Thursday, November 28, 2019

Rudy, The 'Joker'

'Rinnng, Rinnnng, Rinn hello?? Good morning Mr. President, this is your old, 'trustworthy' and faithful, forever pal, Rudy.
Trump:    Rudy???
Giuliani: Yeah, 'Rudy', you know, Rudy Giuliani, your very personal lawyer.
Trump:    Is this a crank call or something? What are you selling. How'd you get this number?
Giuliani:  Donnie boy, its me, your bosom buddy, friends forever, Rudy G.
Trump:    Rudy G., Rudy, Rudy?
Giuliani: Come on Donnie, knock it off already! Stop trying to scare me!
Trump:   Well, 'whoever' you are, how'd you get my private number?
Giuliani: Look Donnie boy, I'd like to apologize for that silly off the cuff things I said about having all those secret files about you in my safe deposit box as an , “insurance policy, if thrown under the bus". You know, the stuff I'd 'supposedly' release if you ever turned on me like you do all of your other so-called 'friends'. You know 'me', I'm really just one big 'joke', everyone knows that, and as you, yourself well know, I'm always cracking un-funny jokes. I'm a laugh a minute! Hey, did ya hear the one about the guy that got lost in his own bathroom? Ya gotta love a big joker, right Donnie boy? And next to you, I'm the biggest joker going at the moment.
Hey, hold the phone for a second Donnie boy, a great big 'bus' just parked in front of my house, and the driver wants me to help him check a vibration in the undercarriage. Just hold the phone while I go help this nice guy out. I 'promise I'll be right back pal. Love ya Donnie Boy.'
Trump:   'Click'....'

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President Donald Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, called the presi...

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ooooo, The "Radical Left"!

'Yeah, first the "radical left" wants to 'impeach' your unbelievably honest President, and now hey want to change the name of your most favorite Thanksgiving holiday! I mean, who does that!? You got it folks, those disgusting "radical left' people who want to hear only the 'truth' from your beloved president. Can you 'believe that?? Can you? I mean, what the hell are they thinking!? Are they un-American, or what? Really folks, is this just bat crap crazy, or is it just 'me'? I know, I know, I feel the same as you my loving minions do, and I'm not gonna let them do this to you. If I allow this to happen, which I certainly won't, then the next thing they'll want to destroy is your Christmas. Can you imagine Macy's without a Christmas tree? No toys under your own tree? Someone else as your 'president'? Not gonna happen on 'my' watch!
But folks, I need your blind faith assistance to combat this "radical left' ideology of destroying your America. So, here's some snappy, made in China, hats that I bought with my very own money, and in exchange for your vote I'm gonna fling a bunch, or at least a few, of them into my adoring crowd of, by my own un-biased count, two million vote eligible souls. I only with that I could afford to buy a one fits all, red hat for each of you, but the "radical left' is also trying to garnish my presidential wages so I must watch my personal budget account.
So, remember to disregard anything you read in the "fake news" papers about me, including everything you might accidentally hear on the fake TV news shows, especially that disgusting CNN. There oughta be a 'law'!
Remember that 'I' am the only person in America that you can trust. Look deeeeep into my presidential eyes, listen to my voice. Everyone else are out and out liars. Remember, to totally disregard science, history, environmentalists, Federal Law Enforcement agencies, especially the corrupt FBI who has tried to conduct a Presidential "coupe". But we're winning folks, we're winning big. Trust in me as your "chosen one". Hey wouldn't it be cool if on our money along with the words, 'In God We Trust', the words 'In Trump We Trust' were there also? Who knows. We'll see. You never know. Maybe a coin struck with my handsome likeness? We'll see how that works out. Let me hear a great big 'shoutout' for me! Praise my holier than thou name! Kiss my godly arse! How am I doing folks? No, I mean, 'really' '.

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President Trump told supporters at a rally held in Sunrise, Fla., Tuesday that he wouldn’t allow the “radical left” to change the name of Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 25, 2019

"Presidents are not kings"

On the bright side, this is great news, however, on the dark side even if he looses the obvious 'appeal' process, and eventually drags his entitled arse into the hot seat, he, like the 'good' minion he has proven to be, will simply follow his 'Kings' illegal orders, and refuse to answer questions. Bu at least Trump, 'The Incompetent', has been put on notice that 'his' word is not always taken as the 'last' word, and that his self imagined power is not finite.


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A federal judge decided Monday that President Donald Trump's former White House counsel Don McGahn must testify to the House of Representatives in its impeachment probe, marking the first major ruling about House witness testimony during the Trump administration.

What Next??

Off With His Unruly Head, Cried The 'King'

The 'King', the 'Dictator-In-Waiting' has subtly 'spoken' through the vocal cords of a 'yes man', the very words that destroys many a political life, "You're fired". And our Navy Secretary goes down without as much as a whimper of protestation. Trump, 'The Incompetent-In-Chief', has waved his made in China, fake gold plated scepter, calling for Defense Secretary Mark Esper to show proof of his blind obedience to his master, and have Spencer's head to be brought before his teetering throne. The self proclaimed 'King' of America looked down upon his unruly ex-minions head and yelled at the very top of his entitled voice, 'Oh, by the way, did I mention that "You're Fired"!!!?
And so, another human soul that erringly stepped in the shadow of Trump, 'The Terrible', finds his life turned up-side down, in-side out, and out of his head,... and his job.
Just another Trump-made distraction that he hopes will take some of the spotlight away from his also, Trump-made, troubles.

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In an extraordinary move, the Pentagon chief "fired" the Navy secretary Sunday for going outside his chain of command by proposing a "secret agreement with the White House," according to a senior defense official.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lessons Learned, Lessons Forgotton

by Buddy Black, 2007

Ashes were falling
Like winter snow,
Yet people who saw it
Claimed not to know,
That what they were seeing
Was Human Snow.
And the boxcars came
And the boxcars went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent,
To stoke his evil fires of hell.
Then thousands,
Then millions to come,
God only knows
The horrible sum.
And the bands played on
As the plan played out,
How could any one person
Now have a doubt,
What this killing machine was all about.
Women and children
And babies all,
Young men, old men
Big and small.
Their screams and pleas
Fell on the devils mute ears.
And no one cared
To see their tears,
As The SS came in the middle of the night
To complete their deed
Before the break of light.
Time was more valuable
Than these wretched souls
Because the Final Solution
Was their driving goal.
Individual, common men
With a common goal.
Each man conspired,
And each shared the role
Of tormentor, of killer,
Of human souls.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went
Having disgorged the souls
The devil sent.
Separated by gender,
Young and old.
In line they waited
In the freezing cold
While the SS stripped them
Of clothing, and gold.
Dogs and whips
Forced the soon dead foreword,
And they all knew by now
It was death they marched toward.
An SS doctor at the head of the line
Paid particular attention
To the old, the sick
And the dyin’.
And with the flick of a wrist
He sealed their doom
And sent them off
To the killing rooms.
Auschwitz, Belzec, Dachau, Majdanek,
And Treblinka, death camps,
Work camps,
It mattered not which,
For their fate was sealed
As they faced their doom,
And were herded like sheep
Into the killing rooms.
But, by gas or by lead
It mattered not now,
For at the point of a gun
They had no choice
As To when or to how,
It was simply a matter of time
They all would be dead.
This conspiracy of death
Passed down from the top
Like a snowball to hell
Near impossible to stop.
It soaked up the Jews,
And the gypsies all,
The sick and the well,
The young and the old
The big and the small.
Through the heat of the summer,
And winters biting stark cold,
Mothers now knew
That their babes
Would never grow old.
And the boxcars came
And empty they went
And soon the population
Was nearly all spent.
One million, Two million, Three million,
Four, Five million, Six million,
How many more!
The devil himself and all of his men
Could never put the world
Together again.
His bookkeepers and ledger men,
His SS and police,
Engineers and oilers,
And all who stood by
Then tried to think of a suitable lie,
Like ‘following orders was all that I did,
How was I to know,
What the devil had bid’.
But the world, and they all
Share this terrible guilt
For they each are a stitch
In this patch-work quilt
Woven with millions of human Souls.
And while ashes were
Like winter snow,
The devil’s men
Were stoking the fires of hell
With ordinary people,
Hoping the world would never know,
That what they were seeing
Was human snow.   :/

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Liliana Segre, 89, is assigned two police officers in Italy after hundreds of…

Waaaaa! "Voter-Fraud"

'I, still 'officially', the esteemed, and well loved and respected, Governor of the learned State of Kentucky, refuse to accept the 'vote of the people'! I refuse to allow this sort of democracy in my godly realm!
My BFF-FWB, Trump, 'The Conspiracy Monger', 'tells' me that Hillary Clinton is most certainly behind this 'strange' voter outcome. How is it possible that someone, such as myself, so dearly beloved, and highly respected by his subjects, can be kicked out of office by illegal "voter-fraud", right here in America!?? According to 'reliable' sources, in Washington, It would 'appear' that she has hired nearly six million illegal aliens, 'Mexicans' no doubt, to cast fake votes against me. It's just unbelievable what 'some' people will do in order to win. I would 'never' lower myself to such fakery. The Supreme Court will hear about this, and I will be vindicated! Really! I will!
But I, like my BFF will not stand for this sort of "voter-fraud" in otherwise, 'honest' politics! I, like my BFF have 'never' done anything even close to this sort of deceit. As everyone knows, I'm a true blue, red blooded, white christian, god fearing American 'patriot', and my BFF in his White House castle will back me to the 'end' in my quest to identify every single one of these illegal 'voters' that have made both my BFF and I, look really, really, bad. I mean, who does that?? Besides, that's 'our' job.
I have, numerous times actually, called my BFF this morning to tell him how sorry I am that I failed to win, via "voter-fraud", but I keep getting a busy signal. I'm sure he's busy looking for ways to save me from myself, and will no doubt visit me in a day or two for a great big 'bro' hug. I really love that guy, and I'm pretty sure that he still loves me too, otherwise, why would he have came all the way to Kentucky the other day to stump just for 'me', his favorite junior BFF.'

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Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin voiced concerns Wednesday night that voter fraud may have played a role in the state’s gubernatorial election – after an unofficial count placed the incumbent about 5,000 votes behind his Democratic challenger.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Invade Mexico, Invade Mexico!

Trump, 'The Wanna-be Dictator', is emboldened by his Turkey BFF-FWB, and simply wants to copycat the invasion of Syria by invading Mexico under the guise of protecting America. He also would use this threat as just another 'Trumpstraction' to pull eyes away from his own trials and tribulations that threaten to consume himself and his presidency. A sad little man-baby pooping in his own pull-ups.


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Donald Trump has suggested sending the US Army over the border into Mexico to “wage WAR” on drug cartels.The US president said his country stood “ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively”.

Waaaa! "You can't let that happen to me!"

'Kentuckians, now that I have saved your beautiful coal bearing , poverty stricken state from yourselves, it's time for you to pay me back with some good ol' mind numbing votes. "Here's the story," "If you win, they are going to make it like, ho hum. And if you lose, they are going to say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world. You can't let that happen to me!" So you see, if I win, you win another four years of my wonderful self. Just look at all I've done to...err..I mean 'for' you.
By the way, how do you like my little 'tariff war' so far? Remember, only the "bad guys" get hurt in a tariff war. Any "bad guys" in the audience? See?? You're all "good guys", and don'tcha just love'em. Oh please, oh please, oh please, I hate losing, don't let that happen to your favorite president! "You can't let that happen to me!" Waaaaa!Waaaaa! You know how I hate to lose. Actually, I never lose. I'm a winner. I always win at every thing. Huge numbers! But hey, that's just me. I know that all of you wish you could be more like myself, but you can't be, there's only one 'me'. But boy, just imagine if there were a whole bunch of 'me', and I'd be in charge of all of them!
So, I'm counting on your total ignorance of politics, your sad lack of morals, your tunnel versioned absence of ethics, and your willingness to be my favorite minions and lemmings. When you're standing in that ballot box to vote for my clone, your backwoods Republican governor, just imagine for one little second that you actually 'are' me, and just do what I'd do. I promise I'll make coal 'king' again. Really. I will even if I have to destroy your very last breathe of clean air, and your last gulp of precious clean water. But that's just me. That's why you'll also vote for me in 2020.'

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The president hit the campaign trail ahead of key races on Tuesday in which he's invested his political clout.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Un-Touched By Human Evolution

This pathetic clutch of 'Southern Pride' morons is living proof that acute stupidity is a 'communicable' disease that even 'Natural Selection' cannot cure. These ignorant buffoons have been by-passed, and unaffected by human 'Evolution', leaving them still crawling around in the slime of their forbearers hate. These are the same mentally deficient social rejects, from whom their hero, Trump, 'The Incompetent', depends upon for votes. This community should be so very 'proud' to call them their neighbors.

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Surveillance video captures the moment white nationalists try to film a video in front of a new bulletproof Emmett Till memorial but set off alarms instead.

'Fire'? What Fire?

Trump, 'The Republicans Fiddler', Tweets while California burns.

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'You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation,' state's governor tells Trump

Sunday, November 3, 2019

California Needs "Fire Stoppers"

'It has come to my 'presidential' attention that rumors have it that there are a few small 'brush' fires in California that Gov. 'Do Nothing' Gavin Newsom, does not know how to extinguish. Can you believe that?? It was only last year that I gave him very, very, beautiful, absolutely perfect instructions of how to prevent wildfires. And now look! Did he pay any attention to my 'knowledgeable', 'learned', instructions? Obviously not! As I remember it, I instructed him to issue... yard rakes to every resident of his sorry state and have them rake the floors of every forest in California. Absolutely filthy forest floors! Unacceptable! And was that so tough? Was it?? But no, Mr. 'Do Nothing' totally ignored my very intelligent instructions that could have prevented every one of these little brush fires that have occurred this year!
“The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must ‘clean’ his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers". I bet he doesn't even know what a "fire stopper" is! Beside, "You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states... But our teams are working well together in putting these massive, and many, fires out. Great firefighters!" And now, he's begging for more federal funds to fix something that he has caused all by himself! Well, 'news alert' surfer boy, no more money for you. I really don't care if your sorry state burns to a crisp! In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'll help it do just that very thing by cutting off your supply of federal Fire Fighting funds!
But hey, that's just me, myself, and I, being very perfectly 'presidential'. And that's why 'I'm' President, and he's not.'

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'You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation,' state's governor tells Trump

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Deafening Sound Of 'Silence'

Waiting for Trump, 'The Despot Dictator Lover', to praise his BFF-FWB, Putin, for being such a 'great' leader, and how his subjects just love the hell out of him, especially now that they are totally cut off from the rest of the world. This is 'isolationism' at its best...well, actually, 'worst', something that Trump would probably love to get away with here in America.
And of course, we'll never know for certain how the Russians in general will take this latest snipping of the Internet and Ethernet cord, because, well, it's like, if a tree falls in the forest and the only person who saw it can't report it, did it really fall? Wait!!!! Listen!! Hear that!?? Oh never mind, it's just the deafening sound of 'silence'.


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The new law greatly expands Russia's grip on its citizens' Internet content. Rights groups are highly critical, and Internet experts say it could be difficult to actually implement.