Sunday, March 31, 2019

EPA V Science

Here we have the results of hiring a failed and corrupt 'businessman' as our President of the United States of America. The 'fox' has been placed in charge of the 'hen house', and of course our environement is steadily being slaughtered and consumed by his 'big business' BFF-FWB. Again, and I've said it before, we will be lucky if America Ever recovers from Trump, 'The Incompetent's' abusive excessess. :/

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Some panel members said they don't agree that breathing sooty air can cause premature death. The panel's draft recommendations to the EPA would change how it assesses the dangers of air pollution.

THIS, Is What A "National Emergency" Looks Like

This is what a 'National Emergency' looks like. Yet trump,' The Mindless', cannot see the forest for the trees. He probably 'thinks' this base in on an Island out in the middle of the ocean somewhere, instead of right here in America. To him ignorance is not only bliss, but simply his way of life. :/



Air Force Needs Almost $5 Billion To Recover Bases From Hurricane, Flood Damage

An aerial view of Offutt Air Force Base and the surrounding areas affected by floodwaters in Nebraska on March 17. One-third of the base was covered by water from flooding. Tech. Sgt. Rachelle Blake/U.S. Air Force via AP hide caption
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Tech. Sgt. Rachelle Blake/U.S. Air Force via AP
An aerial view of Offutt Air Force Base and the surrounding areas affected by floodwaters in Nebraska on March 17. One-third of the base was covered by water from flooding.
Tech. Sgt. Rachelle Blake/U.S. Air Force via AP
The U.S. Air Force says it needs $4.9 billion in new funding over the next two and a half years to cover the costs of rebuilding two air bases hit by natural disasters.
About one-third of Offutt Air Force Base, in eastern Nebraska, was underwater earlier this month as flooding hit large swaths of the Midwest. And Tyndall Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle was hit hard by Hurricane Michael in October.
The Air Force is asking for $1.2 billion in supplemental funding for fiscal year 2019 and $3.7 billion for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Congress would need to approve the funding.
"This storm, if we don't get a supplemental, is going to affect the rest of the Air Force and our ability to operate," Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said Wednesday at the Heritage Foundation. "We desperately need the supplemental to recover from the natural disaster that hammered Tyndall and Offutt."
She added that 61 projects — consisting largely of operations and maintenance — at air bases in 18 states would not happen if the supplemental disaster funding does not come through.
She said recovery efforts so far at Tyndall have relied on "robbing" funding from other accounts, "just to try to cope and get through."
The request for additional money comes as President Trump has called for repurposing $3.6 billion in military construction funding to help build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Wilson denied the supplemental funding request was related to the wall. "No no, it's a completely different issue. This is about recovering from the natural disaster, the Hurricane Michael that hit Tyndall and now the flooding in Nebraska," she said.
The Air Force fiscal year 2020 budget proposal is for $165 billion, Wilson said.

Offshore Drilling, "Unlawfull", Mr. Trump!

At last, a sane voice has been heard, and it's a 'voice' that will bring on a 'tweet' storm from Trump, 'The Obama killer'. He will discover that he is Not the 'King' of America that he fancies himself to be. Good job Alaska Federal Court!


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A federal judge in Alaska has ruled an executive order by President Donald Trump allowing offshore oil drilling of tens of millions of acres in the Arctic Ocean is "unlawful and invalid."

Trump, 'The Incompetent', "Making The" World "Great Again

Already, Trump, 'The Ignorant', has with his incredible 'negotiating' skills, and 'Presidential' failings, has allowed Russia to set up Military Camp by his ever ready BFF-FWB Putin at its helm, and now he wants to cut even more foreign aid to our South American neighbors, which will simply drive them into Putin's camp because they will go where the money is. If they don't get assistance from the US, they will get it from Russia, Cuba, North Korea or China, and we should not be surprised when any or all of them start setting up their own Military Camps and their own forms of Socialist-Communist, dictatorial governments in our neighbors countries.. As long as Trump is in charge of America, We can start kissing South America goodbye.

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Trump says he will close the border if Mexico does not immediately stop…

Thursday, March 21, 2019

On Being 'Presidential'

Once again, Trump, 'The Incompetent', has reared his ugly, man-baby head to show the world how to be 'Presidential'. Just try to imagine any former President of The United States of America, acting the way Trump does day in, and day out. 'Deplorable' barely begins to define this 'Pretender to the throne' who will stop at nothing in his quest to make himself 'look' important while making those who actually are, less so. He is the 'Poster child' of why un-supervised 'man-babies' should never be left to their own warped devices.

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While President Donald Trump spoke at an Army tank plant, he doubled down on his attacks against the late Sen. John McCain, claiming the veterans were on Trump's side. CNN's Barbara Starr discusses with Brooke Baldwin.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The 'Pres' Say's He's Not Crazy

' I am the 'sanest' man I know. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy, I tell you, really, I'm not. I'm the President, I 'can't' be crazy! Everyone in my Administration tells me that on the scale of things, I'm perfectly 'sane'. I mean, would they dare lie to me? I'm not crazy. Unfortunately for America, everyone else around me 'is' crazy. But as we all 'know', I'm the only 'sane' voice in the house. And get this, I'm not a 'Bully-boy'. Everyone loves to pick on 'me', it's almost like I'm one big nostril, and everyone is trying to pick the biggest bugger out of me. Is that crazy, or is it just me!? But really, I'm not crazy, and it's just crazy to think that I am so. You are what you call me, NaaaNaaa Na Naaaana! Ya gotta believe me folks, I'm not crazy. Honest. really. I'm telling the 'truth' this time! Trust me! Really.'

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President Trump questioned in a tweet Sunday whether two Fox News hosts were trained by CNN, the network he refers to as “fake news.” “Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNevill…

Saturday, March 16, 2019

'SOLAR WINGS' a poem by BuddyBlack

'SOLAR WINGS'  a poem by DonBlack

Don’t go now sun
The day
Has just begun.
There were things
I’d planned to do
Dreams I’d wished
That would come true.
You could have stayed,
And helped me through.
But you would not wait,
And flew away
On solar wings.  ;)  

'White Nationalists', No Serious Problem There...Really

'Do I, as the poster-child for 'man-babies', think we have a serious problem with these 'alleged' White Nationalists? Well, it depends on my very own simple minded definition of the word 'problem'. I would say, no matter what my useless National Security Advisors say to the contrary, that compared to my own personal 'problems', no, not a problem at all. Look, only about 71% of murders commited by extremists in America are commited by White Nationalists. That's not even 75%!! It's just a little fraction of 100%. Wouldn't it have to be much more than, say, 99.9% before it could be some sort of "National Emergency", you know, like the "wall" 'emergency'. Now 'there's' a real emergency! Let's not let a little possible 'accidental' shooting by some criminal in New Zealand get us off track here from the real issues facing American's. It's so 'real' in my child-like mind that it's all I can think about. But hey, this isn't about 'me, me, me', is it? Is it?? Well?
Anyway, no, White Nationalist murders is not, in my own feeble mind, a growing problem. I don't even know any of them by name, do you? No, of course not. I have asked my empty headed staff to name just one White Nationalist that they might have in their own families or as friends, and you know what? Survey says; Nothing. Empty slate. That's absolute 'proof' that there's no problem. So what is the real problem you might ask. It's the "fake news media"! One or two little shootings, and the "fake news" media blows it all out of proportion.
My friends at the esteemed 'social club', the NRA, who know more about firearms, and the horrible effects they have on the human body than even the FBI, tell me that it's not the 'guns' that kill people, it's simply 'people' with those man killing machines in hand that are killing people. We need to outlaw 'people'. That's where the 'problem' lays. No people, no gun 'problem', no gun problem, no 'White Nationalist' problem. See? It's so simple that even I can understand it. There ought to be a law!
In conclusion, I'm sending a boatload of Evangelical Christian laced "thoughts and prayers" to those immigrants in New Zealand, where ever that is. They can redeem those 'T & P's' for personal use anytime they see a criminal pointing a gun at their immigrant heads. Remember, with those 'T&P's', god, 'ours, not 'their's', will protect them from all harm. Really. No, really.
Well, that's about all I have in my 'swamp head' at the moment. I'm confidant that I have cleared up any questions that anyone but the "fake news media" has about this 'alleged', and un-founded, White Nationalist 'problem'. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a "wall" to build. "National Emergency", you know.'

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Once again, President Donald Trump is having a tough time calling out far right-wing white nationalism.

Friday, March 15, 2019

"Very, Very Bad"

'My fellow Americans, 'don't hang up, this is not a crank call', I come to you today, not as your 'Incompetent' President, not as your 'Clueless' Commander-In-Chief, not as the failed Leader of your Nation, which I am so busy de-constructing, and not even as a 'normal' human being, which we can all agree is certainly not the case, but as the person we all know that I am, most and foremost, Trump, 'The Useless'.
As everyone 'knows', mainly because I, myself, have proclaimed it to be so, the "media is America's enemy". Only in America is the "fake news media" allowed to say bad things about your highly, self-esteemed President, the very person that you, as paronoid, delusional, Republican 'lemmings', picked to "make America great Again". Remember that? Sure you do. Remember how I 'won' the election with 6 million more popular votes than than that lying Hillary? Remember? What a liar she is! Why can't she be more like me!?
How do my "critics" get away with that!? How?? Disgusting trolls! I will find out who is paying these trolls to badmouth me. My "critics" are obviously being paid by Hillary, and the Democratic Party to continue their "witch hunt", which by the way, they have found absolutely no 'witches' in my administration, none, not a single witch. I don't even have 'brooms' in the Oval Office. So, no 'brooms', no 'witches'. It's that easy. All the 'witches', trolls, and blood suckers work at CNN! Don'tcha just hate being criticized! Well, I do. Hate it! There should be an 'anti-critic' law to protect people like myself. Hardly anything they say turns out to be 'true', except maybe the bad stuff. But they dont have a 'right' to make me look worse than I make myself look. That's 'my' job! I'm good at it! Really, no lie!
Well, they had better watch out, especially when the elections come around, because I'm not gonna take it anymore. They don't realize how very powerful, and un-touchable, I really am when I switch to my real despotic, dictatorlike self.
Remember my 'biker gang' minions that did 'security' at my famous rallys? Remember how I've sucked up with pay raises to my Military 'friends', and the Nations police force, remember my 'white right' friends that marched in my name, remember those guys that tossed protesters at my rallys out on their ears?
Well, get this, "I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump. I have tough people, but they don't play it tough until they go to a certain point and then it would be very, very bad."
Yeah, see, I have these really "tough people", if you get my meaning here, that will do anything I subtly 'ask' of them. I call them 'sleeper minions'. I don't have to 'tell' them what to do because they can read my mind. I simply 'plant the seed', and the 'idea' grows. That's what a good despotic dictator does. It just goes without 'saying'. That way, I'm outta the 'loop', they do the "very bad" stuff, they take the fall, and I still look good. That's what good minions are for.
Remember, the Constitution was not made for 'me'. I'm way above that. The 'Rule of Law' does not dictate 'me', I dictate 'it'. I make my own rules and laws. They got nothin' on me. No audio, no video, no living witnesses. Can't prove nothin'! I'm whatcha might call, 'Invincible', 'Un-touchable', I'm the 'Don' of America. "You ain't seen nothing yet".'
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How deeply has President Trump taken our politics into the gutter? Joe…

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Will The 'Real' 'Candidate' Please Step Foreward

Kimmy, 'The Little Missile Guy', will be holding a 'Sharp Shooting' contest with 'ground to ground' missiles, where some of his closest family members, along with anyone who might even 'think' about opposing him in the upcoming 'democratic elections', will volunteer to have a Bible, signed by his BFF, Trump, 'The Crusader', pinned to their foreheads. Kimmy invites everyone who has not already starved to death to attend. A buffet of rice balls will follow the festivities.

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The rubberstamp election in North Korea saw a predictable result - but with…

Thursday, March 7, 2019

'Tim', What's His Name..

'What a real treat it was to sit right next to my longtime pal Tim...ah, Timmmmm….., ahhhh... Mr. Tim, as I always call him. Great guy! He makes really great stuff. Fascinating! Un-believable things...out of apples, I think. How does he do that?? Apples of all thing! What an inventor! I told him two years ago that he should invent some really good stuff, hire lots of out of work people, particularly republicans, 'just make something of yourself, you know, like I myself have done', I told him. And now just look at him, sitting here beside me, his only hero, copying the way I fold my arms in self defense in front of my manly chest. He wants to be just like me when he grows up. What a great copycat! Someday, if he keeps taking my business advice, he will be known far and wide, not as well as I, myself, am known of course, but lots of people will 'know' his name, and admire him just as much as I do. What a wonderful guy, my longtime friend and follower, Mr. "Tim Apple". What a guy!'

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His name is Tim Cook and he’s sitting right there

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

News Lies, Old Lies

He only knows to lie. To him, the actual 'truth' is a lie. He has no concept of truthfulness, the whole idea of 'truth' escapes his 'man-baby', infantile mind. THIS is his idea of being 'Presidential'. THIS is the person that the Republican party thought was going to "Make America Great Again", and yet, Trump, 'The Incompetent' has spent what time he is not out on a golfing excursion, deconstructing our America, which was pretty "Great" in the first place, piece by piece, trashing our Constitution, making a mockery of our Rule of Law, sucking up to other despotic, dictatorial creatures, causing havoc, around the world, and, well, being totally incompetent in general. This is not what our 'founding fathers' had in mind when they formed our Nation. And yet.....

At CPAC, President Trump made questionable and false claims about the fight against ISIS, tariffs and African American income. He also repeated a bevy of claims we’ve debunked before.
In a two-hour address to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2, President Donald Trump made questionable and false claims…


'SILK' a poem by BuddyBlack

A spiders web
Is never done,
Built at Night,...
And gone by Sun,
Catching, snaring,
Careless flys,
In spite of all
Those Compound eyes. ;)

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Researchers from MIT have discovered a new property of spider silk that could make it the robotic muscle of the future. The team found that not only…

So 'Profane'

This is Trump, 'The Profane', teaching American's how to be 'Presidential'. Actually, he 'is' exactly what he so profanely calls others.
Sad, lonely, insignificant, little 'man-baby', posturing as a World 'Leader'.

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President Donald Trump on Saturday attacked U.S. Special Counsel Robert…

'Hey, It Wasn't MY Fault, Really'

Well of course, when you are not really the master 'negotiator' that you claim to be, simply blame your lack thereof, on something else besides the fact that you met your match in another fat little despot. Trump, 'The Incompetent', wouldn't be able to negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag.

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Michael Cohen spent three days testifying on Capitol Hill last week, including one day of public hearings.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

'Pillow' Talk

'Pillow talk' is cheap, and Trumps 'Pillow' pal will last about as long as any other 'bunky' that has snuggled under the 'evangelical sheets' with Trump while he plays with his little 'tweeter'. How many other despotic-like 'leaders' were also "chosen by god", and who finally fell out of 'like' even with god himself. Trump, The Incompetent', and his 'reformed' 'Pillow' pal, are no exceptions, they too will fall. They both have 'closets' that they don't want anyone to shine a 'light' into. As Trump himself is so want to say, 'We'll see, we'll see".

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MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell declared that God had chosen President Trump to run for president to defeat Hillary Clinton at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday.

'Presidentially 'Profane'

This is Trump, 'The Profane', teaching American's how to be 'Presidential'. Actually, he 'is' exactly what he so profanely calls others.
Sad, lonely, insignificant, little 'man-baby', posturing as a World 'Leader'.

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President Donald Trump on Saturday attacked U.S. Special Counsel Robert…

Friday, March 1, 2019

Robot 'News Alert'!

'NEWS' ALERT! Breaking News, Breaking news!

This ' Breaking News Alert brought to you by your trusted 'news' source, 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews station).

  It has been reported by our indifatigable, johnny on the spot, 'News' reporter, BuddyBlack, of an incrediblely, unbelievable, robbery which has just occurred at the 'World Bank' in Somewhereville, USA!

  We take you now to the actual scene of the 'crime of the times', while this hard to believe robbery is still smoking hot.

'Buddy, what can you tell us about this horrific incident?'

Buddy; Well, I'm glad you ask Bob. If I hadn't seen this with my own corrected vision eyes, I would never have believed something like this could even happen Bob!
There I was, standing in line in the 'World Bank' right here in in the little nowhere burg of 'Somewhereville'. I was simply minding my own simple minded business, hoping I had enough money in my account for lunch down at 'CheapO's Cafe'. Bob, they have the best Vegi Burgers and fries you will have ever tasted! Boy, was I hungry! But like I said Bob, I was minding my own business, not bothering a soul, just checking out the cracks in the ceiling, waiting for my turn at the teller window. I usually use the drive thru but some guy was changing his tire there. Who does that!?
All of a sudden like, I hear this loud whirring sound behind me, the lights flickered off and on, cellphones started binking, and at that moment I noticed that my shoe was untied. Just as I bent over to re-tie it, out of the corner of my good eye, I see this huge, hulking, hulk of a robot-like thing come crashing through the lobby door. What an incredible sight Bob! This thing had a human-like figure but no facial feature to be seen! Little lights were blinking where it's eyes should have been! Clomp, clomp, clomp, went it's little metalic feet as it came across the lobby floor waving it's mechanical-like arms! Bob, it was a friggin' machine that was actually walking upright, up-right I tell you, and I recognized it right away as some sort of unsupervised, on the lam, Robot! In a shrill robot-like voice it was yelling for the Tellers to give it all their Harddrives, computor chips, memory cards, calculators, and looking around the lobby it yelled for everyone to give up their cell phones, hearing aids and heart monitors! I tried to run but I was standing on my un-tied shoelace, and couldn't remember which foot to raise so that I could make my escape! I wasn't about to give up my way overpriced cell phone so I put it where the sun don't shine! That Robot gobbled up every piece of electronic equipment that was tossed to it! My phone was binking off and on to no end, and was driving me bat butt crazy! And then, it looked around with those blinking eyes and said, 'Hey thanks a lot, I needed that'. And then like nobodys business it was outta there. I was able to snap one good pic of it as it lumbered, actually ran, away.
Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later Bob. Makes you wonder what in the world was this thing 'thinking'. And why so hungry? Is it homeless? Does it have a 'family' somewhere? Is this simply a case of a 'Robot gone haywire', or is this the beginning of 'The Robots that ate 'Somewhereville', and where will it strike next?
Well, Bob, I had six bucks in my account, so I'm headed for 'CheapO's', unless that rogue robot gets there first. Those young 'check-out' cashiers can't figure out how to give change with-out their electronic cash registers!
This was really exciting Bob, ya can't make this kind of stuff up if ya tried!
This is your ever ready, dependable 'news' guy, BuddyBlack, signing over, and out.
Be sure to tune in sometime in the unforseen future when we'll bring you more exciting, unbelievable 'news', probably as it happens.

About this website|By Andy McDonald