Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ooooo, The "Radical Left"!

'Yeah, first the "radical left" wants to 'impeach' your unbelievably honest President, and now hey want to change the name of your most favorite Thanksgiving holiday! I mean, who does that!? You got it folks, those disgusting "radical left' people who want to hear only the 'truth' from your beloved president. Can you 'believe that?? Can you? I mean, what the hell are they thinking!? Are they un-American, or what? Really folks, is this just bat crap crazy, or is it just 'me'? I know, I know, I feel the same as you my loving minions do, and I'm not gonna let them do this to you. If I allow this to happen, which I certainly won't, then the next thing they'll want to destroy is your Christmas. Can you imagine Macy's without a Christmas tree? No toys under your own tree? Someone else as your 'president'? Not gonna happen on 'my' watch!
But folks, I need your blind faith assistance to combat this "radical left' ideology of destroying your America. So, here's some snappy, made in China, hats that I bought with my very own money, and in exchange for your vote I'm gonna fling a bunch, or at least a few, of them into my adoring crowd of, by my own un-biased count, two million vote eligible souls. I only with that I could afford to buy a one fits all, red hat for each of you, but the "radical left' is also trying to garnish my presidential wages so I must watch my personal budget account.
So, remember to disregard anything you read in the "fake news" papers about me, including everything you might accidentally hear on the fake TV news shows, especially that disgusting CNN. There oughta be a 'law'!
Remember that 'I' am the only person in America that you can trust. Look deeeeep into my presidential eyes, listen to my voice. Everyone else are out and out liars. Remember, to totally disregard science, history, environmentalists, Federal Law Enforcement agencies, especially the corrupt FBI who has tried to conduct a Presidential "coupe". But we're winning folks, we're winning big. Trust in me as your "chosen one". Hey wouldn't it be cool if on our money along with the words, 'In God We Trust', the words 'In Trump We Trust' were there also? Who knows. We'll see. You never know. Maybe a coin struck with my handsome likeness? We'll see how that works out. Let me hear a great big 'shoutout' for me! Praise my holier than thou name! Kiss my godly arse! How am I doing folks? No, I mean, 'really' '.

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President Trump told supporters at a rally held in Sunrise, Fla., Tuesday that he wouldn’t allow the “radical left” to change the name of Thanksgiving.

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