'Dear God, and Jesus, and sweet Mother of Mary..oh, and the Pope too, pleeeese hear our most heart felt and homophobic plea. It seems that the whole World, except here in our serine and religiously radical Blount County,Tennessee, United States of America, has abandoned your lordship and gone down the devils path to purgatory to burn in hell's damnation for ever, amen. But here in our blessed County of live and let live, and brotherly love, as in Man and Woman Love, we reject the devil and all those evil things he tries to make us do. And Lord he Sure is Busy these days! But our Counties 126,339 souls are each and every breathing one a full blown born again roll in the aisles Christains who rejects the devils work. When Ever we see evil lurking about, like when two homos try to get 'married', we pounce on'em like stink on poop, and smite them just like you would do God. When ignorant outsiders say to us, 'What would Jesus do', well we Know what he would do, he has Told Us what he would do and that's what We do here in God fearing Blount County. We seek out the devil and the enemies of righteousness and destroy them! Just like you did to Sodom and Gomorrah Lord, just like it. We here in Blount County know that Everything written down in the Good Book is factual, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. And as sure as the day is long We are Right, and sin is wrong! We don't need no mans stupid 'Constitutional Laws' to guide Us when all we need is 'Gods Law'. And if we have our way here Lord, we're gonna expell all of the devils BFF's out of our County Government and fill it with the Holy Ghost because we Know that's what you want us to do. Now, I don't have to tell you how much we pray at church every Sunday morning and afternoon, and even on Wednesday nights Lord, and how much tithes in Your name we collect when we pass the plate, you Know all that of course. But to be on the safe side, we just thought we'd let you know that right here in people friendly Blount County, we're gonna pass a 'Resolution before God', signed by Every God fearing resident of our God loving County, asking that when you come to exact vengence on our sin filled, except Blount County, Country that you just go ahead and bypass us, no need to stop in here as all sinners will have been purged and exiled to other Counties by that time. You won't find any drugs, or users, no criminals of Any kind, especially none of those Homo lovin' queers that prey upon our God fearing, and believe you Me we Do Fear you Lord, citizens. So we beg you to favor us with salvation, and we ask the Lamb of God to save us from hell and damnation because we are true believers in the Holy Ghost, and we don't want to burn in hell with those sinner homo lovers. If there's Anything else we can do to be even More religious and fanatical than we are at the moment, just send a 'sign' and you can bet that we can do whatever it takes to show the whole World just how fanatical and paronoid we can get down here in people tolerant Blount County, Tennesse, USA. Yours in the faith, the residents of Blount County. Love ya! '
Tennessee County May Ask God To Spare Them And Smite Someone Else
"We adopt this Resolution before God that He pass us by in His Coming Wrath and not destroy our County as He did Sodom and Gomorrah."
Posted: 10/05/2015 04:04 AM EDT | Edited: 3 hours ago
"WE adopt this Resolution before God that He pass us by in His Coming Wrath and not destroy our County as He did Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities. As the Passover Lamb was a means of salvation to the ancient Children of Israel, so we stand upon the safety of the Lamb of God to save us.
WE adopt this Resolution begging His favor in light of the fact that we have been forced to comply and recognize that the State of Tennessee, like so many other God-fearing States, MAY have fallen prey to a lawless judiciary in legalizing what God and the Bible expressly forbids."
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