Saturday, March 16, 2019

'White Nationalists', No Serious Problem There...Really

'Do I, as the poster-child for 'man-babies', think we have a serious problem with these 'alleged' White Nationalists? Well, it depends on my very own simple minded definition of the word 'problem'. I would say, no matter what my useless National Security Advisors say to the contrary, that compared to my own personal 'problems', no, not a problem at all. Look, only about 71% of murders commited by extremists in America are commited by White Nationalists. That's not even 75%!! It's just a little fraction of 100%. Wouldn't it have to be much more than, say, 99.9% before it could be some sort of "National Emergency", you know, like the "wall" 'emergency'. Now 'there's' a real emergency! Let's not let a little possible 'accidental' shooting by some criminal in New Zealand get us off track here from the real issues facing American's. It's so 'real' in my child-like mind that it's all I can think about. But hey, this isn't about 'me, me, me', is it? Is it?? Well?
Anyway, no, White Nationalist murders is not, in my own feeble mind, a growing problem. I don't even know any of them by name, do you? No, of course not. I have asked my empty headed staff to name just one White Nationalist that they might have in their own families or as friends, and you know what? Survey says; Nothing. Empty slate. That's absolute 'proof' that there's no problem. So what is the real problem you might ask. It's the "fake news media"! One or two little shootings, and the "fake news" media blows it all out of proportion.
My friends at the esteemed 'social club', the NRA, who know more about firearms, and the horrible effects they have on the human body than even the FBI, tell me that it's not the 'guns' that kill people, it's simply 'people' with those man killing machines in hand that are killing people. We need to outlaw 'people'. That's where the 'problem' lays. No people, no gun 'problem', no gun problem, no 'White Nationalist' problem. See? It's so simple that even I can understand it. There ought to be a law!
In conclusion, I'm sending a boatload of Evangelical Christian laced "thoughts and prayers" to those immigrants in New Zealand, where ever that is. They can redeem those 'T & P's' for personal use anytime they see a criminal pointing a gun at their immigrant heads. Remember, with those 'T&P's', god, 'ours, not 'their's', will protect them from all harm. Really. No, really.
Well, that's about all I have in my 'swamp head' at the moment. I'm confidant that I have cleared up any questions that anyone but the "fake news media" has about this 'alleged', and un-founded, White Nationalist 'problem'. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a "wall" to build. "National Emergency", you know.'

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Once again, President Donald Trump is having a tough time calling out far right-wing white nationalism.

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