Saturday, October 17, 2015

Doggone That Supreme Court!

'Oh Hi there neighbors, it's Me again Mr. Carson, and welcome to my neighborhood, won't you be my neighbor? You know, I've been thinking Again, mostly with my superior intellect, goaded on by my superior brain. And boys and girls, you know what I've been thinking? Here, I'll tell you all about it. The Supreme Court has ruled that these sinner Homosexuals can just go right out and marry each other. Can you Believe That?! I mean, What were they Thinking? Not in My neighborhood they won't, and I bet not in Yours Either. We all know, because I have told you so many, many times, that Gods 'law' supercedes Constitutional law everyday of the week, especially on Sundays, and boy when I'm President that 'constitutional' crap will go out with the bathwater because I'm going to 'wash' this country Clean of Sin! So Now, homo's can get 'married'. Well, la-de-da! Here's what's going to happen because of that; the Next thing they will legalize is Polygamy! You know what That is? Just drive out to Utah and find out for yourself! A man needs only One wife! If you have more than That they will just be bumping into each other while cleaning the house and cooking for their husband! Too much drama there! Annnnnd, sooner or later, probably Sooner, they will legalize Beastiality! That's what I Said, Beastiality! You Know What That Is! Animal Lovers! OMG! Animal Lovers people! Now being a famous Neurosurgeon I can repair a lot of 'brain' problems, but I can't fix 'That' one! So there you See what's going to happen because of these geriatric fools who are going to destroy this country with their Liberal ideas and taking God out of our lives. Now if I had time I would tell you my views about about 'Evolution', what a Joke That is! Orrr, I could tell you how 'old' the Earth Really Is! Wow, I know a Lot because I'm so darn smart. Remember, and won't you sing along with me boys and girls, 'just because you're smarter than almost Everyone else on this Planet doesn't mean you have to have one lick of Common Sense'. Well, see you next week boys and girls and I'll tell you some of my beliefs about the 'Universe'.   See you next time, and won't you be my neighbor?' ;) ;)


Carson: Gay Marriage Will Lead to Polygamy


The Supreme Court, by approving gay marriage, has opened the door to the legalization of polygamy, according to Ben Carson.
The retired neurosurgeon, who is locked in a virtual tie with Donald Trump in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, made the controversial allegation last week. According to MSNBC, he declared that if the country refuses to follow the “word of God,” it might as well “toss the whole thing in the garbage.”
“If you change the definition of marriage for one group, what defense do you have for the next group that comes along and wants it changed?” Carson asked Eric Metaxas, the host of a conservative radio show. “Can you say, ‘oh no, we’re just changing it for one group and it’ll be this way forever?’ How is that fair? It just doesn’t make sense.”
The candidate suggested that polygamy is “the natural next question, and on it goes from there.” MSNBC reported that he previously linked homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality. During a 2013 interview on Fox News, Carson said: “My thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality. It doesn’t matter what they are. They don’t get to change the definition.”

Photo: Gospel Herald

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