Friday, July 22, 2016

Melania 'Pledges'


This breaking 'News' brought to you by that little 'News' station that could, Station 'BBSN' (BuddyBlacksSatiricalNews) that just keeps on churning out tidbits of low fat, no calorie, high 'fiber' 'news' for those of you on a 'special news' diet.
As luck would have it, our bottom feeding news guy BuddyBlack (BB) was in attendance at the Republican Convention last night where the 'First Lady In Begging', Melania Trump (MT), gave her very 'own' speech, albeit not a little it seemed, in a questionably plagairized form. As we know, nothing escapes the scrutiny of our fearless 'reporter' who never passes up an oppurtunity to 'dumpster dive', even when the ultra rich and famous get there first. Amazingly, Buddy was able to garner a short but sweet 'interview' with the 'Lady In Begging' Trump, who surprisingly is actually campaigning for Mr.Trump .
So let's all put aside our 'WTH Is Pokiman' game, put the kids to sleep, and see how the 'other side' thinks, and why in the world they think it in the first place.

BB: Hmmm..not sure how to address you..'Your Nearly Royal Highness'..The Esteemed First Lady In Waiting'..may I just call you Mel, Mel?
MT: Please just bypass the 'formal' handles and just call me Mrs. Donald Trump.
BB: Say, that was Some 'speech' you gave us tonight. Right from the heart. You really had the crowd on the edge of their skivvies with That one. It seemed to have taken the very collective breath out of the conventioneers. It's sure to be bantered around for some time to come. 'Wrote' that 'yourself' did you?
MT: Oh yes, I did, but I think I had a 'little' help with it, there were so Many words in it you know. I don't usually talk a lot, especially in front of So many noisy, rude, pathatically poor people. Could you hear me alright? Did my beautiful foriegn accented voice carry well? Could you see my big puffy sleeves? Could you tell that I have my own spa, and spend lots and lots of delicious money to keep looking much younger than Mr.Trump. Don't you think My hair is much prettier than you know Who's? Have you ever rode in one of his giant airplanes? Why are we in this smelly dumpster? I think I have Poo on my six thousand dollar shoes!
BB: Yes, I think it's safe to say that, indeed, you certainly Have stepped in a bit of 'poo', and I would venture to guess that this will Not be the last time.
MT: Oh yes, I really must be more careful where I place my lovely entitled feet.
BB: Do you know, or remember, who the current First Lady of America is? You Know, like Right Now?
MT: Ohhh Yes! She's the Presidents wife! Everyone knows That!
BB: Looks like we've ventured off into another virtual reality world here. Lets get back to your little 'speech'. Do you know what 'Plagiarism' is?
MT: Oh Sure! That's an Easy one, thanks for asking easy questions. 'Plagiarism', I do this all the time, and I think that all Americans should do it at least once a day where we pledge something and really Mean it, and actually follow through with it. When I was much younger than I am now, not that I'm anywhere Near older than I look, which as you can see is Not very old at All, in fact I still have some of my baby fat if That tells you anything, but anyway, when I was a Little younger I wrote something that I think every American should read and remember all their lives.
BB: Hmmm...alright, I'll bite. Please tell us what 'you' wrote.
MT: I thought you'd Never ask. Ok, it goes something like this, and now remember, I wrote this when I was younger but right off the top of my beautiful head it goes something like this; I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it...
BB: Whoaaa! Wow! That has a particular ring to it. But you know, I think you should run with this one. The next time you 'speak' for Mr.Trump, as you call him, you should proclaim This little ditty as your Own for all Americans to hear, and I think I can safely say without exaggeration that No one will Ever forget the moment. Again, you have proven yourself to be quite the copy master, a wordsmith, a, well...actually I'm, unlike yourself, at a loss for words here.
MT: I'm glad you like it, I can't believe that after all these Very Few years, remember, I'm not very older than I was young when I wrote it, that I remembered all the words to it.
BB: So to recap, the 'speech' you recited in praise of Mr.trump, was written by you, yourself and the words were your 'own'?
MT: Well...yes..but I Did have a little bit of help from our incredibly talented and overpaid speech writers. They write all of Mr.Trumps earth shattering speeches you know.
BB: Well, looks like our dumpster dive meter has expired and I see no need to waste another dime on this one. Thanks for pouring your gold plated heart out for us, and allowing our readers to see past the sparkle and glitter of your 'made for TV' reality show facade.
And once again our intrepid 'reporter' BuddBlack has taken us on another thrill induced ride into the cluttered and odiferous world of 'dumpster diving' and of the inhabitants lurking there. Join us again in the near future when breaking 'news' beckons us back to our compfy chairs by the fireplace as we bring you the 'news' barely fit to print, and just barely fit to read. ;)  ;)



No one to be fired after Melania Trump speech plagiarism episode

  • Melania Trump was the main speaker at the Republican National Convention Monday
  • Parts of Melania Trump's speech bear similarities to a similar speech given by Michelle Obama in 2008
(CNN)Donald Trump's presidential campaign doesn't plan to fire anybody or to take disciplinary action over the controversy surrounding Melania Trump's plagiarism of Michelle Obama, CNN learned Tuesday.
Trump's campaign hopes to simply move on without further addressing questions about the speech.
    Aides to the presumptive Republican nominee are scrambling to move past the imbroglio after a passage in Melania Trump's speech Monday night, which headlined the Republican National Convention's opening night, closely mirrored a portion of Michelle Obama's address to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
    It's set off infighting and finger-pointing within Trump's campaign, and two sources told CNN that Donald Trump himself is furious about it.
    Trump's aides chalked the controversy up to media bias and blamed Hillary Clinton's campaign -- even though the apparent plagiarism was discovered by an independent journalist and had gone viral before Clinton's allies and Democrats even weighed in.
    In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day," campaign chairman Paul Manafort denied the allegations of plagiarism.
    "To think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd," Manafort said.
    Side-by-side of Melania Trump, Michelle Obama speeches


      Side-by-side of Melania Trump, Michelle Obama speeches

    Side-by-side of Melania Trump, Michelle Obama speeches 01:42
    Manafort said the words Melania used were not "cribbed" but are common words.
    "There's no cribbing of Michelle Obama's speech. These were common words and values. She cares about her family," Manafort said. "To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy."
    Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee's chief strategist, invoked "My Little Pony" in defending the speech in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
    "Melania Trump said, 'the strength of your dreams and willingness to work for them.' Twilight Sparkle from 'My Little Pony' said, 'This is your dream. Anything you can do in your dreams, you can do now,' " Spicer said.
    He also compared passages of Trump's speech with phrases from musicians John Legend and Kid Rock.
    "I mean if we want to take a bunch of phrases and run them through a Google and say, 'Hey, who else has said them,' I can do that in five minutes," Spicer said. "And that's what this is."
    However, Trump's campaign faced criticism even from allies, who largely blamed staffers -- not Melania Trump.

    Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Tuesday that whoever is responsible for writing the should be fired.
    "Whoever was the staff person who wrote this speech should be held accountable and should be fired," Lewandowski told CNN's John Berman and Kate Bolduan.
    Lewandowski, who is a CNN contributor, was fired from the Trump campaign last month.
    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said at a Bloomberg Politics event Tuesday morning he'd "probably" fire whoever was responsible for including plagiarized quotes, though he added: "It all kinda depends on the circumstances and how these things are written."
    The controversy quickly overshadowed the speech, which was to have been her introduction to voters. It focused on her immigration to the United States and her love for her husband.
    The Trump campaign released a statement on the speech after the similarities were uncovered, but it did not mention the plagiarism charge.
    "In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania's immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success," according to Jason Miller, the senior communications adviser.
    New Jersey governor and Donald Trump ally Chris Christie defended the speech, saying, "There's no way that Melania Trump was plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech."
    "I just don't see it," Christie told CNN's Jamie Gangel in an interview Tuesday, adding later, "If we're talking about 7% of a speech, that was really, universally considered to be a good performance by Melania. I know her. There's no way that Melania Trump was plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech."

    Who wrote the speech?

    Side-by-side comparisons of the transcripts show the text in Trump's address following, nearly to the word, the would-be future first lady's own from the first night of the Democratic convention in Denver nearly eight years ago.
    There were a lot of questions about who wrote the speech -- but little clarity.
    Sources familiar with the campaign's handling of Melania Trump's speech identify top Manafort deputy Rick Gates as the person inside the campaign who oversaw the entire speech process for Melania Trump.
    Gates is denying he oversaw the process of putting together the speech.
    When CNN's Jim Acosta asked Gates if he oversaw the Melania Trump speech process, he said "absolutely not."
    Miller also denied Gates' involvement.
    "Rick's not a speechwriter and he doesn't have a role in the campaign's speechwriting process -- we have other people for that," he said. "Anybody saying differently is being intentionally misleading."

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