'Why Did My Dog Have To Die?': Canadian Woman Still Asking Why Police Shot Her Dog, One Year Later (Video)

A woman in Saskatchewan, Canada, says she is still awaiting resolution of a formal complaint she filed last year with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission after, she says, officers unnecessarily shot and killed her dog.
RCMP Officers shot and killed Justine O’Soup’s dog, Duke, on July 18, 2014, while arresting her boyfriend Adam Cote on the Key First Nation, north of Regina, CBC News reported.
Video of the incident (shown below) was shot by O’Soup’s sister and circulated online shortly after it occurred. Now, more than a year, it is getting attention again.
The disturbing video opens to show officers dragging Cote to a police a vehicle. There is a good deal of screaming and shouting.
The camera pans to show an officer with a police dog pointing and shouting, “Get a shotgun and put this dog down.”
He is pointing at a black dog laying in the grass nearby.
Another officer calmly walks to a police vehicle, retrieves a shotgun, and returns and fires a single shot. The woman filming the scene can be heard screaming before the man with the shotgun returns.
“You didn’t have to shoot my dog,” she yells.
“Poor Dukey,” she cries before the officer fires the shotgun at the dog.
O’Soup, who arrived at the scene shortly after the video was recorded, said her sister was upset by the event.
“She was freaking out, screaming and crying,” O'Soup told the CBC. "I could see my dog's body on the ground, and I just knew instantly what happened and I couldn't believe it. And she was crying and freaking out and she was like, ‘They just shot Duke.’”
The family filed the formal complaint shortly after Cote’s arrest.
The RCMP released statement following the incident saying that during Cote’s arrest a “a dog from the community was shot and killed after it attacked the RCMP Police Service Dog.”
As the story is again gaining press attention, the Saskatchewan RCMP released another statement last week further explaining the incident, BuzzFeed reported.
That statement suggests that Duke had attacked the police dog and already been shot before the video began.
“After the initial firearm discharge, the wounded dog was lying in the grass injured and out of compassion was euthanized by the RCMP member,” the statement reads.
O’Soup said that, based on what her sister said transpired before she started recording, Duke did not need to be shot.
“Duke wasn’t acting aggressive,” she said. “Even if my dog was attacking the [police] dog, shooting him seven times in the body isn’t the way to handle it. It’s cruel the way they shot him. Why did my dog have to die?”
O’Soup told the CBC she hopes the renewed interest in the video will bring about some resolution with her complaint.
“I am glad because I do want justice for my dog because I knew he didn't deserve that,” she said.
RCMP Officers shot and killed Justine O’Soup’s dog, Duke, on July 18, 2014, while arresting her boyfriend Adam Cote on the Key First Nation, north of Regina, CBC News reported.
Video of the incident (shown below) was shot by O’Soup’s sister and circulated online shortly after it occurred. Now, more than a year, it is getting attention again.
The disturbing video opens to show officers dragging Cote to a police a vehicle. There is a good deal of screaming and shouting.
He is pointing at a black dog laying in the grass nearby.
Another officer calmly walks to a police vehicle, retrieves a shotgun, and returns and fires a single shot. The woman filming the scene can be heard screaming before the man with the shotgun returns.
“You didn’t have to shoot my dog,” she yells.
“Poor Dukey,” she cries before the officer fires the shotgun at the dog.
O’Soup, who arrived at the scene shortly after the video was recorded, said her sister was upset by the event.
“She was freaking out, screaming and crying,” O'Soup told the CBC. "I could see my dog's body on the ground, and I just knew instantly what happened and I couldn't believe it. And she was crying and freaking out and she was like, ‘They just shot Duke.’”
The family filed the formal complaint shortly after Cote’s arrest.
The RCMP released statement following the incident saying that during Cote’s arrest a “a dog from the community was shot and killed after it attacked the RCMP Police Service Dog.”
As the story is again gaining press attention, the Saskatchewan RCMP released another statement last week further explaining the incident, BuzzFeed reported.
That statement suggests that Duke had attacked the police dog and already been shot before the video began.
“After the initial firearm discharge, the wounded dog was lying in the grass injured and out of compassion was euthanized by the RCMP member,” the statement reads.
O’Soup said that, based on what her sister said transpired before she started recording, Duke did not need to be shot.
“Duke wasn’t acting aggressive,” she said. “Even if my dog was attacking the [police] dog, shooting him seven times in the body isn’t the way to handle it. It’s cruel the way they shot him. Why did my dog have to die?”
O’Soup told the CBC she hopes the renewed interest in the video will bring about some resolution with her complaint.
“I am glad because I do want justice for my dog because I knew he didn't deserve that,” she said.
Good Grief People!! Roll up your Nooses, take down your scaffolds, sheath your knives, unload your pop-guns and take a Breath already! You're letting this 'E' Rag, Opposing Views, drive you to mouth foaming, teeth gritting distraction. This silly Opposing Views lame excuse for 'News', gives you a 'hook' headline that reels you in, and then just enough of the 'news' article to push your 'Hot' button to the point where you are ready to run right out and lynch someone, in this case the RCMP, over a 'news clip' that certainly has Less than the full story of what may, or may not, have occurred in the first place. NONE of you in this 'E' lynch mob were even present at the scene during this incident. And yet, almost all of the 111 'comments' on FB read as if You were the only 'witness' there, and that only You know the Full Truth of what occurred. And No, before you ask, I wasn't there either, and nor do I know exactly what lead up to the initial shooting of, and final dispatching, of this dog. I did however research as much as possible in attempt to track down more accounts of this story. You have a crappy 'video' that shows only the Last half of the incident, statements by the dogs owner who arrived After the incident, and some possibly biased bystanders, friends of the dogs owner, accounts of the incident. You also have the, if you bother doing a little research First instead of loading your guns, you can find the RCMP's statement concerning the incident. And now, based on comments which may or may not be exaggerated, or possibly fabricated due to bias or personal agendas of these bystanders or 'witnesses', and a hysterical owner who didn't even witness the event, and Less than the full and truthful account of what lead up to why the dog was shot in the first place, you're all foaming at the mouth and wanting to murder police Officers! This is how lynch mobs, and rioters go on rampages before they even know Why they're doing it in the first place! And you're falling right into these 'E' news blurbs calling themselves 'News Reporters' such as Opposing Views, snares! They hook, line, and sinker you because they Know your 'hot' buttons and they play on that knowledge by tossing bits and scrapes of 'news' at you knowing it will be gobbled up, and you'll be hungrey for more 'news', and that's how they make their $$$. They care little if the 'news' they toss at you is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the Truth does not matter to them. They are simply akin to a fisherman, they toss a baited hook into the 'people pool', and wait for a sucker to bite. Stop letting them manipulate your brain, your emotions, and your words. Use the logic that we are all capable of, inquire, investigate and question. There's Always more than one side of a story, especially these sorbid 'E' news bits. Just sayin'.... :/