Friday, July 29, 2016

Trumps 'Hit' List

'Grrrrrrr...Did you hear what those childish, crybaby, loaded diaper, Democrats said about me last night? Did You!? Hey, I'm Talking to you! Lsten up when I speak! I'm your next President! But really, did you hear them? How dare they talk about Me! I don't talk 'bad' about Them! Don't do it. Never did! But when my back is turned they really let me have it! "..I don't like what they're saying because a lot of it is lies. Not all of it but a lot of it is..". Stupid liars! Makes me Soooo Mad! I'm angry! I just can't control my anger at All! I really want to make them sorry! And they Will be! I want to hit one of'em! "I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy,... I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened." And when I say the word "hit", you better believe that I'm not talking about 'talking' bad about him, you Know exactly what I mean! 'Hit', look it up folks! Yeah, that's the way I deal with these 'Little' people who say bad things about me, and it doesn't matter if what they Say just happens to be True or not. I really like bullying the 'little guy'. Usually they don't have enough money to sue me so it's a cakewalk! I have taught stupid female reporters what it's like to tangle with me, and Sooner or later these badmouthing Democrats will taste my revenge. Especially when I'm elected President. They'll have no place to run and hide Then! This one guy "came out of nowhere....He made deals with me. 'Will you help me with this? Would you make this deal and solve the problem?' I solved the problem," and Now look at him. Just look! Disgusting! I hate beggars but I won't hate it when he's begging me to stop pounding him into dust! And I won't be doing It with 'Words' either! Of all my 'redeeming' qualities, my sense of Anger and Lack of self control are right there at the top! Of course I can't do anything right now "But every once in a while I still wake up, I say 'boy, I wanna, someday". That's right, I don't forget, and I don't forgive, it's just the angry little filthy rich, fairhaired, spoiled rotten, bully boy in me that never went away. I promise that when I'm elected President and Commander In Chief, that all the sniviling world 'leaders' out there had better mind their 'P's and Q's' when they are dealing with Me! I don't need 'friends', never had any, never will! And if they say mean things about Me, they will be Sorry Forever! Especially those jelly backboned NATO countries! All the time! Sorry! You see, this is why I'm incredibly suited to be the President of the United States of America. You ain't seen Nothing yet, Nothing. Nothing! This is just a drop in the bucket! I'm stronger than Anyone out there, I'm not afraid of Anyone, I can make peope Cry like little babies, I can even make people pee all over themselves. When I'm President, I'm gonna issue a Pee-Pot to everyone in the white House, The Senate, The Congress, Everyone gets one, and they'll have to carry it around with them everywhere they go just in case they run into Me! Me! Me! It's all about ME! I'm not gonna change, no matter what people may wis or think! This is ME, the real deal! Me! I Never change for the 'better'. This is what you Get when you 'get' me. Me! Everyone will fear me, the whole World will tremble in their boots at the mention of my wonderful name, and come crawling on their hands and knees to kiss my hand, just like I'm the Pope, just a meaner version of course. This is how I make 'friends' and influence ememies. This is what ignorant people want in their President, Not some weak-kneed, crybaby, lying, Female who can't even find all her Emails!
So remember to get out there and vote fo me, because if you don't, I won't forget it! You don't want to be on my 'to get 'hit' list'!
Remember, a wasted Vote is a Vote you'll have to live with for the next FOUR, long, miserable, and seemingly never ending years. :/ :/



Trump says he would like to 'hit' DNC speakers who disparaged him

  • At a rally in Iowa, Trump said he wanted to 'hit' some DNC speakers who criticized him
  • The four-day Democratic Convention has featured a series of speakers attacking the GOP nominee
Davenport, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump, after hearing speeches at the Democratic convention this week, said Thursday he wanted to "hit a number of those speakers so hard, their heads would spin."
"They'd never recover," he said.
Trump often uses the term "hit" to mean verbally attack, rather than physical contact.
The Republican nominee zoomed in on one speaker especially, though he didn't mention his name.
"I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy," Trump said to laughs at a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa. "I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened."
Trump said this individual "came out of nowhere" and had done work with Trump in the past. "He made deals with me. 'Will you help me with this? Would you make this deal and solve the problem?' I solved the problem," Trump said.
His campaign did not respond to a request asking to clarify who Trump was talking about.
Several speakers this week have gone after Trump in Philadelphia, including Michael Bloomberg. The former New York City mayor made a surprise endorsement over the weekend for Hillary Clinton, and described Trump in his DNC speech Wednesday night as a "dangerous demagogue."
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine also targeted Trump, mocking the businessman's tendency to accentuate his promises with a plea of "believe me."
"He said a lot of things about me, I never met the guy," Trump said. "I mean the things that were said about me. I mean, should I go through some of the names?"
Trump recalled telling a friend this week that he wanted to retaliate against the people who slammed him at the convention, mentioning current New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio by name.
"I was going to say that de Blasio is the worst mayor in the history of the city, but I didn't say it," Trump said to laughs. "He's a terrible mayor. I was going to say that, but now I won't say it."
Trump said his friend, who he labeled a "very great governor," urged him to stay focused on attacking Clinton, not other Democrats.
"He said, 'Don't hit there. Don't hit down. You have one person to beat. It's Hillary Rodham Clinton,'" Trump recalled, adding that he initially objected to the advice. "I said, 'But I really want to. I don't like what they're saying because a lot of it is lies. Not all of it but a lot of it is.' I said, 'I just really ... it makes me feel good.' "
Ultimately, he said, he conceded and decided not to launch into verbal assaults against the Democrats.
"But every once in a while I still wake up, I say 'boy, I wanna,'" Trump said, growling as he stopped himself from saying more. "Someday!"

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