on his book tour.
If you’ve seen Carson on TV within the past week, you may have noticed at least one mention of his new book A More Perfect Union. Carson writes about the Constitution and how Americans can reclaim their Constitutional liberties.
But as spokesman Doug Watt told ABC News, Carson is taking the break from campaign events because of concerns over “co-mingling” campaign resources and Carson’s book tour.
He says “it’s just better to avoid any bad appearance” and so Carson’s campaign staff will not come with him on the two weeks he’s spending on his book tour.
That being said, Watt doesn’t think it’ll be a problem for the campaign that much, since he’ll still be out there talking about the issues.
This move didn’t go unnoticed today, and actually got criticism and snark from some corners.

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