Monday, August 24, 2015

Roger Goodall Upholds Brady's Suspension

Commissioner Roger Goodell keeps four-game plan in place.
  • Buddy Black Awwwwww...Come on guys, whataya mean I can't play footsball for four games?? Geez! Can't ya take a little joke already? I don't understand what the big deal is here, we All know those darn footballs Always have waaaay too much Air in'em in the first place. One of these days one of'em is gonna blow up, and little pieces of pig is gonna fly right into somebody's eyes, and Then there'll be a rule change! Gawd dangit, those things are just too darn hard to hold onto like that in the first place, and Then when I lick my yummy fingers a lot, it just gets too slicky to hold onto. Shoot, I like'em when they're kinda gooshie feeling..sorta like a soft little kitten, ya know? Hey, it sure helped put us in the spot for the SuperBowl huh? I thought they were onto me back Then, but you know, if ya ain't cheatin', ya ain't winnin'. And how about that SuperBowl Win?? Worked there too! Bunch of whinners! I know for sure that the other team, those whinney loosers, were wearing illegal Socks! Cheaters! Nobody cried about That, now did they? Heck, next thing ya know they're gonna want those shiney SuperBowl Rings back! Sore loosers anyway! Oh, and the phone thing...Errrk!, That was a close one for sure! Thought they had me there! Good thing we have that little 'ritual' thingie where we 'always' destroy our $700 cell phones just for the heck of it, annnd looks like just in the nick of time too! Boy, we famous NFL'ers sure know how to have fun! Shoot, I bet I have more fans than jesus does! Hmmm..that one might have already been coined.. Sure enough more money though! Anyway, if they show me the 'Video', I'll show ya a written confession, until Then, I'm as innocent as of those..ah...well, I can't thing of anything right now..but I'm taking this travesty straight to the U.S. Supreme Court, I think I have a few fans up there too, and Then everybody bad mouthin' me will be sorry. And anyhow,..who's this 'Goodell', Mr GoodyTwoShoes, guy think he is anyway, shoot, he's lucky I destroyed that darn phone! Well, looks like I got plenty of free time on my hands to watch replays of my famous self..Wheeee..look at me throw that 'just right' ball..Oh, and to count my many monies..Errr..Blessings, that is.'

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