Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Rape Victim In India Forced To Prove Her Purity

Rape victim made to 'balance rock on her head to prove purity' in India

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A rape victim from Gujarat is being made to balance a rock on her head
India Online

The ritual, called 'Agnipariksha', is being carried out to enable her to live with her husband again

A rape victim who fell pregnant by her attacker is being made to balance a 40kg rock on her head in order to prove her purity and live with her husband again.
The woman, who was refused an abortion by Gujarat High Court in India, and reportedly had to later surrender her baby to the government, is having to undergo the ‘sanctity test’ for an unspecified time frame.
The ritual, called 'Agnipariksha', is being carried out to enable her to live with her husband again, which she will not be able to do unless she passes the test.
The victim told India Today that she was living in fear and said her attacker had threatened to kill her when he is released from prison.
'Agnipariksha' is a cultural tradition is some parts of India for women who have suffered sexual abuse and therefore apparently had their virtue tainted.
The ceremony, meaning ‘test of fire’, has its origin in the epic Hindu poem the Ramayana. In the work, Sita was made to sit in a fire after being kidnapped by another suitor.

The treatment of women and victims of rape continues to cause controversy and debate in India.
The gang rape and subsequent death of a 23-year-old student on a Delhi bus caused worldwide shock and condemnation in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. ' Yessss.....That's correct, you did not misunderstand..You see, here in our glorious neverland of India we have many, many 'customs' written by the great scholars, all of them Men by the way, of our male dominated Country. These wonderful 'customs' were made in order to let our Women know just how much we 'love', and 'respect' them. There is nothing that we Men would not do to..errr..For rather, our Women. We are always on the lookout for a woman that may need our 'help'. Oh sure, you probably wonder just What in our glorious world could holding a heavy stone on ones head prove. Well for one thing, it improves 'balance'. Also, it helps reveal any problems with the neck and spine. Yes, yes, I am trying to think of others..but the really important thing here is that this woman, by being savaged by a man that she no doubt enticed by wearing her sarong to tightly, is now in our eyes unpure and must be cleansed by the 'stone balancing' ritual. He, by the way is being treated for mental anguish as a result of this horrible womans actions! Women just Love this little custom! They stand in line in droves out in the hot sun for hours just waiting for their chance to participate. Such fun! What a holiday! Of course there Is a downside of this little treat..If the guilty woman Fails, and don't you worry, We Men can tell, the 'stone test', we all gather around her and just stone her to death. Shoot, if We don't do it, her whole family will anyway. These frivolous, immoral, impure women must know their place in life, and know that we men are their protectors and saviors, and will guide them in the virtuous path.'
