Thursday, March 21, 2019

On Being 'Presidential'

Once again, Trump, 'The Incompetent', has reared his ugly, man-baby head to show the world how to be 'Presidential'. Just try to imagine any former President of The United States of America, acting the way Trump does day in, and day out. 'Deplorable' barely begins to define this 'Pretender to the throne' who will stop at nothing in his quest to make himself 'look' important while making those who actually are, less so. He is the 'Poster child' of why un-supervised 'man-babies' should never be left to their own warped devices.

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While President Donald Trump spoke at an Army tank plant, he doubled down on his attacks against the late Sen. John McCain, claiming the veterans were on Trump's side. CNN's Barbara Starr discusses with Brooke Baldwin.

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