Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin | Fox News

The Christian purge has begun: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin | Fox News

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh Pleassse! 'The Christan Purge', is to 'banned from preaching' as watermellons are to basketballs. Absolutely nonsencical! Leave it to 'Fox news' to throw gasoline on a smouldering ember and fan it to flames! In the first place, 'Mr.WaaaaWaaaa I'm not allowed to proselytize anymore Wells', had for waaay too long had his way with the Kentucky DOJJ, and his probable 'mental abuse' of his confined charges. "We could not sign that broke my heart" said Mr.Wells, as alligator tears flooded his spoiled little sinless soul. So accustomed had he become to judging and condemming other souls that he himself became a victim of his own religious fanaticism. 'Judge not less ye be judged' is a little catchism that he neglected to practice upon himself, and then when his 'judgement day' steamrolled over him, he was too blind to see it, and unable to save himself from his own excesses, cries Foul!. The world has changed, and will continue to do so whether Mr.Can't See The Light Wells, can change With it or not. When he saw the 'light' at the end of the 'tunnel', all he could see are trains. No doubt the whole world, as Mr.Wells knows it, will throw themselves on the ground, and thrash about with great show, and not a little anxt, at the thought of not being able to skulldrugery all those young pliable minds that in the past he has tried to warp to his liking with much fear mongering, and homophobic paranoia. The actions by the State of Kentucky is nowhere near 'Christian Purge' that Crybaby Wells and Fox News would have us beleive. What Mr.Wells had Better Beleive is that there's no room for his homophobic proselytizing in the world that we live in. If the truth be known, Mr.Judgemental Wells, and his little flock of blind followers, have probably also praticized purging homosexuality from those children whom they 'suspect' were so, by forcing jesus into their souls, and the 'devil' out. This action by the State is simply addressing the 'seperation of State and Church' issue, not to count addressing Discrimination in its vast form, and properly applying the Law. Our Government is based on Constitutional Law, Not the bible, as Mr.Wells would have us beleive. Welcome to the New World Mr.Wells, you may adapt to the new ride, or just get off at the next stop. :/
