Friday, August 21, 2015

Honour killings are common throughout the country, claiming the lives of hundred of victims every year.   ─ AFP/File
Honour killings are common throughout the country, claiming the lives of hundred of victims every year. ─ AFP/File
LUCKNOW: Two brothers in northern India beheaded their teenage sister and carried her head through their village for having an affair with a cousin, Indian police said.
Officer Rajesh Singh says that after beheading their 17-year-old sister late Monday, the brothers left her body in the street and walked away with the decapitated head.
Police have been unable to find the brothers. Their ages were not clear, but they were both older than their sister.
Also read: Indian couple’s bodies found stuffed in boxes
Singh said Wednesday that at least a dozen people watched as the girl was dragged out of the house, beaten and beheaded, but they did not inform the police. The crime was reported by a local security guard.
Honour killings are common across India, but such brutal slayings are extremely rare.
Read more: Indian couple beaten to death, burnt by angry relatives

1 comment:

  1. ' Oh, You Americans just do not understand our cultures, and our wonderful customs that have been handed down to us from our Enlightened Spiritual leaders. First, let me say that in our great Country of India, we hold our Women in the highest regard. Our thoughts are always on how we men, who by the way, make all the rules pertaining to our women, can better protect our women, keeping them Pure, Chaste, Pregnant, and at home. Our Spiritual Leaders long, long ago ordained that our women be Subjugated by men in all things. And just as an aside, dating ones cousin can get you 'subjugated' in a hurry! Now, our women Enjoy being ruled by their Men! Let there be No doubt about it. If you doubt this then let one of our Spiritual Leaders take you about asking women how they feel about it. You most likely will register zero complaints, which will prove to you our assertions, and you will be most happy, just as our browbeaten women are. You no doubt wonder about this little insignificant incident concerning my sweet brother and I, and our filthy sister. Yes, let me please explain as only I can. By 'dating' our cousin, who by the way will be in Aversion Therapy, and then PTS Syndrome therapy for some time to come in order to cleanse his mind of this Incestuous womans advances, is a big No-no in our country, and is punishable Know. My virtuous brother and I, and in fact, our Whole family, want you to know that our love for our evil temptress sister lives on...yeah, I knowwww..she's Still Dead as an unwanted cockroach, but we sure did love her to death. 'Till death do we part' fits in pretty well here huh? Anyway, we are 'pretty sure'..welllll..we have a fair idea...ok, maybe just a tiny little hunch, that she was bonking our poor innocent cousin, and even if she Wasn't she probably 'thought' about it. No matter, she shamed herself, our family, and all of India by her sex crazed thoughts. The only way to restore 'honor' to our family was to beat hell out of her, and then bash her head in, and then chop it off like supper chicken. Our whole Village turned out and cheered her death! Yikes! A little more messy than we imagined at first! They failed to mention about all that sticky blood in 'Heads Off' School when we were five years old. But hey, we have some More sisters, one of'em will surely screw up, and then we get to practice some more. Oh joyful day! Now the reason we chopped off her evil Head, and not some other body part is thus; would all this have had the same effect if we had only chopped off a Toe? No, of course not. No, so it had to be her stinking head! Did I mention that we Love our women? We love them to Death! Perhaps you read about our Uncle who let his beautiful daughter drown so that the hands of the Male Lifeguard strangers hands would not touch and soil her virtuous body? He has been voted 'Father of The Year' here in our sinless Country! Hey, get This, 'It takes two parents to raise a child, (hopefully the child is a Male because here in our glorious Country Male babies are prized over females ) but it takes a Village and two fools to kill it', glory be!'
