Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Father prevents Rescue of Drowning Daughter

1 comment:

  1. Well, yes, of course that is my wonderful, beautiful daughter whom I cherish, and love more than Anything else in my bassakward world , splashing around and yelling for help. Buuuut...Hey, I can Always get another daughter, maybe one that can Swim for cryin' out loud!! And No, you may Not save her, she would rather drown like the whinner she is, than be touched by strange men, especially men not related to her. You see, in this fanatical 'religion' that we Men have invented there's no room for women in it. Well there Is..sorta..but because we men of the fanatical side of Islam suffer from 'small penis' syndrome we fear that if Real men see even the Hair of our property..errr..women, they will lust of them and make them un-pure, and then we must murder them, our women that is. Hey, just a little 'honor' killing amongst families. That's right, we men make the rules that our women must follow, or we'll stone the hell out of'em! And so you can now clearly understand why you must let her 'swim with the fishes'. Yep, she's gonna drown alright, should'a learned to swim, stupid girl, but if you Save her, you will in effect, Kill her, so to speak, because if you touch her, I then must kill her because she will have then dishonored her family. Oh, why don't I, myself save her...?, not my job, I'm just her father. Stand back please, she's almost finished with that embarrassing splashing and yelling.' :/ ;/
