Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Buddy Black shared a link.
34 mins ·|By Adam Wells

1 comment:

  1. Buddy Black 'Awwww...Come on guys! Sure, it's a forgone conclusion that I reallllly Did Know what was goin' on with those silly F-balls, you know, that 'deflate-agate' thingie, or whatever they call it, which is Sooooo old news now, and hardly worth mentioning. Haha!, Shoot, ya don't even hear much about it in the News anymore! Yeah, my PR people really do a good job keeping things kinda 'close to the cuff', if ya know what I mean there. Annnnd my wonderful, diehard, love me to death no matter what I do, or how badly I reflect on the NFL (not to count my Own Team) Fans, why, they just keep on begging for my fab autograph, and buy up Anything that has my name or picture on it. Boy, that just about humbles me to near tears. Thanks guys! Really. And I'm not just sayin' that because my PR peeps told me to, I would'a said it anyway. Anyway, Everyone knows that I'm the greatest Q-back that ever licked a pig skin, annnnd ya gotta admit, I Am One Good Looker to boot! Just lOOk at that dimple in my chin! Yeahhhh, I knowwwww...looks like I got shot with a pellet gun..but take my word for it, it's Real! Well, enough about Me, of course Everything Is about Me though. Now about this little trivial indiscretion I'm caught up in...I know, and You know, and even Jesus knows the Real truth here. But like I've probably said before, show me the video, or even an untampered with cell phone, and I'll show you my 'confession', and we all know that the Pope will convert to 7th Day Adventist before That ever happens. So, I'm willing to 'cut a deal', you know what That means, so that I still come out smellin' like a rose, Oppps!, not That 'Rose', this ain't baseball, and I don't cheat. But I wanna still smell good as I look no matter what I did, or didn't do, rather. Try This on for about I 'admit', not publicly mind you, but through my PR peeps, that I 'sorta' refused to cooperate with...oh, how about the..ah...NFL, or something puny like that. And Then, this whole silly insignificant matter just sorta flutters away, kinda like an 'underinflated' F-ball, No, Not one that had air 'removed' silly, but one that just didn't have 'enough' air in the first place...get it? So There! That's my Deal! Take it or leave it already...I gotta get back to being rich, and famous, and of course beautiful..Hey!, hear That? That's the sound of my fans screaming, 'let that man go!' Well, see ya at the game!'
