Monday, March 18, 2019

The 'Pres' Say's He's Not Crazy

' I am the 'sanest' man I know. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy, I tell you, really, I'm not. I'm the President, I 'can't' be crazy! Everyone in my Administration tells me that on the scale of things, I'm perfectly 'sane'. I mean, would they dare lie to me? I'm not crazy. Unfortunately for America, everyone else around me 'is' crazy. But as we all 'know', I'm the only 'sane' voice in the house. And get this, I'm not a 'Bully-boy'. Everyone loves to pick on 'me', it's almost like I'm one big nostril, and everyone is trying to pick the biggest bugger out of me. Is that crazy, or is it just me!? But really, I'm not crazy, and it's just crazy to think that I am so. You are what you call me, NaaaNaaa Na Naaaana! Ya gotta believe me folks, I'm not crazy. Honest. really. I'm telling the 'truth' this time! Trust me! Really.'

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President Trump questioned in a tweet Sunday whether two Fox News hosts were trained by CNN, the network he refers to as “fake news.” “Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNevill…

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