Thursday, March 7, 2019

'Tim', What's His Name..

'What a real treat it was to sit right next to my longtime pal Tim...ah, Timmmmm….., ahhhh... Mr. Tim, as I always call him. Great guy! He makes really great stuff. Fascinating! Un-believable things...out of apples, I think. How does he do that?? Apples of all thing! What an inventor! I told him two years ago that he should invent some really good stuff, hire lots of out of work people, particularly republicans, 'just make something of yourself, you know, like I myself have done', I told him. And now just look at him, sitting here beside me, his only hero, copying the way I fold my arms in self defense in front of my manly chest. He wants to be just like me when he grows up. What a great copycat! Someday, if he keeps taking my business advice, he will be known far and wide, not as well as I, myself, am known of course, but lots of people will 'know' his name, and admire him just as much as I do. What a wonderful guy, my longtime friend and follower, Mr. "Tim Apple". What a guy!'

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His name is Tim Cook and he’s sitting right there

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