Saturday, July 16, 2016

So Little Time, So Little Time!

WTH is going On!?
    I Knew this was gonna happen some day but I had no idea that it was coming so soon! They could'ave at Least given us a little more heads up on such an important event that will probably affect a lot of people. I bet Somebody has been sitting on this info and just clean forgot to let us know in a timely fashion. Busy busy! Must get busy. So much to do! I have a doctors appointment on the 30th, must reschedule. Dentist appointment for cleaning in September, must call and see if they can see me before the 29th :0  . Must reschedule for an earlier date. My auto inspection is due at the end of July. Must re-schedule for early that week, If they will even Let me! There's always Such long lines at the end of the month anyway and Now the line will be miles long! Darn it! Make sure my tank is full! My farrior is scheduled for August 4th, looks like he's gonna have to come a week early but it's gonna be tough to re-schedule because he's busy as a one armed paper hanger. Who woulda thought that the end of the world could cause such a headache! I was gonna go fishing the first weekend of August, looks like they will see me a little sooner. Gotta get a haircut. My truck needs a wax job. Must mow the lawn. Luckily I already have my barn full of hay for the coming winter. I've been putting off painting the barn, must go to HD for some barn paint. Blueberries need picking, washed and frozen. So much to do! So little time. Busy, busy, busy..... :/ :/


End Time Prophesy: World Will End On July 29 (Video)

End Of World
A theory that the world will end on July 29, 2016 has captured the imaginations of many (video below).
Conspiracy theorists from End Times Prophecies released an online video claiming the apocalypse will occur soon, with Jesus Christ resurrecting.
"This is Armageddon News,” they said. “In this broadcast we’ll discuss the second coming of Jesus Christ, which occurs at the same time as a magnetic polar flip and catastrophic global earthquake."
The channel uses Bible verses to describe the end that’s approaching.
"Revelations 6:12 says, 'There was a violent earthquake, and the Sun became black like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely,'” they recite, adding that there will be violent earthquakes.
It’s not the first time conspiracy theorists have frightened many by claiming the world will end soon, reports.
One of the earliest predictions likely came from Montanus in the second century, who claimed Jesus was coming back soon.
Centuries later in the 1800s, religious leader William Miller would also predict Jesus’ return, claiming the world would end in 1843. He attracted more than 100,000 followers, many of whom were disappointed when they did not ascend to heaven that year.
“I waited all Tuesday, and dear Jesus did not come ... I lay prostrate for 2 days without any pain -- sick with disappointment,” said Henry Emmons, a follower of Miller's.
Experts explain there a variety of psychological and sociological reasons why people love predicting the end of the world, New Scientist reports.
For some, it helps them explain the often mysterious world around them and offers hope.
"Within its limitations, apocalypticism is very rational. It's a world view that explains time, space, and human existence. It's not science -- it's not universal or repeatable -- but it does explain things,” said Lorenzo DiTommaso, associate professor of religion at Concordia University in Canada.
Not everybody who enjoys interpreting prophecies fits the stereotype of crazy or unintelligent.
"They tend to be quite intelligent compared with the general population but they are looking for answers for how life is the way it is, and whether there is a purpose,” added DiTommaso. “Envisioning a better time past the evils of the world provides a very powerful way of understanding the world and all its problems."

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